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Programme description

Main objectives

The programme includes in total 16 priority axes, divided amongst transport and environment. It bases itself upon the following Thematic Objectives:

  • supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors,
  • promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management,
  • preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency,
  • promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures.

Funding priorities

Relating to transport, the OP:

  • Promotes the completion of part of the infrastructures of the core TEN-T (road and rail) and develops/improves the comprehensive TEN-T (with emphasis on road and rail, but also with focused interventions on ports and airports).
  • Promotes combined transportation and the modernisation of the transport system.
  • Improves the safety of transportation.
  • Develops and expands sustainable and ecological urban transportation (urban transportation of fixed trajectory and other clean modes of surface transportation).

Relating to the environment, the OP:

  • Aims to implement important environmental projects and provides compliance to the European Environmental acquis mainly in the sectors of solid waste, waters and waste waters and biodiversity.
  • Focuses on the tackling of climate change and flood risk prevention and management.
  • Undertakes focused actions in reducing environmental pollution and in particular air pollution and noise.
  • Promotes sustainable urban development and promotes smart energy efficiency projects in public buildings and broader use of teleheating.

Expected impacts

Relating to transport:

The above mentioned interventions, along with the Connecting Europe Facility relating to transport, will result, amongst others, in the following:

  • an additional double railway of 161 km on the PATHE-P axis, smaller travel times by road between Athens, Thessaloniki and Patra as well as numerous other road trajectories;
  • the reduction of pollution and greenhouse effects via transportation in the major urban areas (Athens: minus more than 95.000 tons of CO2 equivalent, Thessaloniki: minus 67.000 tons of CO² equivalent);
  • a significant increase in the additional serviced population by electrified fixed trajectory public transportation (719.000 in Athens and 580.000 in Thessaloniki);
  • serious reductions in the risk of fatal road accidents;
  • a yearly reduction of greenhouse gases due to Metro works by 67.126 tons of CO² equivalent; 14,40 km of new lines of metro in Thessaloniki alone.

Relating to environment:

The above mentioned interventions will contribute amongst others to the following:

  • integrated solid waste management throughout the whole waste cycle by increasing the recycling of approximately 650 thousand tonnes per year;
  • an increase in the population served by waste water treatment facilities by 661.000 p.e;
  • an increase in the protected Natura 2000 areas by 80%;
  • a decrease in the annual primary energy consumption of public buildings by 49m kWh/year;
  • covering all Greece with flood risk management plans.

The whole Operational Programme will create during its implementation 82.000 jobs during its implementation, with more than 32.000 in the transport sector and around 50.000 in the environment sector.


Cohesion Fund (CF): 2.714.567.293,00 €

Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 1.165.644.648,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 4.594.690.859,00 €

Total EU contribution: 3.880.211.941,00 €

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