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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Urban Agenda for the EU presents new brochure at the Informal Ministerial meeting on urban matters

Today, November 26 2021, EU Ministers in charge of urban affairs convened online.

In this informal meeting, the adoption of the Ljubljana Agreement and the Multiannual Working Programme aimed at establishing the next phase of the Urban Agenda for the EU. The Ljubljana Agreement emphasizes the importance of the Urban Agenda for the EU which enabled stronger multi-level and multi stakeholder cooperation on urban issues in the EU. It represents a political commitment for its continuation, with some renewed parameters.

In order to commemorate five years of collaboration and successes under this initiative, the European Commission has also decided to launch on this day an updated version of the Urban Agenda for the EU brochure ‘Multilevel governance in Action’ including most recent developments. This brochure highlights the role of the Urban Agenda for the EU in promoting innovative and good governance, in implementing the New Urban Agenda (NUA), as well as the diversity and variety of actions and achievements thus far.

Download the new interactive document and explore the new achievements leading to a common framework to address urban issues at EU level.

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