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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Join the European Week of Regions and Cities 2019! Register before the 27 September!

Join one or more Urban Development Network- labelled sessions in the European Week of Regions and Cities 2019! The objective will be to gather urban practitioners and Managing Authorities to present and exchange on the elements of Sustainable Urban Development in 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy, as well as on Urban Innovative Actions and URBIS. You can find all UDN sessions by adding ‘UDN’ in the ‘Filter by Keyword’ function under the Main programme webpage or simply follow the links below:

Discover other interesting European Week of Regions and Cities sessions:

All the Information on the workshops organised with the Urban Agenda for the EU and the UDN is available here.

Digital Innovation in Cities will be Explored by the Finnish Presidency

The specific theme of the Finnish Presidency at the area of urban development is to provide concrete insights into digital innovation and its potential within cities, by partnering with cities. Finnish Presidency aims at go ‘beyond the smart city’, changing the perspective from a technology-dominated approach towards a human-centric and more holistic approach to the digital city. From this viewpoint, digitalization is an opportunity that can lead both to better cities and opened new markets. The main question is: What new solutions based on digitalisation can increase quality of life and green development in cities while, under favourable circumstances, also accelerate economic growth?

One of the goals is to highlight what are promising cities and national approaches that get the best out of people-driven digitalisation. Specifically, in relation to the Urban Agenda, the goal is to interconnect the  partnerships’ themes in a cross-thematic manner, and find synergies and integration between the themes, using digitalization as an example. At the EU community level, goal is to support an evolving development of related initiatives and instruments within the EU

UDN workshop: Sustainable investment in sustainable urban development. Preparing for the future in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania

The Urban Development Network is organising a one and a half day workshop on ‘Sustainable investment in sustainable urban development. Preparing for the future in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania’ to be held on 12 and 13 September 2019 in the Croatian city of Osijek in the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Osijek. The workshop is organised in cooperation with the Croatian Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds, the City of Osijek and the University of Osijek.

Registration for Call 5 Applicant Seminars is now open!

UIA organises two Applicants Seminars – one in Prague (15 October) and one in Brussels (05 November). The Permanent Secretariat is ready to assist applicants with any technical questions they may have during the fifth Call for Proposal.

Call for expressions of interest - Pilot living labs at the JRC

Living labs are a modern way of creating user-centred environments that enable innovation, co-creation and start-up development. JRC launches a call for expressions of interest to co-create living labs in two of our research sites Ispra, Italy and Petten, the Netherlands for smart city solutions. The pilot call is open to public and private organisations until 31 December 2020.


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