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EU4Health – first calls for proposals to beat cancer and boost crisis preparedness

Today we published the first five calls for proposals under the 2021 EU4Health work programme for action grants on:

  • Updating the European Cancer Information System to monitor and assess cancer screening programmes
  • Inter-speciality cancer training programme
  • Quality and safety of radiation technology in diagnosis and treatment of cancer
  • EU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors
  • Substances of human origin (SoHO) - increase resilience, ensure continuity of supply and access to safe and high quality therapies, in particular in times of crisis

Applications open on 29 July and close on 15 September. Find all calls on the EU funding and participants portal.

The 2021 EU4Health work programme focuses on crisis preparedness, disease prevention, stronger health systems and healthcare workforce and digital, with cancer as a cross-cutting priority. More calls for proposals will follow.

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