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European Commission Egészség–EU Hírlevél
A megbízható egészségügyi információk portálja
Ebben a számban - 26 január 2017

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ADVANTAGE: New Joint Action on Frailty launched

Prof. Leocadio Rodríguez Mañas, ADVANTAGE Joint Action Coordinator, Head of Geriatrics, University Hospital of Getafe shares his views on the new EU-supported Joint Action and how it will address issues of healthy ageing and frailty.

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Projekt nagyító alatt
SCIROCCO - Scaling Integrated Care in Context

Grounded in the extensive experience of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA), SCIROCCO aims to provide a tool that facilitates the successful scaling-up and transfer of good practices in integrated care across European regions.

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Hírek az EU-ból
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Health Ministers discuss 'The Next Generation of Health Reforms'
On 17 January 2017, Health Ministers from over 35 OECD and partner countries exchanged views on how to tackle ineffective health spending, modernise the role of health professionals, make good use of Big Data in health care and make the most of new technologies.
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Patients' and Consumers' Working Party (PCWP) celebrates 10th anniversary
2016 marked the first decade of the European Medicines Agency's PCWP, a unique platform for exchange with patients and consumers on medicine-related issues. A new webpage commemorating this milestone features videos, interviews, reflections and articles.
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German presidency of the G20 announces first ever G20 health ministers' meeting in 2017
On December 1, 2016, Germany took over the presidency of the G20. One priority of the German G20 presidency will be global health, and the first ever G20 health ministers’ meeting has been announced for 2017.
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Estonia to help tackle obesity by taxing sugar-sweetened beverages
Estonia, which holds the EU Presidency later this year, is working to reduce sugar consumption, starting by taxing sugary beverages from 2018. Already, more than half of all Estonians are overweight or obese, with numbers rising rapidly, especially among children and teens.
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Uniós sajtóközlemények
Eurostat figures show one out of four EU adults still smoke
The figures, from Eurostat's European Health Interview Survey, also show that one in five is exposed to second-hand smoke. Tobacco consumption is one of the largest avoidable health risks in the EU and is linked to cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
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Commission follows up on workers' protection from cancer-causing chemicals: frequently asked questions
The EU principles of worker protection from carcinogens are laid out in the over-arching Occupational Safety and Health Framework Directive 89/391/EEC and Directives specifically dealing with chemical risks.
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Zoonoses report: Listeria infections stable but frequently reported among the elderly
European experts have noted an increasing trend of listeriosis since 2008, but they highlight that the number of affected people stabilised from 2014 to 2015. Infections were mostly reported in people over 64 years of age.
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Nutrition and physical activity: how more than 20 pan-EU actions contribute to better public health priorities
From 30 November to 2 December 2016, the European Commission with the support of the Hungarian Ministry of the Human Capacities, organised a meeting in Budapest to share the results of projects co-financed under the 2nd and 3rd EU Health Programmes.
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Várható események
HepHIV 2017 Conference: HIV and Viral Hepatitis: Challenges of Timely Testing and Care (Malta, 31 January - 2 February 2017)
This event is the second European conference to bring together the fields of HIV and viral hepatitis, looking at earlier diagnosis of the two related conditions.
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EU Health Award for NGOs (Leuven, 6 February 2017)
The winners of the EU Health Award, which focuses on Antimicrobial Resistance this year, will be announced at this event by EU Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis. See the shortlisted initiatives here.
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CANCON (Cancer Control Joint Action) Final Conference, (Malta, 14 - 15 February 2017)
Among many topics to be discussed are Key Findings and Recommendations from the European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control and the Evolving Role of the European Commission in addressing Cancer Policy Changes.
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Kick-Off Meeting, European Patients' Forum Campaign on Access to Healthcare (Brussels, 27 February 2017)
The policy meeting, 'How to Achieve Universal Health Coverage for All Patients by 2030’ is open to all high-level stakeholders and patients who want to discuss concrete actions at EU-level to achieve Universal Health Coverage for all by 2030.
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Új kiadványok
'Together' pilot project – Guide to the dos and don’ts
The pilot project promoting healthy diets to pregnant and breastfeeding women shares lessons learnt with all who wish to carry out similar initiatives.
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Report on implementing Directive on quality standards and safety of human organs for transplantation
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Európai uniós egészségpolitikai platform
Joint Statements up for endorsement
Thematic Network leaders call for endorsement of the joint statements on Mental Health, Health Inequalities, Patient Safety and Public Health Workforce. Register on the Web Platform to endorse!
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Vote for your topic of interest
See the selection of topics for next round of joint statements in the EU Health Policy Platform. Register and vote for your topic of interest!
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