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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Dear readers,

It's been a busy month for the Urban Agenda Partnerships, who met (remotely) for the 2021 edition of the Coordinators’ and Action Leaders’ Meeting, along with key stakeholders from the European Commission and Council Presidency. Discussions were focused on the question of capitalisation of the immense work undertaken so far, as well as on the renewal process of the UAEU. We will be sharing the main outcomes with you very soon, but for now we're happy to provide you with the material used in the meeting!

Read on to see more from our Partnerships which have further updates and deliverables! As well as this, we're sharing with you all the relevant news, events and publications on our radar.

For those of you heading off for the summer soon, we wish you happy holidays! We'll be sticking around and are always happy to hear from you at, or connecting on LinkedIn and Twitter!

All the best,

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

The Security in Public Spaces Partnership have 2 new deliverables on Action 5!

The Partnership have now published two new deliverables under their Action 5, which looks at measuring the impact of social cohesion and inclusion on security in public spaces of urban and peri-urban areas. The deliverables include a report on the Collective Impact Model which aims to provide innovative solutions for complex and persistent urban security challenges, and a Manual Prevention Pyramid which maps existing local policy regarding the reduction of feelings of insecurity.

New Action Plan of the Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

The Urban Agenda Partnership on Inclusion of Migrant and Refugees has evaluated its work from 2016 to 2019 and proposed a work plan for the coming 2 years (2021-2022), with a set of new proposed Actions. Find out more here!

Outcomes from the 8th Partnership Meeting of the Partnership for Security in Public Spaces

The Partnership for Security in Public Spaces conducted its 8th Partnership meeting on 11-12 May 2021. Follow the link to read about relevant discussions, updates, and next steps for the Partnership.

Action 8 - Concept note for a Circular Resource Management Roadmap

The Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy developed a conceptual framework for a Circular Resource Management Roadmap. The framework was developed under Action 8 and aims to support urban authorities in implementing a circular resource management plan as part of the transition from waste management to resource management.

Web Conference - What EU funding opportunities for local and regional authorities?

Join Efus's web conference in the framework of Action 2 and 4 of the Partnership on Security in Public Spaces on EU funding opportunities for local and regional authorities concerning the topic of urban security. The event will take place on Zoom, with the participation of expert Thijs Fikken (Action 2) on the 25 June at 10h (CET).

Urban Case Study/Focus on Action #8

The 8th post in this series focuses on Action 1 of the Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees, looking at what Member States and EU institutions can do to support cities in protecting the rights of children in migration. Follow the link to read more!

UDN webinars on the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies: final report now available!

The final report of the UDN webinar series ‘Six Building Blocks to Sustainable Urban Development’ based on the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies has been published on the UDN dedicated webpage. Follow the link to view the page and download report.

Methodological reports on the localisation of SDGs

The European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) presents three methodological reports on the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Europe, containing specific analyses, based on the experiences of European local and regional governments that use monitoring as a tool to localise the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. The three reports provide evidence and insights on different elements and scales of these first-generation voluntary reviews.

UDN webinars on Urban Innovative Actions: final report now available!

The final report of the UDN-UIA webinar series ‘Urban Innovative actions, achievements and future perspectives’ has been published on the UDN dedicated webpage. Follow the link to view the page and download report.

Monitoring and evaluation practices: UIA lessons learnt

Monitoring and evaluation of results is a challenging task: how to identify and adapt the key concepts of monitoring approaches within a local project, while taking into account the regional, national or global agendas? UIA projects deploy a set of innovative approaches to assess and capture the impact of innovative interventions. Find out more here!

URBACT Good Practice Transfer publication

'Good Practice Transfer - Why not my City?' shares positive stories from 23 cities that transferred and adapted urban good practices to their local contexts while learning from EU peers in the first round of URBACT III Transfer Networks. They are organised according to the three dimensions of the New Leipzig Charter — ‘Green’, Just’ and ‘Productive’ cities.

Urban Sustainability in Europe — What is driving cities' environmental change?

The European Environmental agency just published a report looking at what could make up a benchmark on how cities evaluate key drivers of and barriers to urban sustainability transitions. The EEA report is based on a survey and interviews with selected European cities. The EEA also launched in the same series, a briefing on Urban sustainability in Europe – opportunities in challenging times. You can access them through the link.


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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