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European Commission PPPAMS Newsletter for
Member State Users
Plant Protection Products Application Management System
In this issue - Autumn 2016

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New PPPAMS website address - remember to update any links from your own webpages and your own bookmarks!
  • A new, enhanced version of PPPAMS was made available on 30th September. 
  • A new, easier to remember website address:
  • Improved online help - now also available to download in PDF format. (MS users have access to both the MS and Applicant guides)
  • A new downloadable summary report for emergency authorisations is also available when you publish an authorisation (also sent to all MS lead users).
  • A simplified data entry process for entering applicants and authorisation holders.  (The links with the authorisation system have been removed).
  • Notifications have also been updated and enhanced.
  • An updated look and feel that reacts better on mobile devices.
  • Enhanced security features
  • PPPAMS is ready to use to submit applications for all new products and for emergency authorisations.  So please encourage your applicants to start using the system!
  • Our training environment allows you to test PPPAMS and allows you to gain confidence with using the system – so give it a go! You can even test creating emergency authorisations or request industry access to see how applicants enter their data.
Applications for emergency authorisation

Since the 1st June 2016, applications for emergency authorisation of plant protection products have been managed through PPPAMS. Member States should continue to update guidance to reflect this – please notify the Commission when you have completed your guidance so the link to your national procedures are added to the relevant page on our public Europa website.

Over 150 emergency applications have already been registered in PPPAMS, proving that this initiative has been a great success! The latest updates further show the Commission's resolve in enabling greater transparency and making the process even more efficient!

What's next?

A number of important updates will be made in the coming months. These include:

  • A change to the login process.  At the end of October, the 'European Commission Authentication Service', ECAS, becomes 'EU Login'. The name change comes with further improvements to make 'EU Login' the most convenient authentication system for its 2 million users.  New authentication methods based on social networks (Facebook, Google, Twitter) will be gradually made available to EC systems that are open to the general public.
  • We have also been listening to your comments regarding the user management system and we have a number of ideas that we hope will simplify the system. 
  • Updating the emergency application workflow to include the justifications tab so that applicants complete the data instead of Member State users.
  • Harmonisation and improvement of the GAP section including work to ensure alignment of the GAP section with the GAP tables for different types of PPPs (chemicals, micro-organisms, seed treatments, semio-chemicals).
  • Complementing the current system to enable it to handle the remaining types of application procedures: amendments and withdrawals, extension of minor use, renewal of authorisation, and parallel trade permits.
  • Public database for authorisations will be created

Once these updates are completed work will progress towards formal implementation of PPPAMS.

Data collection exercise

The project to collect data from national systems is underway! Individual teleconferences and follow up discussions have been held with 16 Member States and the remaining will be organised in the coming months.  This is important for two reasons:

1. to populate the public database of authorisations (planned for early 2017)

2. to enable PPPAMS to handle all types of applications – this is particular the case for mutual recognitions, renewals and amendments/withdrawals.

It is foreseen that data will begin to be added in early 2017 and PPPAMS will become populated over the course of the year.

Watch out for further details on how to send back your data to the Commission which is planned for this quarter!

Other news

For support please contact: SANTE-PPPAMS@ec.europa.eu

Image of pumpkins

This is the PPPAMS newsletter (for applicants) created by DG Health and Food Safety.

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