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European Commission
Health and Food Safety Directorate General
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"Strategic investments for the future of healthcare" to be discussed in Brussels today

Today, in Brussels, Member States and regional representatives, healthcare service providers, public and private investors, economists, and practice innovators, will participate in a Seminar on strategic investments for the future of healthcare, organised by the European Commission.

Health is a vital economic sector representing 10% of the EU's GDP and accounting for 8% of the total workforce in the 28 EU countries. Today's seminar explores what the Investment Plan for Europe can do for health: What types of investments are needed in the health sector? Which funding streams can support these investments? How can we invest to ensure successful implementation of new care models? These are just some of the questions that will be raised.

The Seminar will be opened by Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the European Commission and Ambriose Falloye, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank with closing remarks by Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, who points out that: "Health authorities in the European Union and beyond are looking at ways to transform healthcare delivery through innovative and integrated healthcare models. This requires smart investment and creative approaches. Indeed, it may be difficult, but not impossible. From the Commission's side, we will continue to promote the opportunities offered by the Investment Plan for Europe. As far as I am concerned, two key words are: “collaboration” and “partnerships”. I thus welcome this event and encourage a continuous engagement. If there is political will and if all stakeholders – politicians, care professionals, patients, technology providers and investors – are committed to working together, then we can make our healthcare systems effective, accessible, sustainable and resilient so they can face future societal challenges."

The seminar is organised around three panel discussions:

  1. The Investment Plan for Europe – What can it do for health?
  2. Planning and blending multi-source investments
  3. Partnerships, contracting and business approaches for new care models

Conclusions will be given by Xavier Prats Monné, Director-General of DG Health and Food Safety, and the report from the meeting will be available on our website shortly.

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