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Research and Innovation

09 November 2023

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News of the day
Commissioner Ivanova at the One Planet - One Polar Summit in Paris: the European Union a worldwide player in polar research
Speaking at the One Planet – One Polar Summit, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Iliana Ivanova, has reaffirmed the important role of the EU as a major player in global polar research.

Commissioner Ivanova said:

“Without a healthy and integral ocean and cryosphere, humanity and the planet cannot thrive. We gathered at the Polar Summit not only to discuss but to act: let us safeguard the most vulnerable components of our planet. With hundreds of millions euros invested through the EU Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes into polar research, we are charting a course that not only seeks to understand and protect our cryosphere, but also prepares our communities for the transformations ahead.”

Focusing on the regions on the frontline of climate disruption, the One Planet - Polar Summit takes place this week in Paris and aims to answer the urgent call for an unprecedented and concerted mobilisation of the international community to face the effects of climate disruption, which are warming the Arctic and Antarctic faster than ever before. 

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See also Polar and ocean research

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ISSN: 2600-013X