en English

Citizens will participate in the selection of investments and projects

  • 11 July 2022
Citizens will participate in the selection of investments and projects

The Commission and OECD join forces to support public authorities and civil society organisations to develop participatory processes in the management of EU funds for cohesion policies. The objective is to make citizens active participants in the decisions about investments in 2021-2027.

With the start of the implementation of programmes in 2021-2027, citizens have the opportunity to contribute to the selection of investments affecting the future of their regions. Based on the experience of previous initiatives, DG REGIO and OECD decided to join forces to support administrations and civil society organisations, i.e. no-profit public and private organisations, to set-up cooperation and develop innovative processes for the active participation of citizens. Citizens will be able to participate to decision-making on investments, selection of operations and their monitoring in the context of integrated territorial strategies, sustainable urban development and sustainable urban mobility.

Please find below a short presentation of the participating public authorities, managing authorities, intermediate bodies or beneficiaries, and their partners:

  • Municipalities from Italy, Slovakia and Romania
  • Regions from Spain, Italy and Romania
  • And from Poland
  • Background

    In March 2022, the Commission launched a call for expression of interest open to public authorities responsible for managing or implementing ERDF, CF or JTF either as managing authorities, intermediate bodies or beneficiaries (hereafter public authorities) jointly with civil society organisations (CSOs).  This pilot project will receive support by OECD experts in open government to test and assess the application of innovative citizen participation approaches for managing and implementing EU funds for cohesion policies. This cooperation will last until December 2023. Visit regularly the page on citizen participation in cohesion policy for further information about this and other initiatives.