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Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2014 – 2020

Programme description

Main objectives

The Programme will play a decisive role in encouraging economic development and ensuring prosperity for all citizens in Slovenia while taking into account the specific characteristics of the two less developed regions - Western Slovenia and Eastern Slovenia. It will significantly contribute to the achievement of the national and Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It aims to strengthen efforts particularly in the area of research and development, boost the innovation potentials of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), promote resource efficiency and reduce environmental pressures, further develop the transport sector, boost the growth of employment rates and reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

The EU funding of EUR 3.011 billion from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Cohesion Fund (CF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the specific allocation for the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) is targeted according to development needs, existing disparities and growth potentials of Slovenia. The total allocation by fund is as follows:

- EUR 1.390 billion from the European Regional Development Fund,

- EUR 895 million from the Cohesion Fund,

- EUR 717 million from the European Social Fund,

- EUR 9 million from the Youth Employment Initiative.


Funding priorities

The Programme encompasses all 11 thematic objectives and corresponding investment priorities, with a focus on:

  • Increasing the international competitiveness of enterprises, particularly of SMEs, to accelerate economic development and the creation of jobs.
  • Improving the infrastructure for research and innovation while strengthening its links with enterprises and the higher education sector.
  • Developing a high-quality broadband infrastructure and enhancing access to broadband electronic communication services.
  • Increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in the public sector, in households and enterprises.
  • Implementing sustainable mobility measures in urban areas to improve air quality and to promote public passenger transport.      
  • Supporting climate change adaptation measures to reduce the risk of flooding in areas with significant flood risks.
  • Developing environmental infrastructure in the water sector and ensuring the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Upgrading the railway infrastructure and constructing the missing motorway sections along the Trans-European Transport (TEN-T) Network.
  • Increasing the share of employment, particularly of the long-term unemployed, the young and older people, as well as of the persons with low education levels.
  • Reducing the number of socially excluded persons and persons at the risk of poverty while increasing the access and quality of community-based services and promoting social entrepreneurship.
  • Improving the responsiveness of the education and training systems to the needs of the labour market and ensuring equal access to education, trainings and lifelong learning for all groups.
  • Increasing the institutional capacities and the efficiency of the public administration and public services.

Expected impacts

  • 7.700 enterprises receiving support.
  • An employment increase in the supported enterprises by 1.000 employees.
  • Additional 20.800 households connected to new broadband networks with the speed of at least 100 Mbps.
  • A decrease in the annual primary energy consumption of public buildings by 23 GWh per year.
  • 38.427 citizens benefiting from the co-financed flood protection measures.
  • Additional 120.000 people served by an improved water supply.
  • 25 km of reconstructed or upgraded railway lines and 13 km of newly built roads on the TEN-T network.
  • 25.000 people participating in employment initiatives.
  • 19.000 people from vulnerable target groups participating in preventive programmes.

42.900 participants involved in programmes to acquire competencies and to raise their level of education.


Cohesion Fund (CF): 914.046.895,00 €

Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 1.672.426.573,00 €

European Social Fund (ESF): 731.974.595,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 4.065.915.769,00 €

Total EU contribution: 3.318.448.063,00 €

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