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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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The Urban Agenda for the EU continues at the top of the agenda!

The 2019 European Week of Regions and Cities saw four days filled with debates, discussions and sharing of experiences. Organising over a dozen sessions, the Urban Agenda for the EU and the Urban Development Network were a central part of this event. At our stand, we experienced significant interest from local authorities, urban practitioners and stakeholders, particularly with regard to the implementation of actions.

The Urban Agenda for the EU will play an active role at the CITIES Forum 2020, taking place on 30-31 January in Porto. We will be there with dedicated sessions, an informative stand on the Partnerships’ actions and the opportunity to engage directly with Partnership Coordinators. This biennial event will gather key stakeholders from European, national and local levels. Registration is open until Friday 13 December.

In the meantime, the Partnerships keep working. The Partnership on Air Quality recently released its training package, while the Partnership on Circular Economy published a summary of findings on Urban Resources Centres. These case studies will be published in a series of articles on our website in the next few weeks. Besides the usual focus on the main upcoming events, this newsletter also includes a section on the Urban Blog. Don’t hesitate to contribute and share your views with the Urban community!

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communication Team

Any question? Drop a line to ua.communication@ecorys.com.

Register to the CITIES Forum 2020!

The "CITIES Forum 2020 – together we shape a sustainable urban future" is a two-day major event of the European Commission bringing together key stakeholders from European, national and local levels. The Forum is a place for all stakeholders to capitalise on common achievements and reflect on the future directions of urban development within Cohesion Policy including the future of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

Our Urban Blog is live!

We've updated our website with a new section - our Urban Blog! This is a space for you to engage, debate, exchange, and discuss topics relevant to you with the Urban Community. Take a look at current discussions and get involved!

Urban Blog
A local perspective on integrated security

"The main objective is to actively contribute to the elaboration of an integrated urban security policy at EU level." Andrea Luccaroni tells why Romagna Faentina, a union of six Italian neighbouring municipalities, joined the partnership on Security in Public Spaces.

The Training Course on Air Quality and Health is online!

The Partnership on Air Quality has released its training course on Air Quality and Health - Methods, Tools and Practices for Better Air Quality Action Planning. It proposes a training concept based on the production of a simplified, tailored, user-friendly scenario for The Healthy City.

Summary of findings from classification on Urban Resource Centres

The Partnership on Circular Economy has produced an infographic that highlights the key take away messages of the action "Promote Urban Resource Centres for waste prevention, re-use and recycling".

Study on Innovation Ecosystems in Europe

Imec – SMIT – VUB on behalf of the Digital Transition Partnership which brings cities, EU countries and the European Commission together, has conducted a study to find the influencing criteria of innovation ecosystems in Europe and to support managers of innovation ecosystems with new insights. Read the study here!

Oulu Boost Event 2019: Upscaling digital solutions in cities, 10–11 december 2019, Oulu

In the spirit of the Urban Agenda for the EU, the Finnish Presidency will work in partnership between the three levels, engaging European cities to a building of shared ideas on digital innovation, as well as linking different themes of the Agenda to each other. Oulu Boost Event 2019 brings together top-level decision makers and city officials from leading European cities to share insights on how cities are exploiting digital solutions in the process of digital transformation to serve their citizens in a user-centric and effective way.

High-level conference “Engaging citizens for good governance in Cohesion Policy”, 6 February, Brussels

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy is organising a conference on engaging citizens and civil society in Cohesion Policy. The conference will focus on how to ensure closer cooperation with citizens and civil society in the governance and implementation of Cohesion Policy and management of dedicated EU funds. Through a more active citizens’ engagement, institutions will become even more transparent and accountable, while investments will bring more and bigger results on the ground.


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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