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European Commission Health-EU Newsletter
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In this edition - 09 February 2017

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Expert Panel on Health helps strengthen EU health systems

The newly appointed Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health recently held its first Plenary Meeting in Brussels on 24 January 2017 and will now begin work on three new Opinions. Prof. Jan De Maeseneer, chair of the Expert Panel and Head of Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care at Ghent University, explains the Panel's role, work and impact.

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News from the EU
Open Public Consultation of the mid-term evaluation of the 3rd Health Programme 2014-2020
Last days to give your advice on the EU 3rd Health Programme!
Work Plan 2017 adopted - Third Programme of the Union's action in the field of health (2014-2020)
The Annual Work Programme 2017 of the Health Programme was adopted on 26 January 2017. The Consumers, Health, Agriculture, Food Executive Agency (Chafea) is implementing the Health Programme and will soon publish the respective calls.
Commission Roadmap highlights planned process for evaluating EU blood, tissues and cells legislation
EU legislation on quality and safety standards for blood and tissues and cells has been in place for more than a decade and the Commission now wants to evaluate whether this legislation has achieved its original goals and is still fit for purpose or if there are any gaps to be filled.
You're just a click away from discovering the European Commission's Scientific Committees!
Did you know the European Commission's Scientific Committees are working hard to protect your health? They help keep you safe by giving careful consideration to things you might not even think about and their work impacts on EU legislation. Take a look at this new video clip to find out more!
New school lunch recommendations launched in Finland
The new recommendations launched by the National Institute for Health and Welfare on 23 January 2017 focus on pupil involvement, role models provided by adults, health and sustainability.
New national vaccination plan 2017-2019 approved in Italy
The plan aims to maintain Italy's polio-free status, continue work to eradicate measles and rubella, ensure free and accessible service and the availability of vaccines and to target vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups.
Health Council of the Netherlands recommends offering ultrasound at week 13 of pregnancy
Many abnormalities that are currently detected during the ultrasound at week 20 of pregnancy could in fact be detected earlier, according to the Health Council. The benefits and possible risks of an early ultrasound still need to be evaluated.
EU Press Releases
Maltese Presidency and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control host technical meeting on HIV
As one of the Maltese Presidency initiatives, leading experts on HIV prevention and control from across the EU met on 31 January in Malta to discuss how Europe can improve its response to HIV and achieve the targets outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals.
Forthcoming events
Rare Disease Day (28 February 2017)
This year marks the tenth international Rare Disease Day coordinated by EURORDIS, and the slogan is 'With research, possibilities are limitless'. On and around this day, patient organisations from all over the world will hold awareness-raising activities based on the theme of research.
Kick-Off Meeting, European Patients' Forum Campaign on Access to Healthcare (Brussels, 27 February 2017)
The policy meeting, 'How to Achieve Universal Health Coverage for All Patients by 2030’ is open to all high-level stakeholders and patients who want to discuss concrete actions at EU-level to achieve Universal Health Coverage for all by 2030.
CANCON (Cancer Control Joint Action) Final Conference (Malta, 14 - 15 February 2017)
Among many topics to be discussed are Key Findings and Recommendations from the European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control and the Evolving Role of the European Commission in addressing Cancer Policy Changes.
New publications
Cost of childhood obesity: Evidence Paper and Study Protocols
Published by the Commission co-funded Joint Action on Nutrition and Physical Activity, this document summarises the evidence about the prevalence of childhood obesity, its health and societal impacts, and its healthcare and societal costs.
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Study on the Costs of unsafe care and cost effectiveness of patient safety programmes
Among other things, this study aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the financial impact of poor patient safety, including poor prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections on Europe's health systems.
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EMA publishes 10-year report on conditional marketing authorisation
Since 2006, a total of 30 medicines have received a conditional marketing authorisation (CMA), which can speed up access to medicines for patients with unmet medical needs. Medicines granted a CMA target seriously debilitating or life-threatening conditions.
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EU Health Award for NGOs
Winners of the EU Health Award for NGOs announced!
The winners were announced on February 6th 2017 at the Horizon Prize and EU Health Award for NGOs joint ceremony in Leuven, Belgium, in presence of EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Carlos Moedas and EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis.
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In the next issue

EU Health Award for NGOs and the Health Policy Platform



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