Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 05/08/2021

The six priorities of the renewed EAfA

In July 2021, we mark one year since Commissioner Nicolas Schmit launched the renewed European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA), giving new impetus to the EU commitment towards apprenticeships and setting out six ambitious priorities.

The renewed EAFA’s six priorities were first established in the Youth Employment Support package of 1 July 2020. They were a synthesis of inputs from different EU documents and policies, the first and foremost of which being the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships.

Below you can learn about the renewed EAfA’s six priorities. You can also read more about each priority in EAfA’s 2020−2021 action plan.

Priority 1: Committing to quality and effective apprenticeships, and encouraging Member States and companies to do likewise, by fostering national apprenticeship coalitions

National coalitions are a tool for building a workforce that is future-ready. The renewed Alliance will encourage Member States to foster national apprenticeship coalitions of broad partnership of stakeholders, including social partners.

Priority 2: Incentivising support to SMEs in providing a stable supply of quality and effective apprenticeships

Because of COVID-19, many small and medium-sized enterprises are no longer able to accept candidates because of a lack of resources and activity. In response, some Member States have already called upon employers to step up their efforts in preserving apprenticeship offers.

Priority 3: Mobilising local and regional authorities as catalysts for apprenticeships within the local business environment

Local and regional authorities play a central role in fostering and implementing apprenticeships. Their importance has been stressed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent need for prompt and concrete answers to short- and long-term needs.

Priority 4: Strengthening social dialogue through a more active involvement of national social partner organisations

Promoting youth employment requires strong cooperation with social partners. European social partners have been involved in the Alliance since the launch event in 2013. They have contributed to the success of the Alliance by making valuable contributions in almost all meetings.

Priority 5: Proactively engaging European sectoral social dialogue committees in apprenticeships, with a view to agree on joint sectoral pledges

The renewed EAfA will, in particular, engage sectors contributing to a circular economy, the blue economy, sustainable building construction and renovation, agriculture, smart mobility, and energy.

Priority 6: Supporting the representation of apprentices in Member States by relaunching the European Apprentices Network

The European Apprentices Network (EAN) was established in April 2017. It is a network of apprentices, youth organisations and other bodies related to apprenticeships at the European level. EAN aims to ensure that young apprentices, both in secondary and third-level education, are shaping the discussion and policymaking related to VET, in particular for apprenticeships. EAN is a key interlocutor with the European Commission and plays an active role withing EAfA by supporting its activities and sharing its views during live events.

The renewed EAfA will also continue to address important horizontal issues such as gender, social inclusion, health and safety, and internationalisation of vocational education and training. Given the transversal nature of these topics, they will be integrated and considered in the EAfA activities linked to the six main priorities.

View the priorities as an infographic here.

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