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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue
Top News
European Health Union: a new comprehensive approach to mental health

The European Commission this week proposed a package of initiatives to put mental health on a par with physical health and to ensure a new, cross sectoral approach to mental health issues across the EU. With 20 flagship initiatives and €1.23 billion in EU funding from different financial instruments, the Commission will support Member States in putting people and their mental health first. EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said: "We need to break down stigma and discrimination so that those in need can reach out and receive the support they need. It is ok not to be ok, and it is our duty to ensure that everyone asking for help has access to it."

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See also An tAontas Sláinte Eorpach: cur chuige ...
EU Ethics Body: Commission proposes the creation of common ethics standards for all EU institutions
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for the creation of an interinstitutional Ethics Body, covering members of EU institutions, as announced at the beginning of the mandate by President von der Leyen, and following informal consultations with the other institutions. With the establishment of the Ethics Body there will, for the first time, be common standards for ethical conduct of members and a formal mechanism for coordination and exchange of views on ethical requirements among institutions.
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See also Comhlacht Eitice an Aontais: Molta ag an...
Commission approves up to €8.1 billion of public support by fourteen Member States, including Ireland, for an Important Project of Common European Interest in microelectronics and communication technologies
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, an Important Project of Common European Interest (‘IPCEI') to support research, innovation and the first industrial deployment of microelectronics and communication technologies across the value chain. The project, called “IPCEI ME/CT”, was jointly prepared and notified by fourteen Member States, including Ireland. The Member States will provide up to €8.1 billion in public funding, which is expected to unlock additional €13.7 billion in private investments.
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Rail transport: passengers to enjoy better protection and smoother travel experience

New EU rules for rail passenger protection take effect from this week. The new rules improve protection for rail passengers faced with delays, cancellations and missed connections. They also make dedicated places for assembled bicycles mandatory for all new trains ordered after 7 June 2025, as well as for trains undergoing major upgrades from this date.

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Ukraine: EU condemns destruction of the Kakhovka dam
In a statement issued on Tuesday (6 June), the High Representative Josep Borrell and Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said: "Russia’s attacks against Ukrainian civilian critical infrastructure reached an unprecedented level today with the destruction of the dam at Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant. The European Union condemns this attack in the strongest possible terms. It represents a new dimension of Russian atrocities and may constitute a violation of international law, notably international humanitarian law."
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Ukraine: EU mobilising support after the Kakhovka dam destruction

The destruction of Nova Kakhovka dam in Ukraine has led to devastating humanitarian and ecological consequences. Ukraine has requested EU assistance in the form of equipment and machinery for relief efforts. The EU is already channelling aid via its Civil Protection Mechanism thanks to first offers from Germany, Austria and Lithuania. The EU is also in direct contact with the Ukrainian emergency services to monitor the exact needs on the ground, and stands ready to coordinate further assistance into Ukraine based on emerging needs.

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Other news
Ireland at extreme risk of forest fires: EU Earth Observation programme

According to the EU's Earth observation programme, Copernicus, Ireland is currently at "extreme" risk of forest fires along with a large part of the UK, Northern France, Belgium and a number of other regions in Northern Europe. Copernicus provides up to date information on the current fire season in Europe and in the Mediterranean area. Its Fire Weather Index is mapped in 6 classes (very low, low, medium, high, very high and extreme).

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Ireland at risk of EU missing waste recycling targets

In a new report published this week, the European Commission has identified 18 Member States at risk of not meeting the 2025 preparing for re-use and recycling targets for municipal and all packaging waste and the 2035 landfilling target. Ireland is one of eight countries identified as being at risk of missing the municipal waste target. According to the report, "Ireland is on track to meet the 2025 recycling target for all packaging waste, and is considered likely to meet the 2035 target for the landfilling of municipal waste. However, the country is at risk of missing the 2025 target for the preparing for re-use and recycling of municipal waste".

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See also Ireland 2025 EU waste recycling targets ...
Migration routes: Commission proposes new Action Plan for the Western Mediterranean and Atlantic routes

The European Commission this week presented an EU Action Plan on the Western Mediterranean and Atlantic migration routes. The goal is to support Member States to strengthen migration management along this route, preventing irregular departures and saving lives, while working closely with key partner countries. Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson said: "This plan outlines proposals on anti-smuggling measures, better border management, returns processes, and legal pathways."

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See also Bealaí imirce: Plean Gníomhaíochta nu...
Commission adopts new implementing act to improve access to metering and consumption data

New EU rules on access to electricity metering and consumption data were this week adopted by the European Commission. The rules will bring benefits for European consumers, businesses and the market. Consumers will, for example, be able to get easy access to their metering data and also give permission for data on their energy consumption or generation to be used by third parties in ways which benefit them such as getting a tailor-made estimation of what contract would be best and cheapest to meet their energy needs.

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Digital Health: Commission and WHO launch landmark digital health initiative to strengthen global health security
The European Commission and the World Health Organization (WHO) this week announced the launch of a landmark digital health partnership. In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats. This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.
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See also
EU budget 2024: Enabling Europe to address its priorities

The European Commission this week proposed an annual EU budget of €189.3 billion for 2024. The budget will be complemented by an estimated €113 billion in payments for grants under NextGenerationEU, the EU's post-pandemic recovery instrument. Their combined firepower will keep driving Europe's ongoing economic recovery and create jobs, while strengthening Europe's strategic autonomy. EU Budget Commissioner Johannes Hahn said: "The 2024 EU budget has been tailored to keep supporting the green and digital transition of the Union and remains one of the most powerful tools delivering added value to people’s lives."

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See also Buiséad an Aontais Eorpaigh le haghaidh...
New Agenda to strengthen EU's partnership with Latin America and the Caribbean

The European Commission this week adopted a Joint Communication setting out a New Agenda for Relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean. The Communication proposes a stronger and modernised strategic partnership, through reinforced political engagement, boosting trade and investment, and building more sustainable, fair and inter-connected societies through Global Gateway investments.

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See also Clár Oibre Nua chun comhpháirtíocht a...
European Health Union: Commission authorises first vaccine to protect older adults from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection

The European Commission this week authorised Arexvy, the first vaccine to protect adults aged 60 years and older, against the lower respiratory tract disease caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). This decision marks an important step and has been particularly awaited in light of the increased RSV infections in the EU last winter. The vaccine will help strengthen the immune response to the virus.

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Rule of Law: Commission launches infringement procedure against Poland for violating EU law with the new law establishing a special committee
The European Commission has opened an infringement procedure by sending a letter of formal notice to Poland for violations of EU law. This decision follows a thorough assessment by the Commission of the new law in Poland on the State Committee for the Examination of Russian influence on the internal security of Poland between 2007 and 2022, which is in force since 31 May 2023.
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European Anti-Fraud Office publishes its annual report for 2022

OLAF, the European Anti-Fraud Office, this week published its annual report for 2022. This shows that, in 2022, OLAF recommended the recovery of €426.8 million to the EU budget and prevented the loss of €197.9 million from the EU budget. It also concluded 256 investigations and opened a further 192. In addition it helped to seize 531 million illicit cigarettes and 14.7 million litres of illicit wine, beer and spirits.

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Demography and climate change: new report shows a mismatch in population growth and levels of greenhouse gas emissions

A new report from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) shows that population growth remains one of the key drivers of greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, there is a mismatch in population growth rates and levels of greenhouse gas emissions across countries. The main emitters are regions where the population has already stopped or slowed down growing. Meanwhile, most of the global population growth is happening in the world regions that currently have the lowest emissions and that are the least responsible for past emissions. The richest 10% of the world's population are currently responsible for 48% of greenhouse gas emissions, while the bottom 50% in terms of wealth emit only 12%.

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Africa: the EU and CONCERN team up to fight against child malnutrition

In 2020, the EU and Irish NGO Concern teamed up in a 3-year programme to provide a comprehensive assistance package to children in need across Africa. The support ranged from emergency food treatment to nutrition education to parents, as well as cash support to upskilling medical staff and upgrading medical facilities. The programme, called Enhanced Responses to Nutrition Emergencies (ERNE), has since reached more than 1.2 million people in Ethiopia, Niger, Sudan, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

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Commission welcomes political agreement on providing law enforcement better and faster access to financial information
The European Commission has welcomed this week's political agreement between the European Parliament and the Council of the EU to provide law enforcement with better and faster access to financial information. The new EU Directive will provide law enforcement authorities with quick access to information on the accounts where criminals and terrorists keep or hide their funds or assets. It also establishes a common format for banks and crypto companies to provide information on transactions - i.e., transaction records - to law enforcement authorities.
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Antitrust: Commission carries out unannounced inspections in the synthetic turf sector
The European Commission is carrying out unannounced inspections at the premises of companies active in the synthetic turf industry in several Member States. The Commission has concerns that the inspected companies may have violated EU antitrust rules that prohibit cartels and restrictive business practices. Synthetic turf is artificial grass used for different applications that replicates the appearance and function of natural grass. The investigation concerns synthetic turf for sports use.
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Statistic of the week
Over 7 in 10 Irish people rate the independence of courts and judges as good or very good: EU Justice Scoreboard

The European Commission this week published the 2023 EU Justice Scoreboard, an annual overview providing comparative data on the efficiency, quality, and independence of justice systems among the EU Member States along with a Eurobarometer survey. Among the standout points for Ireland: 73% of Irish people rate the independence of courts and judges as fairly or very good, 7th highest in the EU; general government expenditure on law courts is 3rd highest in Ireland in terms of Euro per inhabitant (150) but 3rd lowest as a percentage of GDP (0.18%); Ireland has the lowest number of judges per inhabitant at 3.3 per 100000 inhabitants.

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Satisfaction with EU's support for Ukraine 2nd highest in Ireland: European Parliament Spring Eurobarometer

According to the European Parliament's Spring 2023 Eurobarometer report, 87% of Irish people are satisfied with the EU’s support for Ukraine, joint second highest in the EU with Sweden (87%) and Finland (87%). Satisfaction was highest in The Netherlands at 90% and lowest in Slovakia at 45% while the EU average was 69%. The survey also showed that Irish people were the second most likely to say that they were interested in the upcoming European elections at 66%, well above the EU average of 56%. Satisfaction with the way democracy works in their country (86% versus an EU average of 56%) and with the way democracy works in the EU (82% versus an EU average of 54%) was also very high in Ireland.

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Irish people most likely to report feeling lonely: EU survey

According to a new survey from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, over 20% of Irish respondents reported feeling lonely most or all of the time, compared to an EU average of 13%. Ireland is followed by Luxemburg, Bulgaria and Greece. The lowest levels of loneliness were observed in the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Croatia and Austria (all below 10%). The survey also shows that young people have a higher incidence of loneliness than older generations.

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Thursday 8 June: Hybrid panel discussion: From Farm to Fork: towards a sustainable food system in Ireland, Galway

Three years on from the publication of the Farm to Fork strategy, the European Commission Representation in Ireland is hosting a panel discussion with leading experts in biodiversity and agro- ecosystems. Speakers will include: Senator Pauline O'Reilly, Chair of the Green Party Ireland; Dr. James Moran, Senior Lecturer in Ecology and Biology at Atlantic Technological University; and Henry Walsh, Galway IFA Environment Representative. The event will be moderated by Tim Hayes, Head of Communications, European Commission Representation in Ireland. It takes place in Galway Library from 5.30 to 6.45pm and can be attended either in person or online.

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Thursday 8 and Friday 9 June: Justice and Home Affairs Council
On the agenda: asylum and migration; the overall state of the Schengen area; internal security/law enforcement; the proposed law against strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP); the fight against organised crime (human trafficking and asset recovery & confiscation); violence against women; the violation of restrictive measures; and the safety of LGBTI persons in the European Union.
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Friday 9 June: Eurofound Open Day
On Friday 9 June from 10.00-13.00, Eurofound will open its doors to its neighbours and the local community, in collaboration with Dun Laoghaire County Council. Eurofound will showcase its work on living and working in Europe, show visitors around their premises, and provide them with an opportunity to meet and talk to their staff. Register to attend this free event at the link below.
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Monday 12 June: Keynote Address by José Manuel Campa (IIEA event)

On Monday lunchtime 12 June, José Manuel Campa, Chairperson of the European Banking Authority will deliver a keynote address to the IIEA. José Manuel Campa is the current Chairperson of the European Banking Authority. After studying law and economics at the University of Oviedo and earning his PhD in economics from Harvard University, Mr Campa taught finance at New York University and the IESE Business School and consulted for a number of international organisations including the World Bank, the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements, and the European Commission.

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Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 June: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council
On the agenda: the platform work directive; the European Semester Spring Package; standards for equality bodies in the EU; limit values for lead; the protection of workers from asbestos; the regulation on social security coordination; anti-microbial resistance; the regulation on fees and charges payable to the and European Medicines Agency; strengthening the pharmaceutical ecosystem; and equitable access to medicines.
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Monday 12 to Thursday 15 June: European Parliament plenary session, Strasbourg
Daily agendas for next week's plenary session of the European Parliament can be found at the link below.
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Wednesday 14 June: Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (IIEA event)

On Wednesday lunchtime, 14 June, the Deputy Military Advisor to the UN Under Secretary General for Peace Operations, Major General Maureen O’Brien, will address an IIEA hybrid event on "Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda". While there have been landmark achievements since the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda was established through the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2000, there is a need for honest reflection on remaining challenges and the way ahead. Major General O’Brien will discuss the essential next steps that the international community must take to advance the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, both on the ground and in international policy.

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Thursday 15 June: Eurogroup meeting
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Friday 16 June: Economic and Financial Affairs Council
On the agenda: the ‘VAT in the digital age’ package; reactions to the Retail Investment package; the state of play of current legislative proposals in the field of financial services; the economic governance framework; the European Semester; the economic and financial impact of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine; international meetings; business taxation; and the biannual Ecofin report to the European Council on tax issues.
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Monday 19 June: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy)
EU energy ministers will seek a general approach on the EU’s electricity market design reform. The reform is composed of a proposal for a regulation to revise the EU’s electricity market design and a proposal for a regulation to improve protection against market manipulation in the EU wholesale energy market (REMIT). The aim of the reform is to make electricity prices less dependent on volatile fossil fuel prices and shield consumers from price spikes, notably by improving the way the long-term electricity market works. Also on the agenda: recent developments in the field of external energy relations; winter preparedness; and nuclear safety and lasting transparency issues linked to the launch of the second power unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant Ostravets.
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Tuesday 20 June: World Refugee Day event at the Cervantes Institute
To commemorate World Refugee Day, the Cervantes Institute in Dublin is hosting a meeting, organised by the Embassy of Spain in collaboration with the Spanish Counsellor Office of Labour, Migration and Social Security in the UK and Ireland to present the reception systems for displaced Ukrainians that have been put in place in Spain and Ireland. The event will be opened by HE Mr. Ion de la Riva, Ambassador of Spain to Ireland. Speakers include Barbara Nolan, Head of Representation, European Commission, representatives from Spain, Ireland and the UNHCR Delegation in Ireland. The event, which will take place from 4 to 5:45 p.m. in the auditorium of the Cervantes Institute, will begin with the screening of an excerpt from a short film by UNHCR Spain.
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Tuesday 20 June: Environment Council, Luxembourg
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Thursday 22 June: What did the EU ever do for you? LGBTI+ Rights, Dublin

The European Commission Representation in Ireland, in cooperation with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland, is hosting a discussion on how the EU has advanced and supported equality and rights for LGBTI+ people and families. Speakers include: Maria Walsh, MEP; Lord (Michael) Cashman, former MEP; Cian O'Callaghan, TD; Mayor Emer Murphy, South Dublin County Council; and Sara Philips, Co-Chair, TGEU. The event will be chaired by Dr. Gráinne Healy. An introduction will be given by Barbara Nolan, Head of the European Commission Representation in Ireland. The discussion will be followed by a reception.

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Monday 26 June: Foreign Affairs Council, Luxembourg
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 June: Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Luxembourg
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Tuesday 27 June: General Affairs Council, Luxembourg
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Thursday 29 and Friday 30 June: European Council, Brussels
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Public consultations
Digital Markets Act: Commission launches a consultation on the template for compliance report
The European Commission has launched a consultation on a draft template for the compliance report that gatekeepers will have to submit under the Digital Markets Act (DMA). With the present consultation, the Commission wishes to gather feedback from stakeholders on the draft template for the compliance reports to ensure that they include all the relevant information needed by the Commission to assess the effective compliance of designated gatekeepers with the DMA. All interested parties have until 5 July 2023 to submit their views.
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