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European Commission
Health and Food Safety Directorate General
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Public Health
Public consultation launched on EU blood, tissues and cells legislation

The Commission seeks to gather views on the extent to which the 2002 Directive setting standards of quality and safety for human blood and the 2004 Directive setting standards for human tissues and cells, have met their original objectives and whether they remain fit for purpose. The consultation of citizens and stakeholders, launched today, will run until  the end of August 2017. Interested parties are invited to participate online. (see link below)

Urging people to participate, Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, said: "Blood, tissues and cells are used for both routine procedures such as in vitro fertilisation and cornea transplantation and lifesaving procedures such as blood transfusion following serious injury, bone marrow transplants for cancer patients and skin grafts for patients with major burns. It is vital that EU legislation ensures the highest level of safety. Patients' lives depend on it."

The results of the public consultation and views expressed by stakeholders in other forums will be reviewed and will feed into a final evaluation report on the EU Directives on blood, tissues and cells to be published towards the end of 2018.

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