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Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme

Programme description

Main objectives

The programmes aim to complement wider investment programmes in targeted high growth and innovative sectors to support the creation of new quality jobs, boost innovation, increase licenses granted, as well as helping to grow the local economies in the Southern & Eastern region of Ireland.

The programme focus is on specific growth opportunities and targeted growth and innovative sectors identified in Ireland's smart specialisation strategy, building on the region's strengths.

Funding priorities

The EU co-funded programme will focus on five main priorities:

  • Develop and exploit commercial research excellence and innovation capacity in the Southern & Eastern region with active company engagement intellectually and financially in such research (a total EUR 180 million will be invested)
  • Access to, use and quality of high-speed information and communication technologies by settlements in the S&E Region, including SMEs (total EUR 60m)
  • SME competitiveness, especially micro-enterprises in high growth and innovative sectors (EUR 69.2m)
  • Shift towards a low-carbon economy, especially energy efficiency in housing, and promoting low-carbon strategies for urban areas (EUR 133m)
  • Integrated urban development to revitalise urban areas (EUR 52m)
  • 'Technical assistance' for programme management (EUR 4m)

Expected impacts

  • 690 new researchers in S&E region's research centres working with industry partnerships with further 143 high growth companies for innovations
  • Increased development and applied research in the S&E region through increasing the number of companies engaged with funded strategic research centres from 529 to 713 and increased commercialisation of research results by 175 new licences for Irish SMEs
  • Creation of new enterprises in high growth and innovative sectors, employment growth of 17.000 in Irish small enterprises in targeted 14 smart specialisation sectors (e.g. digital platforms, contents and applications; medical devices; marine renewable energy; sustainable food production and processing; food for health; future networks and communications); take-up of high-speed next generation broadband by some 14.000 Irish SMEs to increase their competitiveness and international activities
  • Extension to and take-up of high-speed next generation broadband by 933 settlements serving 164.300 households to benefit and use e-commerce and other on-line opportunities
  • Improved energy efficiency in selected 19.500 housing units (thermal performance up at least one building energy rating to 185 KWh/BRm2/year) and thus increased savings, living comfort and reduced CO2 emissions (ca. 40 kgCO2/m2/year) and GHG reduction (9000 tonnes of CO2eq/year) as by-effects
  • Revitalised urban areas and low-carbon strategies improving social, economic and physical conditions in selected urban growth centres with the objective of increasing by 20 % points non-private car commuting levels in designated urban centres.


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 310.066.177,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 620.132.354,00 €

Total EU contribution: 310.066.177,00 €

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