Newsletter EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste-December 2020 edition
Read online version | ISSN 2600-092X | EW-BP-20-001-EN-N
  3 February 2021  

EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste

Newsletter December 2020

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This edition of the Platform’s newsletter marks the end of an exceptional year. Throughout 2020, the members of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste continued to tackle food loss and waste, while addressing the challenges emerged due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Initiatives taking place in December 2020 include end-of-year food waste campaigns, food waste prevention training, conferences and studies on the impact of innovative solutions. We wish you a pleasant reading!
9th Plenary meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste, 10 December 2020

EFSA scientific opinion: Guidance on date marking and related food information: part 1 (date marking)


Food waste training programme for food services professionals


International conference ‘Taking household food waste seriously’ & online educational tournaments by ‘Sincerely, food’


Guide for the donation of surplus food in the Basque Country: a step of solidarity against food waste


Christmas date marking awareness campaign & Sweden’s food loss and waste milestone targets available in English


Mercadona intensifies its food donation activities in Spain and Portugal & Zer0% waste fruit and vegetable box available in all Continente stores in Portugal

European Food Banks Federation

FEBA Annual Forum - European Food Banks Federation: competences and creativity to feed the future & Christmas solidarity campaign in Italy


Digital Food Waste Fest 2.020: replay all 12 webinars online

Wageningen University & Research

Consumers positive about smart shelf life indicator on meal packaging


Webinar on redistribution of food beyond its ‘best before’ date & online learning programme for the hospitality and food service sector in the UK

Zero Waste Scotland

Christmas food waste reduction campaign & online Food Redistribution Matchmaking service

In the press
Stop Wasting Food Denmark

Christmas during COVID-19 - How to Take Care of Yourself, Your Christmas Food and Avoid Food Waste

United Nations Food Systems Summit, Fall 2021

The United Nations Food Systems Summit in 2021 will reinforce global engagement for a just transition to sustainable food systems

This is the monthly newsletter of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste, incorporating information on the latest activities of its members. The newsletter is created and disseminated by the Platform’s Secretariat, within the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety.

The contents of the newsletter do not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission. For more information about EU actions on food loss and waste prevention, please visit the European Commission’s Food waste website.

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