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  July 2024  

Horizon Europe Policy Support Facility

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Welcome to the Policy Support Facility (PSF) July Newsletter!

Read on to discover two new PSF Country exercises to support research and innovation (R&I) infrastructures in Ukraine and Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) in Czechia. We also have details on three new Mutual Learning Exercises (MLEs) on Research Careers, Bridging the gap between Science and Policy, and National Policies for AI in Science.

Learn about three recently concluded MLEs on Knowledge Valorisation, the Whole of Government Approach and Industrial Decarbonisation. Plus, you will find a recap on the highlights of two ongoing MLEs on Public Engagement and EU missions implementation at national level, including key insights from their most recent thematic reports.

To mark the midway point of the year, it is worth noting that the PSF has been providing practical support to 31 Member states and Associated Countries. This support helps countries design, implement and evaluate reforms that improve the quality of their R&I investments, policies and systems. This is achieved through a range of services including PSF Country, PSF Challenge/MLE and PSF Open.

To get a better understanding of the countries involved in PSF assigments, check out our map below.


New exercises

PSF launches new activity to bolster research infrastructures in Ukraine

This new exercise aims to provide expert advice and recommendations to help Ukraine make the most of its public funds. The goal is to create cutting-edge research facilities that will attract both Ukrainian and European researchers, boosting the outputs and quality of R&I. The activity will focus on developing a comprehensive policy for managing public research infrastructures, creating an effective funding system, introducing Open Science practices and promoting international collaboration.


Read the Factsheet

Find out more about the PSF Ukraine

Support to Czechia on its reforms of the Technology Transfer Offices sector

We are pleased to announce that we have launched a PSF Country exercise for Czechia. The aim of this project is to provide Czechia with expert support and recommendations to reform the country’s Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) sector, taking into consideration internationally proven good practices. 

The exercise will analyse the needs to which TTOs should answer and will identify the current gaps and under-performance in addressing those needs. It will define tools for policymakers to optimise TTOs’ functions and connections as well as identify appropriate roles and settings for TTOs in the Czech technology transfer environment. If relevant, it will provide recommendations on the establishment of a central technology transfer authority. Additionally, the project will assess ways for TTOs to cooperate with regional innovation centres.

The PSF Country exercise kicked-off in June 2024 and will conclude in February 2025.


Read the Factsheet

Find out more about the PSF Czechia 

Mutual Learning Exercise to make research careers more attractive

The MLE on Research Careers aims to help Member States implement new standards to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial talents in Europe. The goal is to enhance the attractiveness of research careers through topics such as recruitment and working conditions, skills and inter-sectoral mobility, and career development. 16 countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden) will take part in the exercise, sharing information, experiences, lessons learned and identifying good practices to make research careers more attractive.


Read the Factsheet

Find out more about MLE on Research Careers

PSF launches MLE on National Policies for AI in Science

This Mutual Learning Exercise will target national administrations, focusing on exchanges of national practices at the operational and strategic levels in artificial intelligence (AI) in science. The MLE will explore the framework and funding of AI in science, as well as infrastructures and talent in this field. 13 countries (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Italy) will take part in the exercise, exploring ways to adapt to the new challenges resulting from AI in science.


Read the Factsheet

Find out more about MLE on National Policies for AI in Science

Support to help bridge the gap between science and policy

Science for Policy (S4P) uses the best available scientific evidence, knowledge and expertise to inform policymaking. As such, the MLE on Bridging the gap between Science and Policy aims to fill the gap between science and policy by facilitating an exchange of information of different national S4P ecosystems across Europe. 16 countries (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Portugal and Spain) will take part in the exercise and will receive support in identifying their own S4P ecosystems’ needs, challenges and opportunities, as well as effective ways to address them.


Read the Factsheet

Find out more about MLE on Bridging the Gap Between Science and Policy

Concluded PSF exercises

PSF wraps up the MLE on Knowledge Valorisation

The MLE on Knowledge Valorisation concluded with a dissemination event on 5 June. 18 countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania Slovenia, Spain and Sweden) took part in the exercise, sharing experiences and knowledge with the aim to enhance R&I performance through knowledge valorisation. 

The fifth thematic report on Intellectual Assets Management and the final report of the MLE have also been published. The final report includes a series of recommendations to strengthen and expand knowledge valorisation in practice across countries. The PSF panel of independent experts highlighted that countries should adopt a clear vision for knowledge valorisation, boost funding, raise awareness of knowledge valorisation, foster entrepreneurship and mindset culture, and more.


Read the Summary article

Find out more about MLE on Knowledge Valorisation

MLE looks at the benefits of mobilising the whole of government approach for strengthening the impact of science and innovation policies

The whole of government approach (WGA) gives powerful incentives and tools to foster cross-policy coordination and collaboration to tackle challenges and opportunities with more impact.

Five countries (Bulgaria, Finland, Malta, Romania and the Slovak Republic) participated in the Mutual Learning Exercise to develop new capabilities and improve R&I performance through WGA.

The MLE concluded with a dissemination event on 16 April and provided a set of recommendations to expand and strengthen WGA across Europe. This MLE showed inspiring examples, highlighting how traditional vertical structures can be combined with more flexible and agile horizontal ones. To take the MLE’s work forward the PSF panel of independent experts highlighted the importance of ensuring a better alignment of science and innovation strategies with broader government goals, such as climate change or the ageing population. 


Read the Summary article

Find out more about MLE on WGA

Decarbonising Europe: Insights from the MLE on Industrial Decarbonisation

A dissemination event on 9-10 April 2024 marked the successful conclusion of the MLE on Industrial Decarbonisation. 12 countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Türkiye) participated, joined by representatives from France, Germany and the Netherlands. The MLE tackled the reduction of carbon emissions in European industries.

Thanks to the implementation of national roadmaps and the deployment of low-carbon industrial technologies, several European countries are efficiently moving towards decarbonisation.  However, it is crucial to learn from those practices and further support countries and industrial stakeholders in their efforts to reduce their C02 emissions.   

The final report provides a full set of recommendations to create a more environmentally sustainable and competitive European industrial environment. The recommendations include establishing the right framework conditions to assess the impact on R&I, promoting best practices and funding, and developing national roadmaps and strategy for low-carbon technologies.


Read the Summary article

Find out more about MLE on Industrial Decarbonisation

Ongoing PSF exercises

Moving forward with mission-orientated funding and instrument synergies: EU missions

We are excited to share that the third thematic report of the MLE on EU missions is now published.  Drawing on the discussions held in Stockholm, this report explores the challenges and best practices for financing EU missions and combining them with other policies. It examines specific funding needs, explores synergies between policies and shares practical examples from the MLE participating countries.

The report offers valuable insights into the specific funding modalities of missions and the necessary synergies to achieve their goals. This includes the need to foster partnerships between public and private sectors to bring in additional resources and expertise. It also shows how using flexible funding arrangements allows for quick adaptation to changing mission needs and opportunities. Finally, the report demonstrates the benefit of involving a wide variety of stakeholders from the outset to build strong support networks.


Read the Thematic report  

Find out more about MLE on EU Missions implementation at national level

First thematic report for MLE on Public Engagement in R&I now published

The MLE on Public Engagement has recently published its first report. It provides an overview of public engagement in R&I in Europe and explores policies, resources and projects put in place at various levels to inspire public actors and policymakers to promote public engagement. The report highlights that the contribution of citizens is key to affect change and bring about tangible benefits, such as the ability to influence R&I policies. Other assets with public engagement include raising awareness about R&I, fostering informed decision-making and promoting inclusivity through collaborations with museums, non-profit associations, libraries, schools etc.


Read the Thematic report

Find out more about the MLE on Public Engagement in R&I 

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The Horizon Europe PSF provides practical support for Member States and Associated Countries to design, implement and evaluate reforms that enhance the quality of their R&I investments, policies and ecosystems.

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ISSN: 2600-5433