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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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After a short Easter break, we take the opportunity to look back on the Urban Development Group (UDG) meeting of 21 March 2019. The UDG meetings are an important forum for the Urban Agenda for the EU stakeholders to discuss progress and next steps. At the same time, the UDG prepares and advises the DGUM – the meeting of the Directors General on Urban Matters – whose next meeting will be on 8/9 May 2019.

The Energy Transition Partnership presented the draft Action Plan and the key findings of the Public Feedback held in February and March 2019. Naturally, the  new Partnerships  Culture/Cultural Heritage and Security in Public Spaces presented themselves to the UDG as well.

During the meeting, the Romanian Presidency presented some preliminary results of a survey among UDG members on the Urban Agenda for the EU, identifying obstacles and recommendations for the further development of this initiative. EUROCITIES, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), and URBACT reflected on the Urban Agenda’s main achievements from their perspective as well as their contributions.

Speaking of surveys: the European Commission is currently preparing an Assessment Study on the Urban Agenda for the EU and invites all stakeholders to contribute. All information is available below.

As usual, below you also find compiled a list of events, initiatives, calls, and articles related to the Urban challenges.

You are invited to browse through the information below and the Futurium website. Also make sure to follow the Urban Agenda for the EU on Twitter @EUUrbanAgenda and our newsletter at bit.ly/UA-Newsletter.

The communication Team

12th Meeting of the Partnership on Digital Transition

The 12th Digital Transition Partnership meeting took place in Eindhoven on the 27th, 28th and 29th March, back to back with the Knowledge Society Forum and the Open Data Conference, allowing the working sessions to be balanced out with inspirational discussions. The Partnership meeting was devoted to working sessions on a selected set of Actions, including Actions 2, 4, 8, 10 - 11, and 13.

Kick-off Meeting of the Partnership on Culture/Cultural Heritage

On 21-22 February 2019, the kick-off meeting of the Partnership for Culture/Cultural Heritage took place in Berlin. On the first day, the meeting was opened by the two Coordinators, Germany (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community) and Italy (Italian Agency for the Territorial Cohesion, jointly with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism).

6 cities join for smart & better services to citizens in Finland

“United we stand, divided we fall”: the ‘6AIKA - Open and Smart Services’ project is indeed all about getting stronger together. The six largest cities in Finland, namely Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Oulu, Tampere and Turku, have decided to join forces to test pilot and innovative solutions to common urban challenges.

The ‘other’ summit - a wake up call for those who care about Europe

Today, while national and European leaders discuss the future of Europe, a few meters away so do over 60 mayors and local leaders, representing more than 130 million citizens through the EUROCITIES network.

Protection of Public Spaces, Vehicle and Blast mitigation - Hands-on Training and Exchange of Best Practices

The training will concentrate on introducing a holistic approach to physical security, including examples and best practices on applications in the urban layout.

PACTESUR project started - website online!

The project Protect Allied Cities against TErrorism in Securing Urban aReas - PACTESUR has been officially launched.

Facilitating evidence-based integration policies in cities - Options Report

The Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees has developed nine recommendations to ‘Facilitate evidence-based integration policies in cities’.

OECD Principles on Urban Policy

The OECD Principles on Urban Policy consolidate the lessons from the past 20+ years of work on cities to guide policymakers in building smart, sustainable and inclusive cities.

10 principles for good data

The EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum members elaborated 10 principles on citizen data to give guidance on how to use personal and non-personal data generated in the public digital sphere to improve urban life.

Upcoming Events
Fit for the future! 19 June

Pioneering in partnerships for urban challenges is what the Urban Agenda for the EU and the Dutch Urban Agenda celebrate this year. What lessons are learned? What triggers partners to participate and contribute? How do you celebrate success?

Helsinki Impact Conference 2019 9-10 October

Helsinki Impact Conference calls together European leaders, experts and academia on cohesive urban policy and urban planning, to share insights on how cities act as global change-makers. Are you in?


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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