Read the online version | ISSN: 2600-5425

NEWSLETTER 16/02/2024

EU Taxation and Customs

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New rules came into force on 1 January 2024 to better tackle VAT fraud in the field of online shopping transactions. We talked to two of the architects of the new rules and information sharing system underpinning them about how the new system will work to help Member States recoup lost VAT revenues.


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New phase allows for the interoperability of the EU Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS) and Automated Export System (AES)

EMCS is the trans-European system used for the movement of excise goods (tobacco, alcohol and energy products) across the EU. On 13 February, Phase 4.1 was deployed to enhance certain core business functions of EMCS and extend its scope to allow for interoperability with the EU Automated Export System (AES) for export operations.


Launch of the European Ports Alliance Public Private Partnership

The Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, together with Member States, ports authorities, European associations, EU agencies and representatives from customs and law enforcement authorities launched the European Ports Alliance Public Private Partnership in January. The partnership aims to bring all relevant stakeholders together, to form solutions to protect ports from drug trafficking and criminal infiltration.


Updated Compliance Risk Management (CRM) Guide for EU tax administrations

The CRM handbook has been recently revised to better position the compliance risk management in the digital era. The guide outlines the pillars of CRM strategies, from influencing taxpayer behaviour, over all CRM process to making optimum use of digitalisation, data, and technology. Download it on our website!


Pillar 2: EU minimum taxation rules went live on 1 January!

A minimum rate of effective taxation of 15% for multinational companies active in the EU came into force on 1 January 2024. The new rules formalise the EU's implementation of the so-called ‘Pillar 2' rules agreed as part of the global deal on international tax reform in 2021.


CBAM: Information for EU importers

Are you working in the cement, aluminium, fertiliser, iron and steel, hydrogen or electricity sector and involved in ensuring your company’s CBAM compliance? Download the various sectoral factsheets, now available in all EU languages.


Import Control System 2 (ICS2): Information factsheets and video

ICS2 safety and security data requirements are being gradually rolled out for maritime and inland waterways, road, and rail imports to the EU from 3 June 2024, starting with maritime and inland waterways shipments. To learn more, consult the factsheets and video available in various languages on our website!




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Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union

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ISSN: : 2600-5425