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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Dear Readers,

We hope you’re all settling back into work after a well-deserved summer break. As you will see below, the month ahead will be a busy one!

In this newsletter we are bringing you (as promised) our recently published report on the ‘Coordinators & Action Leaders’ Meeting 2020: a renewed impetus for the Urban Agenda for the EU’ where you can read about the main highlights from the event during which Coordinators and Action Leaders of all the UAEU Partnerships discussed the future direction of the UAEU.

Furthermore, we are delighted to announce the launch of our LinkedIn page! Please follow us, get in touch, and we look forward to connecting with you there!

Through this newsletter we are also excited to announce that registrations for the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities are open until the 27 September! In this fully virtual edition, over 500 digital working sessions will be offered from 5-22 October, covering various topics under the thematic priorities of Empowering Citizens, Cohesion and Cooperation, and Green Europe. Some of our Partnerships have confirmed workshops, and we've identified a few other sessions of interest to our urban stakeholders, see more below! In addition to the above, you'll find the usual relevant news, publications and events.

Happy reading!

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

Any questions? Drop us a line at

EWRC workshops and side events
Public Procurement: Green Deal? Achieve it through procurement! | 14 October

Housing: How to implement the right to housing? | 14 October

Sustainable Land Use: Sustainable Use of Land & NBS in Europe | 14 October

Culture/Cultural Heritage: Interactive presentation of Action Plan | 14 October

Security in Public Spaces: Urban resilience after COVID crisis | 16 October

Circular Economy: Reboot your city in a circular way | 20 October

Cohesion Policy rebuilding EU solidarity | 12 October

Urban Agenda for the EU Partnerships in the Spotlight | 13 October

National urban networks towards urban agendas | 13 October

European Urban Initiative State of Play | 14 October

Launch of the UAEU LinkedIn account!

Our LinkedIn account is now live! Take a look, follow, and we look forward to connecting with you there!

Update of the Monitoring Table of Actions

Thanks to our Partnership Coordinators, the updated version of the Monitoring Table of Actions is now available online! Follow the link to see the public version.

Coordinators & Action Leaders’ Meeting 2020: a renewed impetus for the Urban Agenda for the EU

The Coordinators’ and Action Leaders’ meeting 2020 was the 5th of its kind, held as online meetings over a 4-day event in June. Read the full article here!

UIA monitoring & evaluation

In 2020 UIA and Ecorys are exploring the different practices, methodologies and techniques developed by on-going UIA projects to capture the impact of the innovative interventions. Discover the most promising approaches among ongoing UIA projects.

Results of first UIA capitalisation workshop on urban mobility

This UIA article presents the first results and findings of the capitalisation workshop organised in the frame of one-year knowledge activities on urban mobility issues, and focuses on how UIA projects deal with data as a resource to support sustainable mobility strategies.

Call for applications for the European Entrepreneurial Region Award

The EER award is a label awarded by the European Committee of the Regions each year to up to 3 cities or regions with outstanding, future-oriented strategies to support SMEs, start-ups and scale-ups. Apply by 28 October!

A Handbook to boost your urban strategy

An EWRC workshop focusing on the relevance of European Structural and Investment Funds in implementing urban development strategies. There will be a presentation on the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies recently published by the JRC, offering methodological support to cities, managing authorities and relevant stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of urban strategies under cohesion policy.

Save the date for the UDN webinar series!

On the same topic, this webinar series on ‘Six building blocks to sustainable urban development’ is also based on the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies. The 6 sessions target Managing Authorities and Local Authorities of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies as well as other interested urban stakeholders, and will be held on the 3, 9, 13, 17, 19 and 25 November. More information coming soon!

9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

30 September - 2 October: ICLEI and the City of Mannheim will bring together local and regional leaders, European and international institutions and some of the brightest minds working on cutting edge research, businesses and the civil society to forge a more sustainable Europe.

European Mobility Week

The EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK campaign will run from 16-22 September, and provides the perfect opportunity to present sustainable mobility alternatives to local residents and to explain the challenges that cities and towns are facing.

Platform Economy – Decent Work in Times of Digital Transformation

On the 21 September 2020, the Berlin’s Senate Department for Integration, Labour and Social Services will host an European digital conference with a focus on how decent work can be achieved in the ongoing digitalisation process. Register by Friday 18 September!

Urban Mobility Days 2020

From 29 September - 2 October this inline conference will allow policymakers, local authorities, academics, NGOs, urban transport practitioners, urban planners and all those putting the SUMP concept into practice to share their experiences using a virtual forum.

Toolkit for establishing "Pay-as-you-throw" schemes in cities

Our Circular Economy Partnership has developed a toolkit to help cities implement PAYT schemes, which have been identified as the most effective option for waste reduction, source separation and an essential first step to recycling. Download the toolkit for free!


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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