Read the online version | ISSN: : 2600-5425

NEWSLETTER 16/01/2023

EU Taxation and Customs

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Message from Gerassimos Thomas

Dear Friends,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the new-look TAXUD newsletter. I hope it will help to keep you informed of our activities as we drive forward the European Commission’s agenda in the areas of Taxation and the Customs Union!

For DG TAXUD, 2022 ended on a high following the major political agreement on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the Council approval of the so-called ‘Pillar 2’ Directive on minimum effective tax rates in the EU. Both policies make the EU global leaders in the field. The CBAM is the first of its kind in the world. It will put a fair price on the carbon emitted during the production of carbon intensive goods that are entering the EU, and thereby reduce the risk of carbon leakage while encouraging cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries. Meanwhile, the Pillar 2 agreement makes the EU the first region in the world to introduce a common floor for effective corporate tax rates. This will undoubtedly have a lasting effect on base erosion and profit shifting, and enhance the fairness of taxation globally.

2022 will of course be remembered for Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine. But it was also the year, in which the EU, with its international partners, took extraordinary measures to support Ukraine and its people. We imposed stringent sanctions against Russia and Belarus, with customs at the forefront in enforcing sanctions on goods’ imports and exports.

Given the impact of the war on energy costs, the solidarity contribution regulation adopted in September 2022 on the surplus profits of fossil fuel companies will support businesses and households across the EU, especially the most vulnerable in this difficult period. And we rapidly rolled out humanitarian measures to assist Ukraine, including targeted tax and duty waivers and Solidarity Lanes for swift, smooth trade flows.

Going forward, the EU will remain steadfastly committed to the Ukrainian cause, hoping that the war will end as soon as possible. Its ramifications on the energy market, on global and regional supply chains and the EU’s industrial policy at large, however, will last for decades to come. The Commission is intent to shape this new era, including through major tax and customs reforms.

In March 2023, the Commission will table an ambitious reform of the EU Customs Union. In the year of the 30th anniversary of the Single Market, the Customs reform will seek to strengthen its integrity by more effectively enforcing EU rules and standards at our external border for goods. It is also with a view to reducing remaining obstacles for cross-border investment in the Single Market that we are working on reforming and simplifying business taxation within the EU. The much-anticipated BEFIT proposal will be unveiled in 2023 as part of a broader effort to accompany the EU’s economy through the twin digital and green transition. This reform will build on the global tax deal, including Pillar 1, which promises to bring more fairness to our tax systems and more tax certainty for businesses. Once sufficient progress has been made at international level, we will be ready to ensure Pillar 1 is also pinned down in EU law. In 2023 we will also review and monitor the contribution of our initiatives to the EU’s own resources proposals, a key Commission commitment under the Interinstitutional Agreement of December 2020.

And if that wasn’t enough, we’ll also present new initiatives to clamp down further on enablers of tax abuse, to improve withholding tax relief procedures for cross-border businesses in the EU, and to update our tobacco tax rules.

Following the success of our first ever Tax Symposium in 2022, we are already starting to plan the follow-up event and next steps for this reflection process. Look out for useful reports from us over the course of the year too, including the VAT Gap Study, Tax Trends Report and our Annual Report on Taxation.

This is just a small taste of what is to come in the year ahead in EU tax and customs policies. Our monthly newsletter will keep you up to date on these projects and all of our work. I hope you enjoy it!

With my very best regards,

Gerassimos Thomas

Director-General for Taxation and Customs Union

Follow Gerassimos Thomas on Twitter

Interview with Bernardus Zuijdendorp, Head of Unit for Company Taxation Initiatives

On 14 December last year, EU Member States unanimously agreed on a landmark deal to introduce minimum effective taxation in the EU, bringing more fairness, transparency and stability to the international corporate tax framework. The TAXUD Newsletter team sat down with Bert Zuijdendorp, Head of Unit for Company Taxation, to learn more about the agreement and what comes next.

Political agreement on CBAM – the EU’s landmark tool to fight carbon leakage

In December, the Council and Parliament reached political agreement on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), one of the flagship proposals of the EU Green Deal. Once up and running, the CBAM will put a fair price on the carbon emitted during the production of carbon intensive goods that are entering the EU, and will encourage cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries.

New rules agreed to ensure a minimum effective tax rate for large multinational groups

The new agreement on the so-called ‘Pillar 2’ brings the EU's pledge to be among the first to implement the OECD tax reform closer to fruition. Once implemented, this agreement will bring fairness, transparency and stability to the international corporate tax framework.

Modernising the EU’s VAT system by embracing the digital transition

Member States lost €93 billion in VAT revenues in 2020, one quarter of which can be attributed to criminal VAT fraud. Find out how new Commission proposals to modernise the EU VAT system can help Member States crack down on this activity, while making life easier for cross-border businesses.

New transparency rules proposed for crypto-asset transactions

Tax authorities currently lack information to monitor proceeds obtained by using crypto-assets, severely limiting their ability to ensure that taxes are effectively paid. New Commission proposals will improve Member States' ability to detect and counter tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance in this sector.

Guidelines on building trust and compliance in the area of tax collection

A project funded by the EU’s Fiscalis programme has delved into the research around the issue of trust and compliance in our tax systems, and developed a number of guidelines for tax administrations in the EU on how to strengthen their performances in this area.

First ever EU Tax Symposium

European and international Finance Ministers, high-level policy makers, academics and civil society came together in Brussels in November to discuss the future of our tax systems. Missed the event? Don’t worry, you can follow all of the day’s speeches and presentations on our website.


Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT) will propose a comprehensive solution for business taxation in the EU

This initiative aims to introduce a common set of rules for EU companies to calculate their taxable base while ensuring a more effective allocation of profits between EU countries, based on a formula. It will also aim to reduce compliance costs and create a coherent approach to corporate taxation in the EU.

Feedback and consultation period: 13 October 2022 - 26 January 2023

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Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union

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ISSN: : 2600-5425