en English

Andalucía ERDF 2014-20 OP

Programme description

Main objectives

The Programme aims to boost economic growth in Andalusia and contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It should create jobs and boost productivity, particularly in SMEs.

EU funding is targeted in line with the region's “Smart Specialisation Strategy”, which aims to strengthen research institutions, and to improve their scientific and technological infrastructure. Research and development and innovation (R&D+I) activities will be promoted in the public and private sectors, with enhanced linkages and knowledge transfer between enterprises and research centres.

SME competitiveness and the diversification of business activities will be promoted, as well as fostering the position of SMEs on international markets.

The Programme will contribute to a more efficient and respectful use of natural resources and to a reduction of carbon emissions. The funds will help the region to respect environmental standards and preserve biodiversity, which is key for its economy.

An effort will be also made to promote social inclusion, education and employment. Support will be provided to social housing, infrastructure at all levels of education, employment services and ICT capacity.

Funding priorities

The Programme is concentrated on a limited number of priorities and its investments focus on key drivers for competitiveness. The most important (% of funding) areas of investment of the Andalusia OP are:

  • R&D+I: 15%
  • ICT: 9%
  • SME: 20%
  • Low-carbon economy: 12%
  • Environment: 14%

Expected impacts

  • Exports to represent more than 20% of regional GDP
  • R&D+I to reach 2.2% of regional GDP
  • 100% of population to be covered by high-speed broadband;
  • Reduce CO2 emissions by 10%
  • Regional poverty rate inferior to 15%

Programme text

Programa Operativo de Andalucía


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 4.540.080.578,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 5.298.652.171,00 €

Total EU contribution: 4.540.080.578,00 €

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