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ESF+ Cantabria

Programme description

The ESF+ regional programme in Cantabria will strengthen employment opportunities and reinforce social inclusion for vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, older people living in remote areas, and children with special needs.

Fostering entrepreneurship and access to employment

ESF+ measures include incentives for employers to hire people facing difficulties entering the labour market, including long-term unemployed people, women above 45 years and young people. The programme actively promotes full-time, permanent employment, offering incentives for employers to turn temporary contracts into open-ended contracts. ESF+ funding will also support entrepreneurship among younger people and the social economy in general, by providing start-up funding and guidance for new business projects.

Promoting social inclusion and social innovation

The programme allocates funds to special employment centres providing training and integrated pathways for people at risk of social exclusion. This includes vulnerable groups such as women who have experienced domestic violence, isolated or older people, and the homeless. Specialised support centres will offer dedicated assistance, featuring tailored support, information services, increased access to psychosocial counselling, personal supervision, maintenance, and housing services.

ESF+ funding will also support the establishment of in-home care services, aimed at preventing institutionalisation for those with long-term health issues. Additionally, it will facilitate the hiring of more social care professionals and promote on-site care at the homes of dependent individuals, enhancing their autonomy. Financial support will be extended to projects improving the skills and employability of extremely vulnerable young people who have experienced isolation or recently left the public protection system.

Child Guarantee

The programme will implement the EU Child Guarantee by supporting the creation of early-childhood education places, including new innovative classrooms for children with special needs. Resources will be directed towards improving mental health services for vulnerable children, along with the expansion of counselling and protection services for victims of abuse or ill-treatment.

Expected impacts

More than 27 500 participants will benefit from the programme, including:

  • More than 15 500 people from vulnerable groups, such as long-term unemployed, persons with disabilities and people that belong to minorities
  • 5000 people from rural areas;
  • More than 3800 children.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ESF+ 37.620.239,00 21.664.073,00 59.284.312,00
Total 37.620.239,00 21.664.073,00 59.284.312,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Social Europe

Access to employment and activation measures for all

Intergration of marginalised communities such as Roma

Equal access to quality social and healthcare services

Social integration of people at risk

Improving education and training systems

Quality and inclusive education and training systems

Active inclusion and employability