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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Dear readers,

We are glad to present to you a new edition of our newsletter to share information about the recent developments in the work of the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnerships, on-going calls and opportunities as well as events that could be of interest. Do not hesitate to also consult the Futurium website to consult the deliverables of the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnerships, as well as other material available notably in the Library section.

We hope you enjoy the read, and we look forward to continue engaging with you in the months to come. Do not hesitate to already do so via LinkedIn and Twitter.

All the best,
The Urban Agenda for the EU team

MyData in digital transition – Elaboration of a European roadmap on “mydata”

The Partnership on Digital Transition wishes to present the result of its work to promote a human-centred approach to personal data developed in one of their actions. Results of internal workshops and outputs of this action introduce a common understanding of the usage of personal data in combination with concrete practices in personal data usage. Please follow the link below to access more information and deliverables from this work.

Co-creating a business model approach for cities

There is an increasing need for innovative ways to explore and exploit opportunities for digital transition in the urban context and the Partnership on Digital Transition worked to help cities to bring business model thinking to their digitalization work by providing knowledge of what business model thinking is and how cities could benefit from it in practice. One of their outputs is a practical online tool to notably help cities identify, map, and rank their needs and opportunities for developing digital services. Find more information about this tool and surrounding activities on this action below.

What future prospects exist for dissonant heritage sites of the 20th century? Results from the Online Forum “Integrated Approaches to Dissonant Heritage in Europe – Insights, Networks, and Future Perspectives"

The Partnership on Culture and Cultural Heritage gathered 120 experts in February to exchange on integrated approaches to dissonant heritage in smaller towns and peripheral areas, and on a broad variety of topics related to dissonant heritage, such as adaptive reuse, European and local funding as well as pan-European cooperation. Below you can access more information about the event as well as the new project website around this action.

EU cities acting for just transitions and climate adaptation

Urban Innovative Actions and the city of Seville are organising a 2-day event to discuss how EU cities can contribute to green and just transitions and showcase concrete experiments to make resilient cities from around the world. It will bring forward practical interventions and results that could inspire and foster locally-based transitions in EU cities through discussions, workshops, and inspirational talks on just urban transitions and how to innovate in cities when adapting to climate change. Find out more through the link below.

Series of Webinars on the Art of Just-City-Making - 20, 26 April, and 16 May

The French Presidency of the Council of the European Union organises a series of three Policy Labs together with the EUKN and in cooperation with ICLEI Europe, URBACT, and the OECD. They will explore how to create just cities in a green, productive, and digital manner, emphasising the relevance of integrated approaches towards sustainable urban development. Besides being a platform for exchange and learning, The Art of Just-City-Making will contribute to guidelines for policymakers on ‘how to create a just city’. Please register through the below link.

Towards a just and clean urban transition - Join the Smart Cities Marketplace Forum on 26 - 27 April 2022 on-site in Brussels

This year’s Smart Cities Marketplace Forum will provide an opportunity to meet and discuss with various actors on building networks and capacity, exchanging knowledge for the clean energy transition as well as on funding and financing to improve citizens’ quality of life by the integration of innovative and cleantech solutions in Europe. Have a look at the planned activities, comprising a Marketplace Matchmaking mechanism, through the link below.

What are the possible directions for enabling temporary use regulation

The T-Factor project organises a webinar, on May 6 from 9.30 to 12.30, on the topic of 'Enabling Regulation for Temporary Use'. It will gather different cities across Europe in showcasing and discussing practical examples of regulatory and other enabling tools for temporary uses. Amongst the many speakers and cities invited, successful and pioneering cases should help to shed light on what cities and local authorities can do to advance temporary use practices in urban regeneration. Find out more and register for this event through the link below.

AGORA Thematic Dialogue - Making use of the 15 min city - levers, impact criteria and indicators for a sustainable and inclusive urban mobility system

On 31 May 2022, JPI Urban Europe organises an AGORA Dialogue, back to back with the Urban Futures-conference in Helsingborg/Sweden, to discuss the concept of the 15-minute city that has reached wide attention and has been taken up and interpreted in many different cities and contexts since the COVID-19 outbreak. Find out more and register through the following link.

URBACT City Festival 2022

The URBACT City Festival 2022 will take place in Pantin/Greater Paris (France) on 14, 15 and 16 June 2022, under the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. European cities will get the chance to exchange ideas, network, show the results of their work and get inspired for the implementation of their Integrated Action Plans. Please see the link below for more information.

Consultation on the European Commission short-term accommodation rental services (‘STR’) initiative

In the context of the preparation of its initiative on short-term accommodation rental services (‘STR’), the European Commission is running a targeted stakeholder survey to gather information on data needs and sharing between public authorities and online platforms and support its analysis. It intends to collect the views and experiences from all levels of public authorities (national, regional and local) notably on their data needs and collection process. The survey is accessible through the link below until 26 April 2022 at noon.

Call for evidence and consultation on brain drain

A public consultation and a call for evidence have been launched by the European Commission to collect views and suggestions from citizens and stakeholders on mitigating challenges associated with population decline. Inputs from local and regional authorities, professional associations and youth and student organisations will be particularly useful to grasp the scale and the drivers of brain drain and to shape future EU initiatives. Please use the below link if you wish to provide your input.

New European Bauhaus call for local initiatives

The European Commission launched a new call to make the New European Bauhaus (NEB) a reality on the ground through ‘Support to New European Bauhaus Local Initiatives'. It will provide technical assistance to small and medium-sized municipalities, which do not have the capacity or rich expertise needed to turn their NEB project ideas into reality. The call will be open until 23 May 2022. Please follow the below link to participle and find out more about it.

Innovative Implementation of the Partnership Principle - Call for expression of interest

If you are a public authority or a civil society organisation interested in strengthening citizen participation in Cohesion Policy through collaborative innovative solutions, discover the call for expression of interests on Innovative Implementation of the Partnership Principle. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2022. More information is available below.

New call opening soon: Innovations for Managing Sustainable Urban Accessibility

JPI Urban Europe is going to launch soon a new call focusing on innovative solutions as part of the Era-Net Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC). The call, which is looking for projects addressing applied research and/or innovation/implementation, will open late April with a full proposal deadline in early autumn 2022 and earliest start of the projects is beginning of 2023. Learn more through the link below.


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