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European Health Union : Adoption of EU4Health work programme 2023

The European Commission adopted yesterday the 2023 EU4Health work programme, following a positive opinion from the EU4Health Programme Committee on 16 November.

With a budget of EUR 735,8 million, this work programme will allow for swift progress on priority actions linked to further development of the European Health Union. This includes actions linked to strengthening the EU's resilience to cross-border health threats and implementation of the European Health Data Space, the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe and Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, as well as financing for the European Reference Networks, efforts to address mental health challenges and global health.

The work programme will also support health-related urgencies due to Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked war against Ukraine. In July of this year, the European Commission signed an association agreement with Ukrainian authorities, opening access funding under EU4Health Programme..

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