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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Dear readers,

We hope this newsletter reaches your inbox before you leave for the summer break, as we have some exciting announcements to share with you!

Registrations are now open to our series of webinars: How are urban initiatives and actions supporting Green, Just and Productive Cities in the EU? Please save the dates, register and share the events! We've also published 2 new articles as part of our series, which will feed into the webinars. You'll find all the relevant information below.

In our last newsletter, we shared with you all the material from the Coordinators' and Action Leaders' Meeting 2021. We've now also published an article where you can find a summary of the discussions and conclusions of the meeting.

Read on to see more from our Partnerships which have further updates and deliverables! As well as this, we're sharing with you all the relevant news, events and publications on our radar.

If you'd like to get in touch, please do so at, or connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter, and we wish you all a wonderful summer!

All the best,

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

REGISTER TO OUR WEBINAR SERIES: How are urban initiatives and actions supporting Green, Just and Productive Cities in the EU?

Save the dates (20 September, 27 September, 4 October) and register for our series of webinars, organised in line with the Green, Just and Productive city dimensions established under the New Leipzig Charter (NLC), showcasing examples from cities on how to develop resilience and further the implementation of these dimensions at the local level.

Series of Articles # 3: Looking at European lessons to turn data into public data and unleash the transformative power of city data

Organised under the Productive dimension on the New Leipzig Charter, the third article of our series covers EU initiatives which promote sustainable urban development, focusing attention on how they have embedded technological advancements into city governance structures to unleash the transformative power of city data. Read the article here!

Series of articles #4: Cities’ transformation in the post COVID-19 era with a focus on urban planning

The fourth article in our series showcases practices and experiences of how different tools and funding support can help cities face their challenges in a strategic way and addresses the Green City Dimension of the New Leipzig Charter. Read it here!

Coordinators’ & Action Leaders’ Meeting 2021: laying the groundwork for the future of the UAEU

The Coordinators’ & Action Leaders’ meeting 2021 took place on the 9 and 11 June, gathering the Coordinators and Action Leaders of all the Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU) Partnerships, representatives of the European Commission and the Council Presidencies, and other key stakeholders. Read the summary here!

Outcomes of the 6th meeting of the Culture/Cultural Heritage Partnership

On the 31 May and 1 June, the Culture and Cultural Heritage Partnership held its 6th meeting, presenting intermediate results of their work so far, relevant updates, and discussions on their next steps. Read the full summary here.

Contribution of the Partnership on Culture/Cultural Heritage to the New European Bauhaus

The Partnership on Culture/Cultural Heritage has submitted an essay to the Design Phase of the New European Bauhaus (NEB), connecting their 11 Actions and findings thus far to the principles of the NEB.

Publication of the Cohesion Policy legislation 2021-2027

The Cohesion Policy legislation for the 2021 - 2027 period is now available on the website of the European Commission. Follow the link to view the CPR, ERDF, ETC, JTF and ESF+ regulations.

Final report of the Circular Economy Partnership

The Urban Agenda for the EU's Partnership on Circular Economy worked on 12 Actions helping cities have an important impact in reaching the Circular Economy goals of member states and the European Commission. Read the Partnership's final report here!

Action 5 of the Digital Transition Partnership: DESI local

Through Action 5, the Partnership on Digital Transition has been working on developing the DESI (Developing the Digital Economy and Society Index) for the local level. Read the full report here!

Discussion papers on the Capitalisation of the UAEU

Discussion papers on the capitalisation of the work done under the Urban Agenda for the EU were drafted as input to the Coordinators' and Action Leaders' Meeting 2021, under the themes: how to successfully run a Partnership, how to ensure sustainability and momentum, how to create a tangible and lasting impact. You can find the papers here.

Urban Case Study/Focus on Action #9

The 9th post in our series is out, focusing on promoting sustainable and active mobility behaviour through the MoMa.BIZ project, aiming to reduce car use in targeted cities by promoting promoting sustainable mobility. Read more here!


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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