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The Cities Mission News

17 December 2021

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Open until 31 January 2022 - Call for Expression of Interest to join the Mission “100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030”
The Commission call for expression of interest addressed to cities to join the European Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities is open until 31 January 2022.

This call for expression of interest is the chance for your city to join the Mission and be among the 100 cities that commit to climate-neutrality by 2030

You can register to access the online questionnaire (preview) that allows you to submit your city’s Expression of Interest. The questionnaire asks for information on your city’s current situation, ongoing work, and plans regarding climate neutrality. Courtesy translations of the questionnaire can be viewed in all EU languages after registration.

The Horizon Europe 2021-2022 Missions Work Programme is adopted
The Work Programme was adopted on 15 December.

The amendment to the Work Programme is available on the Funding & Tender portal.

Two new calls will contribute to the implementation of the Climate-neutral and Smart Cities Mission by providing support to cities to achieve climate neutrality.

Actions under these calls will cover a wide range of subjects such as urban planning and design for climate-neutral cities, sustainable urban mobility, positive and clean energy districts.

The first call will be open 11 January 2022 – 26 April 2022, with an overall indicative budget of EUR 117 million. The second call will be open 28 April 2022 – 6 September 2022, with an indicative budget of EUR 42 million. In addition, support in the range of EUR 81 million will be provided to the scale-up of the Mission Platform that will in turn help cities in their journey towards climate-neutrality.

Setup of City Panels to shape the tools and services under the Mission Platform
This is an opportunity to influence the design of the tools and services that will be available to cities (One-Stop Shop, Climate City Contract). It is also an opportunity to network with other cities that are committed to climate neutrality.

The NetZeroCities project is now accepting applications for two City Panels, one for city practitioners and one for politicians and senior managers, to provide city-user input and to help shape the services of the Mission Platform.

For further information, please refer to the FAQs or contact

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Upcoming Events
EU Missions Info Days 18 – 19 January 2021
You can participate in the Cities Mission session on 19 January 2021, 10:45 – 12:45 CET.

Don’t miss the EU Missions Info Days where dedicated research and innovation actions for the implementation of five EU Missions will be presented.

date 18/01/2022 - 19/01/2022
Catch up on past events
Missed an event? Check out the recording!
On 25 November, the launch of the implementation of EU Missions and the presentation of the Call for Expression of Interest for the Cities Mission took place.

Watch the conference which was co-organised with the Committee of the Regions.

To help cities fill in the questionnaire of the Call for Expression of Interest, three webinars were organised, focusing on different sections of the questionnaire. You can watch the recordings online.

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