Programme under the Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Operational Programme 'Piemonte'
Programme description
On 2 August 2007, the European Commission approved the Piemonte Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013. This Programme involves Community support for the Piemonte region under the Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective. The total budget of the Programme is around €1.1 billion and includes Community funding through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of some €426 million (approximately 1.5% of the total EU investment earmarked for Italy under the Cohesion Policy 2007-13).
1. Aim and purpose of the programme
Approximately 71% of the Programme funds are earmarked for Lisbon Strategy objectives (growth and jobs). The Programme is expected to play a key role in boosting competitiveness through research and innovation (48% of funds), reducing carbon emissions through the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency (26% of funds), and enhancing the attractiveness of the region with a special focus on cities, the environment and culture (26% of funds).
2. Expected impact of investments
The Programme should see some 5000 direct new jobs created. Other impacts expected are a 12% increase in labour productivity among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), a 10% increase in employment in high-technology sectors, an increase of 18% in patent applications lodged with the European Patent Office, and an increase of 19% in high-technology exports. In terms of energy, the region aims to increase the share of energy produced from renewable sources from 35% to 40%.
3. Priorities
The Operational Programme is structured along the following priorities:
Priority 1: Innovation and Production Transition [approximately 46.2% of total funding]
This priority aims to strengthen the regional innovation system, emphasising the role of the private sector, technological transfer and cooperation among firms and research institutes. "Innovative platforms" in strategic fields (life sciences and biotechnologies, nano-technologies, new materials, energy alternatives) will be promoted by groups of firms and research operators.
It will also support "Innovation poles" (networking among enterprises and between enterprises and other operators), as well as industrial research, eco-innovation and telecommunication services for SMEs.
Priority 2: Sustainability and Energy Efficiency [approximately 25.1% of total funding]
Thie priority promotes greater efficiency in the use of energy resources (long-term sustainability) throughout the energy chain, supporting production based on renewable sources (both supply and demand sides) and improving energy efficiency.
Priority 3: Territorial Development [approximately 25.1% of total funding]
This priority is characterised by a strong territorial approach and will be implemented through integrated territorial programmes focused on "environmental and cultural heritage" as well as integrated urban development programmes focused on "urban rehabilitation and development".
Priority 4: Technical Assistance [approximately 3.6% of total funding]
Technical assistance will be provided for implementing the Programme. Financial support is also available and will cover administration, monitoring, evaluation and control.
4. Managing Authority
Financial information
Breakdown of finances by priority axis
Priority Axis | EU Investment | National Public Contribution | Total Public Contribution |
Innovation and Production Transition | 197.037.574,00 | 300.947.922,00 | 497.985.496,00 |
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency | 107.083.786,00 | 163.555.824,00 | 270.639.610,00 |
Territorial Development | 107.083.786,00 | 163.555.824,00 | 270.639.610,00 |
Technical Assistance | 14.914.176,00 | 22.779.363,00 | 37.693.539,00 |
Total | 426.119.322,00 | 650.838.933,00 | 1.076.958.255,00 |