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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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A (slightly belated) happy 2020 to you all! We are currently writing to you from the City of Porto, where we are live at the Cities Forum 2020, and have arranged a stand for the occasion (rumours have been circulating that it involves touch screens and virtual-reality). Aside from our stand, the Urban Agenda for the EU is involved in the following sessions:

As we kick off this New Year at the Cities Forum, the new Commission, Parliament and Council Presidency are also busy with new beginnings, with bold agendas pledging to push Europe, and European cities, triumphantly into this new decade.

As usual, below you will find relevant events, initiatives, calls, and articles related to the Urban Agenda for the EU. Also make sure to follow the Urban Agenda for the EU on Twitter: @EUUrbanAgenda.

Happy reading, and for those of you in Porto, we hope that you will come and pay us a visit (you can find us in the Pillar and Archive Rooms). If you are staying on into the weekend, we wish you a bom fim-de-semana! We’ll be out and about enjoying some of the Portuguese charm, we hope you will too!

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

Any questions? Drop ua a line at ua.communication@ecorys.com.

Assessment Study of the Urban Agenda for the European Union has been published!

The Assessment Study of the Urban Agenda for the EU, that is being discussed in a dedicated workshop at Cities Forum, is now available here! Join the session on Friday, 31 January at 9:00!

Launch of the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies

The Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies is being launched here, at the CITIES Forum 2020 in Porto! It provides methodological support to cities and other stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of urban strategies under Cohesion Policy. Stay tuned on our social media channels for more information!

URBAN Intergroup re-established for the new term of the European Parliament!

Bringing together over 89 MEPs, representing most EU Member States, and working in all the parliamentary committees representing the interests of European towns and cities, we are pleased to announce that the URBAN Intergroup will continue its activities in the current term in the European Parliament! Find out more on their website.

Interview with Sébastian Viano from the Partnership on Security in Public Spaces

Take a look at our interview with Sebastien Viano at the European Week of Regions and Cities - the Partnership in a nutshell!

Apply for the #EUSEW2020 awards!

Does your work focus on clean, sustainable and renewable energy? Do you believe that your project deserves pan-European recognition? During the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) from 22 to 26 June 2020, outstanding projects will be celebrated for their innovation and impact. Apply for the EU Sustainable Energy Awards!

Urban Agenda for the Basque Country

"The Bultzatu 2050 Urban Agenda for the Basque Country is an effort to systematise and provide strategic direction and consistency in public policies aimed at improving the potential of the Basque Country’s area, to offer opportunities for economic growth, sustainability and social cohesion."

Podcast - 'The Real Story: The World's Housing Crisis'

Barbara Steenbergen from the Partnership on Housing discusses the big challenges facing local authorities and city dwellers around the world in this BBC podcast. Have a listen!

Video on mitigating Urban Sprawl now available!

Is your city grappling with the negative effects of Urban Sprawl? You might be able to find some solutions in this video, released by the Partnership on Sustainable Land Use - take a look!

Adaptation series #4: Financing adaptation actions

Join this webinar on the 6 February, where the Covenant of Mayors and the cities of Athens and Rotterdam will share information and experience on financing climate change adaptation. Don't forget to register!

World Urban Forum side event: Experiences and achievements of the Urban Agenda for the EU

This side event event on “Experiences and achievement of the Urban Agenda for the EU” will take place at the World Urban Forum 10, in Abu Dhabi, looking at the progress of the Urban Agenda for the EU over the past 4 years.

Urban MAESTRO Workshop#2

Join URBAN MAESTRO on the 29-30 January in Porto to generate ideas, share knowledge, and try to figure out an action plan for improving the built environment!


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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