Read the online version | ISSN: 2600-5425

NEWSLETTER 30/06/2023

EU Taxation and Customs

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New withholding tax procedures to make life easier for investors

On 19 June, the European Commission proposed new rules to make withholding tax procedures in the EU more efficient and secure for investors, financial intermediaries and Member State tax administrations.

For this month’s interview, we spoke to Marc Clercx and to Lourdes Bustos, the TAXUD officials who helped design the new procedures, and asked them to explain why the new rules were needed and how they will help businesses and tax administrations. 



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How new VAT rules helped Member States collect €20 billion in tax revenues in 2022

On 1 July, we’ll be marking the day two years ago that the new Value Added-Tax (VAT) rules for e-commerce came into force in the EU. In 2022 alone, the new system helped Member States to collect €20 billion in VAT that goes directly to public budgets. Find out how below.

Tax policy as part of measures to support the social economy

Taxation can play its part in the support of the social economy in the EU helping it to thrive and grow. Read more about how we propose to support the sector, including through simplified tax procedures and appropriately designed tax incentives.



Save the date - Annual Report on Taxation Event on 3 July


Wondering how tax systems in the EU are faring? Interested in tax policy actions that can support economic recovery in a fair way and ensure fiscal resilience in the future? Can we improve the way we estimate tax compliance and therefore improve tax collection? This and more will be discussed at our online event on 3 July at 14h00 CET, which will also be a chance to hear details on the new Annual Report on Taxation. The web streaming will be available on our website – no registration needed.

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The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) starts in its transitional phase on 1 October of this year, which will run until the end of 2025. This public consultation seeks the views of interested parties on the detailed reporting obligations and provisional methodologies that will apply during that time, in support of the fight against carbon leakage in the EU.

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Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union

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ISSN: : 2600-5425