Ministry of Social affairs and Employment

All information on rights and obligations can be found on this central website.

If you cannot find the answer to your question on this website, please fill in the contact form.

Other bodies acting as Contact Points

The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights

College Rechten voor de Mens

Postbus 16001, 3500 DA Utrecht

+31 30 888 38 88

Kleinesingel 1-3, 3572 CG Utrecht

Key competences: the Institute explains, monitors and protects human rights, promotes respect for human rights (including equal treatment) in practice, policy and legislation, and increases the awareness of human rights in the Netherlands 


The Legal Desk

Juridisch loket

Key competences: 30 offices give assistance on legal questions free of charge


Nationale Ombudsman

Tel +31 70 356 35 63

Postbus 93122, 2509 AC Den Haag

Bezuidenhoutseweg 151, 2594 AG Den Haag

Key competences: the Institution is by law empowered to scrutinize the manner in which public sector authorities fulfil their statutory responsibilities


Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie

PO Box 90801, 2509 LV Den Haag

Tel 0800 - 5151 (when calling from the Netherlands)
Tel +31 70 - 333 56 72 (when calling from abroad)

Key competences: Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie works for fair, healthy and safe working conditions and socio-economic security



Key competences: each municipality is required by law to set up an accessible, independent facility where citizens can lodge complaints about discrimination