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EU Health Policy Platform calls for proposals: 2021 Thematic Networks
The European Commission is inviting public health stakeholders to submit initiatives for a new cycle of Thematic Networks under the EU Health Policy Platform. The deadline for submissions is 7 June 2021.

The purpose of a Thematic Network is to produce a Joint Statement within a year, summarising the common position of a group of stakeholder organisations in one of the following selected public health areas:

  1. Adaptation actions on climate change and health
  2. Health inequalities with regard to ethnic minorities and racism
  3. Improving public information on the health effects of air pollution
  4. Integrative Oncology in patient-centred cancer care
  5. The Pharmaceutical Strategy

The European Commission may also consider proposals from other policy areas or proposals that combine diferent policy areas, if stakeholders present sound reasons for doing so.

You’ll find here the complete call text.

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