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The Cities Mission News

24 February 2022

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List of Applicant Cities for Mission "100 Climate-neutral and Smart Cities by 2030" published
We thought it would be useful to let you know that since the close of our Call for Expression of Interest, we have had a lot of interest in which cities have applied! Therefore, the European Commission services have today published the names of the cities that have expressed their interest to be part of the Cities Mission, and have agreed to have their name published.

377 cities answered the Cities Mission’s Call for Expression of Interest, which closed on 31 January. After preliminary checks, 362 cities were found to be eligible. These have moved on to the phase of evaluation which is currently ongoing. This selection process is planned to be concluded in April, at which time we will announce the cities that will be invited to join the Cities Mission.

We welcome this strong interest from the cities, and in the cities, and we think it is useful to be transparent about which cities have applied to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information and the creation of support networks.

Once again, this list is just those that applied, that were found to be eligible and that expressly agreed to see their name made public. You can find the names on the Cities Mission website.

Please remember that not all cities published in this list will be selected for participation in the Cities Mission.

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