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Représentation au Luxembourg

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The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

From 1st July to the end of 2024, Hungary will hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the second time since having joined the EU in 2004.

The Hungarian Presidency comes at a special time in the EU institutional cycle, and it will consist of two phases. The first half will be dominated by the institutional changes brought about by the European Elections of 9 June. Hungary will ensure a smooth institutional transition and act as an honest broker, seeking sincere cooperation with Member States and EU institutions. In the second half, where legislative tasks will be dealt with, Hungary will seek collective responses to the historic challenges the EU is facing. Hungary will aim to focus on improving European competitiveness, the strengthening of defense policy on a European level and the external aspects of migration.

After a review of the Belgian Presidency by H.E. Mr Thomas Lambert, Ambassador of Belgium, the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg is pleased to invite you to a presentation of the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU by H.E. Mr Tamás Kovács, Ambassador of Hungary, and to ask your questions.

The event will take place on :
5 July 2024 at 10h00
Foyer européen - 10, rue Heinrich Heine in Luxembourg

For organisational reasons, please confirm your attendance to Michèle Roesgen via e-mail

The presentations will be given in English. Questions may be asked in English or French. 


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