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European Commission
Health and Food Safety Directorate General
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Evaluation of EU blood, tissues and cells legislation: Commission publishes Roadmap

EU legislation on quality and safety standards for blood and tissues and cells has been in place for more than a decade - since 2002 and 2004 respectively. In view of the changing landscape – greater use of technology, more disease outbreaks, and a more connected world, the Commission wants to evaluate whether this legislation has achieved its original objectives, is still fit for purpose, or whether there are gaps to be filled.

The Commission has published a roadmap highlighting the planned process for this evaluation and invites stakeholders to submit comments on this process during the next four weeks.

During the upcoming evaluation, an important component will be to gather feedback on substance of the EU blood, tissues and cells legislation from key professional stakeholders and the general public. For this purpose, the roadmap includes plans for a public consultation, which will likely be launched in the 2nd quarter of 2017 and will last for 12 weeks. This will  be followed by a stakeholder event later in 2017, to present findings and exchange views. The Commission asks all stakeholder to participate actively in the course of this evaluation. We need your comments, suggestions and ideas!

The final evaluation report is expected to be published by the end of 2018.

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