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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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The Meeting of EU Ministers Responsible for Urban Matters, hosted by the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU on 13-14 June 2019 in Bucharest, was a milestone for the Urban Agenda for the EU.

The European Commission presented an online publication on “the state of play of the Urban Agenda for the EU – multi-level governance in action”. This brochure highlights the diversity and variety of actions and achievements so far, and is a must-read for everyone interested in sustainable urban development.

But this is not the only important document presented at the Informal Ministerial Meeting: in the Bucharest Declaration, EU Ministers Responsible for Urban Matters highlight the role and growing importance of urban areas of all sizes in the EU, and that of local and regional authorities. The Declaration also calls for continued support for the implementation and continuation of the Urban Agenda for the EU in line with the guiding principles of the new Leipzig Charter, to be endorsed during the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2020. In addition, the Future of Cities report  was presented by the Commission, identifying challenges influencing the future of cities in Europe and beyond. The main aim is to raise questions and steer discussions on what the future of cities can, and should be, both within the scientific and policymaker communities.

Stay tuned via twitter and our website to stay up-to-date on the Urban Agenda for the EU’s development.

Online Brochure on “the state of play of the Urban Agenda for the EU – Multi-level governance in action”

The Brochure on “the state of play of the Urban Agenda for the EU – Multi-level governance in action” has been published. This online document highlights the diversity and variety of actions and achievements of the Urban Agenda for the EU so far. It also emphasises the role of the Urban Agenda for the EU in building innovative and good governance, working in a more integrated way addressing cross-cutting issues, and in implementing the UN New Urban Agenda.

The Bucharest Declaration is now online

The final version of the Bucharest Declaration is now online. It was endorsed at the Informal Meeting of EU Ministers Responsible for Urban Matters, hosted by the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU on 13-14 June 2019 in Bucharest. It is meant to serve as the bridge between the Pact of Amsterdam, endorsed during the 2016 Dutch Presidency, and the Territorial Agenda of the European Union and Leipzig Charter to be revised during the 2020 German Presidency.

The Future of Cities report

This report highlights drivers shaping the urban future, identifying both the key challenges cities will have to address and the strengths they can capitalise on to proactively build their desired futures. The main aim of this report is to raise open questions and steer discussions on what the future of cities can, and should be, both within the scientific and policymaker communities.

Shaping the future of work in Europe: Digital Skills Map makes local European projects on digital skills visible

In an increasingly digital world, new and different skills and competencies are needed; labour and occupations are fundamentally changing. Likewise, vocational education and training will change as a result of the digital transformation. At the local level, strategies for dealing with digital skills are developed and tested - local actors in cities are of central importance. The Digital Skills Map provides results, insights and knowledge of diverse projects and models from European regions and cities for inspiration and adaption.


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