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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Dear readers,

This newsletter lands in your inboxes in the wake of the 18th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities! The 2020 edition of this yearly event took place from 5 – 22 October, reaching record-breaking numbers: 10 000 participants and 2 000 speakers gathered from all over Europe to take part in more than 500 digital sessions!

Among these figures many of you, dear readers, took part, be that as speakers, participants, hosts, moderators… We’d like to praise everyone for their contribution and to draw attention in particular to those sessions which were organised by Urban Agenda Partnerships; our Circular Economy, Public Procurement, Sustainable Land Use, Housing, Culture/Cultural Heritage, and Security in Public Spaces Partnerships were all directly involved in the organisation and running of their own sessions! (More on these below)

Don’t worry if you missed any of the sessions, they’ll be available on the Live&Replay platform for one year! The next edition will probably take place from 11 – 14 October 2021, but until then we hope that the messages highlighted throughout the three weeks of this event continue to be heard: that regions and cities should continue to work together towards a stronger, more resilient future – especially in these challenging times.

On that note, we wish you happy reading, and as always, feel free to get in touch with us at with any questions or comments!

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

The UAEU at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020!
The Partnership on Housing at the EWRC 2020

A workshop on ‘How to implement the right to housing?’ organised by URBACT and UIA on Wednesday 14 October 2020 explored cities’ engagement in the design of housing policies and solution to implement the right to housing.

EWRC workshop of the Partnership on Sustainable Use of Land & Nature-Based Solutions

This session took place on Wednesday 14 October 2020, looking at several Actions developed by the Partnership and their outputs, with the goal of achieving efficient and sustainable use of land and natural resources to help create compact, liveable and inclusive European cities for everyone.

Urban resilience after the COVID crisis: Security in Public Spaces Partnership at the EWRC 2020

The workshop took place on Friday 16 October and asked the following question: “how will the Partnership’s Action Plan address the role of cities in protecting citizens and building cities’ resilience?”

The Partnership on Culture/Cultural Heritage at the EWRC 2020

On 14 October 2020, at this year's European Week of Regions and Cities, the Partnership on Culture/Cultural Heritage contributed with a virtual interactive workshop focusing on how culture and cultural heritage can act as driving factors for sustainable urban development.

Reboot your city in a circular way: the Circular Economy Partnership at the EWRC 2020

During the workshop, held on Tuesday 20 October, various speakers discussed how cities and regions that invested in circular economic systems became more resilient during the COVID-19 crisis, and how cities and regions can contribute to the implementation of circular economy initiatives.

Green Deal? Achieve it through Procurement! Key insights from the European Week of Regions and Cities

This session organised by the Partnership on Public Procurement at the European Week of Regions and Cities took place on 14 October and presented the work of cities on procurement, their goals and challenges and the role of the Urban Agenda in supporting these efforts.

#1 Urban case study: Temporary use of buildings - Riga

Since the 1990's, the city of Riga has lost about a quarter of its population, which has had a significant impact on land use in the city. Follow the link to read more on this case and on the topic of sustainable and circular use of spaces and buildings in a Handbook developed as a result of direct collaboration by our Circular Economy and Sustainable Land Use Partnerships! (now in EN and IT!)

Register by 30 October for the first sessions of the Urban Development Network webinars

The webinars will take place on 3, 9, 13, 19 and 25 November 2020, and provide insights from policy makers and expert speakers on how to tackle the main challenges to designing and implementing sustainable urban development strategies as supported by Cohesion Policy.

How city governments co-create sustainable urban mobility: reinforcing multi-level cooperation and governance

Every city faces the challenges of urban mobility: how can we make sure that citizens can get around quickly and safely every day, while also not harming the environment? Our Urban Mobility Partnership published a new report on how cities can co-create mobility projects alongside other levels of government.

Unfolding Dilemmas of Urban Public Spaces report

From June 2019 to July 2020, JPI Urban Europe organised a series of AGORA Stakeholder activities with the aim to unfold the dilemmas of public space development and maintenance. The outcome was this report which breaks down the complexity and provides an entry point to address dilemmas of urban public spaces.

Digital Transition ABC's: Main principles, components and best practices for the development of local digital governance

This document lists some of the essential principles and components that serve as necessary preconditions for the digital transformation process to provide user-friendly online services and involve citizens in the policy-making process.

Eurocities position paper: Renovate to innovate Europe’s green ambitions

The Renovation Wave Initiative is an essential instrument for Europe to become climate neutral by 2050. Europe’s cities fully support this ambition and are ready to work in partnership with the Commission and other stakeholders to make it a reality.

Call for City Partnerships to promote North-South MED exchange

The Efficient Buildings Community is supporting six city partnerships: municipalities from the South-Eastern shore of the Mediterranean sea will have the opportunity to connect with peers from the North sharing the challenges of energy transition in the public building sector. Apply by 11 December 2020!


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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