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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue

Top News

Joint statement by President von der Leyen and High Representative Borrell on the death of Alexei Navalny

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, delivered a statement on the death of Alexei Navalny: "We are shocked and grieved by today's reports about the death of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny. Our thoughts are with his wife Yulia Navalnaya, his family and with all those in Russia and beyond who believe in a democratic and peaceful future for Russia. We will honour his memory as a freedom fighter".

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Digital Services Act starts applying to all online platforms in the EU

The EU's landmark rulebook, the Digital Services Act (DSA), entered fully into force last Saturday, 17 February. The rules, which had already applied to a number of very large platforms and very large search engines since 2023, now apply to all platforms and hosting services. This means they will all need to implement a number of different measures including: countering illegal content; protecting minors; banning advertisements that target users based on sensitive data such as political or religious beliefs or sexual preferences; and making it easier to submit complaints.

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See also Feidhm anois ag an nGníomh um Sheirbhí...

Commission presents new initiatives for digital infrastructures of the future

The European Commission this week presented a set of possible actions to foster the innovation, security and resilience of digital infrastructures across the EU. Fast, secure and widespread connectivity is essential for the deployment of the technologies that will bring us into tomorrow's world: telemedicine, automated driving, predictive maintenance of buildings, or precision agriculture. The package aims to start a discussion on concrete proposals with stakeholders, Member States and like-minded partners on how to shape future EU policy.

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See also

Two Irish environmental projects awarded over €35 million in EU LIFE funding

The European Commission announced this week that it is investing over €233 million in twelve new Strategic Projects across Europe under the LIFE programme to support the implementation of the EU's environmental and climate ambitions under the European Green Deal. Two of the twelve projects are Irish. MPA-LIFE-IRELAND, which will receive over €15 million in EU funding, aims to designate at least 30% of Ireland's marine territories as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by 2030. LIFE SNAP Ireland, which will receive over €20 million in EU funding, will target barriers to the implementation of Ireland's Natura 2000 priority action fund. The coordinator of both projects is the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

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See also Breis agus EUR 233 mhilliún infheistith...

Halfway through its lifetime, the Recovery and Resilience Facility continues to deliver across the EU through ambitious reforms and investments

The European Commission this week presented the mid-term evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the EU's recovery instrument at the heart of the €800 billion NextGenerationEU (NGEU) plan. The RRF was established in February 2021 and has the two-fold objective of helping Member States to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as bolstering their resilience and making our economies and societies greener, more digital and more competitive. The mid-term evaluation shows how the RRF has delivered on its objectives so far.

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See also Ireland country snapshot

Other news

Commission welcomes provisional agreement for cleaner air in the EU

The European Parliament and the Council of the EU this week reached a provisional political agreement on the revised Ambient Air Quality Directive. Once adopted, the new law will set 2030 EU air quality standards aligned more closely with the WHO global air quality guidelines. This is an important step to better protect our health and move forward on the path to zero pollution in our environment by 2050.

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See also Is díol sásaimh don Choimisiún an com...

Commission opens formal proceedings against TikTok under the Digital Services Act

The European Commission has opened formal proceedings to assess whether TikTok may have breached the Digital Services Act (DSA) in areas linked to the protection of minors, advertising transparency, data access for researchers, as well as the risk management of addictive design and harmful content. Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager said: "TikTok needs to take a close look at the services they offer and carefully consider the risks that they pose to their users - young as well as old".
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See also Tús curtha ag an gCoimisiún le himeach...

European Commission presents options for simplification to reduce the burden for EU farmers

The European Commission this week sent a paper today to the Belgian Presidency outlining first possible actions to help reduce the administrative burden weighing on farmers’ shoulders. The document, which will be discussed with Member States in the Agricultural Council of 26 February, lists a range of short- and mid-term actions that can be taken to achieve simplification. This will serve as the basis for discussions and joint action with EU countries.
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See also Chuir an Coimisiún Eorpach roghanna i l...

Two finalists from Ireland in the running for the 2024 European Prize for Women Innovators

Two of the ten finalists for the 2024 European Prize for Women Innovators, which were announced earlier this week, are from Irish companies. Bàrbara Oliveira, CTO and Co-Founder of Luminate Medical, whose technology helps prevent the side effects of cancer treatment, has been short-listed for the Rising Innovators category. And Cristina Purtill, CEO of Plio Surgical, which developed a magnetic solution to intestinal post-surgery recovery, has been short-listed for the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) Women Leadership category. The winners across the 3 prize categories will be revealed at the R&I Week Opening event on 18 March 2024.

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Irish charity Third Age Foundation nominated for EESC Civil Society Prize on mental health

Irish charity the Third Age Foundation is among the finalists for the 14th Civil Society Prize awarded by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) to non-profit organisations, associations and individuals for projects addressing mental health. The Third Age is contending for the prize with its AgeWell project, together with four other projects: two from Finland and one each from Slovakia and Italy. The EESC will reveal the final ranking of the winners on 7 March. The total prize money of €50,000 will be shared among the five front-runners. The first prize winner will take home €14,000 while the other four finalists will each receive €9,000.

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EU provides €83 million in humanitarian aid to support people in Ukraine and in Moldova

The European Commission is providing an initial €83 million in humanitarian aid to support the people affected by Russia's war against Ukraine in 2024. Of the €83 million humanitarian funding, €75 million is allocated for humanitarian projects in Ukraine to provide emergency aid including access to basic needs such as shelter, protection services, clean water, education and healthcare. €8 million is allocated for humanitarian projects in Moldova providing targeted assistance to the most vulnerable, including humanitarian cash assistance for basic needs, protection, and health.
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President Ursula von der Leyen and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcome successful conclusion of negotiations on a new working arrangement between UK agencies and Frontex

President von der Leyen spoke by phone with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak last Sunday. The two leaders welcomed the successful conclusion of negotiations on a new working arrangement between UK agencies and Frontex, which will be formalised in the coming days, as part of wider cooperation between the UK and EU on crack down on illegal migration. The two leaders also shared the view that the situation in Ukraine requires full attention.
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High vaccination coverage key against expected increase of measles cases in the EU/EEA

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has said that measles cases are expected to continue increasing in the EU/EEA in the coming months due to sub-optimal vaccination coverage for measles-containing vaccines (MCV) in a number of EU/EEA countries, the high probability of importation from areas experiencing high circulation and the fact that the coming months represent the seasonal peak of the virus. ECDC data shows that in January and early February 2024, the number of EU/EEA countries reporting measles cases has increased. At least seven deaths have been reported from two countries.
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EU and Rwanda sign Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable Raw Materials Value Chains

The European Union and Rwanda this week entered an important agreement to nurture sustainable and resilient value chains for critical raw materials. The signature of the Memorandum of Understanding signals both parties' intention to strengthen their partnership for closer integration of raw materials value chains. This cooperation model will bring the possibility for the partner country to diversify their economy and will be a driver for structural transformation as it will promote added value and integrate better standards in the partner country.

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Zalando commits to provide clearer information for consumer following EU action

Following a dialogue with the Commission and national consumer authorities, Zalando has committed to removing misleading sustainability flags and icons displayed next to products offered on its platform. Such claims can mislead consumers about the environmental characteristics of the products. As from 15 April 2024, the icons will not appear anymore. Instead, clear information about products' environmental benefits, such as the percentage of recycled materials used, will be provided by Zalando.
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Commission welcomes provisional agreement on tackling ship-source pollution to help make European seas cleaner

The European Parliament and the Council of the EU last week reached political agreement on the amendment of Directive 2005/35/EC on ship-source pollution and on the introduction of penalties for pollution offences. They agreed to align the Directive with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (Marpol) and to extend the scope of the directive to cover more types of polluting substances discharged into the sea, such as sewage and garbage. The new rules will improve transparency by making information available online regarding the pollution offences in European seas and the penalties imposed.
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New mobile machinery rules to ease safe circulation on public roads across the EU

The European Commission welcomes the political agreement reached yesterday by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on the road approval and market surveillance of non-road mobile machinery. The new rules will facilitate the use of mobile machinery, including cranes, harvesters, forklifts, or snow cleaners, on public roads while ensuring a high level of road safety.
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Statistic of the week

Ireland's Southern region had the highest per capita GDP in the EU in 2022: Eurostat

Ireland's Southern region was the EU region with the highest per capita GDP in 2022 at 286% of the EU average according to new figures on regional GDP published this week by Eurostat. Luxembourg (257%) was in second place followed by Ireland's Eastern and Midland Ireland (247%). The high levels of GDP in these two Irish regions is partly explained by the presence of some major multinational enterprises. Meanwhile, per capita GDP in Ireland's Northern and Western region was at 105% of the EU average. The EU regions with the lowest per capita GDP levels were the French overseas region of Mayotte (30%), Severozapaden in Bulgaria and the French overseas region of Guyane (both 40% of the EU average).

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Ireland below the EU average for share of electricity from renewable sources: Eurostat

New Eurostat figures reveal that 36.8% of Ireland's electricity consumption came from renewable sources in 2022, up from 19.8% in 2012 but below the 2020 figure of 39%. On average across the EU, 41.2% of electricity came from renewable sources in 2022, up from 37.4% in 2020. Sweden at 83.3% had the highest share (mainly hydro and wind) followed by Denmark at 77.2% (mainly wind). The lowest shares were reported in Malta (10.1%), Hungary (15.3%), Czechia (15.5%) and Luxembourg (15.9%).

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Thursday 22 to Saturday 24 February: Informal meeting of economic and financial affairs ministers, Ghent

Addressing the EU competitiveness challenge is a top priority for the Belgian presidency. The Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors will examine how public and private financing in Europe will be organized in the coming years. During the informal meeting of economic and financial affairs, three major debates are taking place on: the future of the European Investment Bank; retail investor participation in financial markets and financial literacy; and, the report on the future of EU competitiveness as is currently being prepared by Dr. Mario Draghi.
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Friday 23 February: Review of the CJEU (Court of Justice of the EU) in 2023, Irish Centre for European Law

On Friday morning 23 February, the Irish Centre for European Law’s (ICEL) conference, Review of the CJEU in 2023, will take place at the Chartered Accountants Ireland, 47 Pearse Street, Dublin 2, D02 YN40. The conference will analyse the key judgements and trends emerging from the Court of Justice of the European Union during the last year. It will feature keynote addresses by Koen Lenaerts, President of the CJEU and Advocate General Anthony M. Collins. Speakers also include Professor Herke Kranenborg (Privacy and Data Protection), Aoife Carroll BL (Environmental Law), and Ciara Fulton, Partner, Lewis Silkin (Employment and Social Rights).
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Friday 23 February: Eurogroup meeting, Ghent

On the agenda of this meeting: the future of European capital and financial markets and macroeconomic developments and prospects.
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Monday 26 to Thursday 29 February: European Parliament plenary session, Strasbourg

The European Parliament will meet next week in Strasbourg. Daily agendas for this session are available at the link below.
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Monday 26 February: Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Brussels

Based on information from the Belgian presidency and the European Commission, ministers will exchange views on ways of ensuring prompt and structural responses to the current crisis that the agricultural sector is facing. Among the 'Other business' items on the agenda, the presidency will provide information on the ministerial conference titled ‘Biosecurity and vaccination: essential tools in prevention, control and eradication of animal diseases’ that took place in Brussels on 24 January 2024. Furthermore, the Danish delegation will provide information on unilateral management measures for fisheries introduced by the United Kingdom.
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Wednesday 28 February: Public conference - The best of Europe for Women, Europe House, Dublin 2

On Wednesday evening 28 February, the French Embassy in Ireland is organising a public conference on the theme: "Women's rights and Gender equality: what's at stake in the 2024 European elections?". Strong voices from France and Ireland will discuss why and how it is essential to capitalise on the 2024 EU elections to firmly establish women’s rights and gender equality at the core of the EU. Further information and a full list of speakers is available at the link below.

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Thursday 29 February: The Eurozone’s Economy in 2024: Is the Glass Half Full? (IIEA event)

Paschal Donohoe TD, President of the Eurogroup and Minister for Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform of Ireland, will participate in a fireside chat with Daire Lawler, IIEA Senior Economics Researcher and Chair of the YPN, and a question-and-answer session with members. In his capacity as President of the Eurogroup, the grouping of euro area finance ministers, Minister Donohoe will discuss the challenges and opportunities for the economy of the euro area in 2024, as well as the Eurogroup’s work programme for the first half of the year which is focused on strengthening the 4 C’s: coordination; capital markets; competitiveness; and the common currency.

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Friday 1 March: Model Council of the EU debate, Dublin

The Model Council of the EU debate is a simulation of a meeting of the Council of the European Union. On Friday 1 March, 27 schools from across Ireland will gather in Dublin Castle to take part in the 2024 Model Council. Each of the 27 EU Member States will be represented by a team of 3 students from an Irish secondary school. The topic for the 2024 debate is “Reforming the EU for Future Enlargement”.

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Tuesday 4 March: What Happens When Enforcement Doesn’t Happen (IIEA event)

Catherine Barnard, Professor of EU law and Employment Law and senior tutor and fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, will address an IIEA online event on: “What Happens When Enforcement Doesn’t Happen: The Implications for the Individuals, for Other Employers and for The State.”

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Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 March: Justice and Home Affairs Council, Brussels

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Thursday 7 March: Competitiveness Council (Internal market and industry), Brussels

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Calls for Tender/Proposals

Call for proposals to develop a demonstrator marine fishing vessel

The European Commission this week launched a €2.2 million call for proposals to develop a demonstrator marine fishing vessel equipped with alternative propulsion technologies and innovative energy solutions. The pilot project aims to significantly improve the energy performance of the current fishing vessels, reducing their greenhouse emissions and enhancing the sector’s economic resilience. The call is open until 11 June 2024 and the project(s) will be selected by the end of the third quarter of 2024.
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Job opportunities


Applications now open for graduate traineeships at the European Commission

Applications are now open for 5 month paid traineeships at the European Commission for the period running from period from October 2024 to February 2025. Twice a year, the Commission offers 5-month paid traineeships for university graduates with good language skills. The traineeship programme is open to all EU citizens, regardless of age. A limited number of places are also allocated to non-EU nationals. The programme is open to all eligible candidates regardless of their sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, religion or belief, membership of a national minority, disability, age or sexual orientation.

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The 2024 Regiostarts Awards competition is now open!

Applications opened this week for the 17th Regiostars competition. Regiostars are Europe's yearly awards for cohesion policy-funded projects that demonstrate excellence and new approaches in regional development. Applicants can choose between five thematic areas: A competitive and smart Europe; A green Europe; A connected Europe; A social and inclusive Europe; and A Europe closer to the citizens. The winners of the 5 Categories plus the Public Choice Award will be announced in October. Applications are open until 31 May 2024.

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