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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue
Top News
Spring 2023 Economic Forecast: An improved outlook amid persistent challenges

Ireland's GDP is projected to grow by 5.5% in 2023 and by 5.0% in 2024, according to the European Commission's Spring 2023 Economic Forecast published earlier this week. This is the highest predicted growth rate in the EU where, on average, GDP is expected to grow by 1.0% in 2023 and by 1.7% in 2024. The forecast for Ireland also estimates that inflation will moderate gradually throughout 2023 to reach 2.6% in 2024.

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See also Réamhaisnéis Eacnamaíoch Earrach 2023...
EU Customs Reform: A data-driven vision for a simpler, smarter and safer Customs Union

The European Commission has this week put forward proposals for the most ambitious and comprehensive reform of the EU Customs Union since its establishment in 1968. Embracing the digital transformation, the reform will cut down on cumbersome customs procedures, replacing traditional declarations with a smarter, data-led approach to import supervision. At the same time, customs authorities will have the tools and resources they need to properly assess and stop imports which pose real risks to the EU, its citizens and its economy.

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See also Athchóiriú custaim an Aontais: Fís, b...
President von der Leyen to participate in the Council of Europe Summit, G7 Summit and EU-Republic of Korea Summit

President von der Leyen kicked off a series of international engagements this week that will take her to Iceland, Japan and the Republic of Korea. A united response to Russia's war and steadfast support to Ukraine, a multifaceted approach to EU relations to China, efforts to enhance economic security and a common decarbonisation endeavour will be at the core of the President's discussions with partners. Ahead of her travels, the President said: "The first topic – a big and important topic – is of course Ukraine. And here, it is about our united response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but it is also about our prolonged, reliable support for this brave nation."

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Other news
Financial services: Commission adopts draft Memorandum of Understanding with the United Kingdom

The European Commission this week adopted a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) establishing a framework for structured regulatory cooperation in the area of financial services with the United Kingdom. The MoU, once signed by both Parties, will create the administrative framework for voluntary regulatory cooperation in the area of financial services between the EU and the UK, outside of the TCA structures. Commissioner Mairead McGuinness said: "I am confident that our relationship and future engagement in financial services will be built on a shared commitment to preserve financial stability, market integrity, and the protection of consumers and investors."

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Circular economy: Faster progress needed
The EU must continue its efforts to reduce consumption of materials and generation of waste to achieve a more circular economy according to the European Commission’s revised Circular Economy monitoring framework published earlier this week. The revised framework helps to better track progress in the transition to a circular economy in the EU. Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius said: "The exponential rise in the extraction of resources is the root cause of the triple planetary crisis: climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Most materials, together with the embedded energy and other resources used in their production, are too quickly discarded in our atmosphere, water and land".
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First tender for joint gas purchasing under the EU energy platform a success

Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič this week announced the successful outcome of the first-ever international tender for joint purchasing of EU gas supplies. By leveraging its collective economic weight, the EU managed to attract bids from a total number of 25 supplying companies equivalent to more than 13.4 billion cubic meters of gas (bcm) – surpassing the 11.6 bcm of joint demand that EU companies submitted through the recently established AggregateEU mechanism.

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See also EU Energy Platform: Commission invites i...
New EU rules to cut deforestation worldwide

The Council of the EU this week gave the final go-ahead to a regulation that aims to minimise the risk of deforestation and forest degradation associated with products that are placed on or exported from the EU market. The regulation sets mandatory due diligence rules for all operators and traders who place, make available or export the following commodities from the EU market: palm oil, cattle, wood, coffee, cocoa, rubber and soy. The rules also apply to a number of derived products such as chocolate, furniture, printed paper and selected palm oil based derivates.

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Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft, subject to conditions

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard (‘Activision') by Microsoft. The approval is conditional on full compliance with the commitments offered by Microsoft. The commitments fully address the competition concerns identified by the Commission and represent a significant improvement for cloud gaming as compared to the current situation.

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New tax transparency rules will help Member States shine a light on the crypto-asset sector
The European Commission welcomed the political agreement reached by EU Finance Ministers this week on new tax transparency rules for all service providers facilitating transactions in crypto-assets for customers resident in the EU. The Directive will improve Member States' ability to detect and counter tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance, by requiring all crypto-asset providers based in the EU to report transactions of clients residing in the EU. Economy Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni said: "Once this directive enters into force, Member States will get the information they need to ensure that taxes are paid on gains made in trading or investing in crypto-assets."
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See also Cabhróidh rialacha nua maidir le trédh...
First EU-India Trade and Technology Council focused on deepening strategic engagement on trade and technology

The European Union and India held their first ministerial meeting of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) earlier this week in Brussels. The EU and India have set up the TTC as a coordination platform to address key trade, trusted technology and security challenges. Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager said: "Today we took an important step in deepening our strategic cooperation with India on key digital, green and trade issues. Together, we will address challenges with trusted technology and security."

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See also Dhírigh an chéad Chomhairle Trádála ...
2023 State of Schengen: achievements and key priorities ahead
The European Commission this week published the second State of Schengen Report. This report is part of the Commission's initiative to further reinforce the Schengen governance through a yearly reporting exercise presenting the state of Schengen, identifying challenges and best practices, as well as priority areas for action. It finds that, while further work is required to continue strengthening external border management, to make returns more effective and to enhance police cooperation, Schengen is overall well-functioning and robust.
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Border management: EU signs status agreement with Montenegro
The European Union and Montenegro have signed an upgraded agreement on operational cooperation in border management with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex). Strengthened operational cooperation between Western Balkans partners and Frontex will contribute to addressing irregular migration and further enhance security at the EU's external borders.
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Statistic of the week
Ireland sees largest rise in greenhouse gas emissions: Eurostat

Ireland (+12.3%) saw the largest rise in greenhouse gas emissions in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the fourth quarter of 2021, a little above its GDP growth over the same period, according to new figures from Eurostat. On average, across the EU, greenhouse gas emissions fell by 4% over the same period despite a rise in GDP of 1.5%. The largest falls in emissions were recorded in Slovenia (-15.9%), Netherlands (-9.9%) and Slovakia (-6.9%). Apart from Ireland, only three other EU countries recorded an increase: Latvia (+6.8%), Malta (+6.4%) and Denmark (+1.9%).

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Irish people more likely to think their public administration lacks transparency: Eurobarometer

A new Eurobarometer on 'Understanding Europeans’ views on reform needs' reveals that Irish people are more likely to think their public administration lacks transparency (35%) than the EU average (29%). However, Irish people were also far less likely to describe their public administration as slow in providing services (29%) compared to an EU average of 47% or as complex and burdensome (25%) compared to an EU average of 48%. When asked how their interactions with their public administration could be improved, over half of Irish people said they would like 'more channels to directly contact the administration, including in-person'.

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Friday 19 to Sunday 21 May: G7 summit, Hiroshima, Japan
The G7 summit hosted by this year's Japanese G7 presidency takes place in Hiroshima City, Japan. The EU will be represented by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The main issues to be addressed during the eight working sessions are: Russia's aggression against Ukraine; engagement with international partners; nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation; economic resilience and security; climate, energy and environment; and food, health and development.
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Monday 22 May: Foreign Affairs Council
On 22 May EU Foreign Affairs Ministers will discuss the Russian aggression against Ukraine, after a short intervention of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba via videoconference. The Council will then exchange views on Western Balkans and the Horn of Africa, and will be informed about current affairs.
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Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 May: Competitiveness Council
On the agenda: ecodesign requirements for sustainable products; long-term competitiveness; the Single Market at 30 and beyond; the Critical Raw Materials Act; scholarly publishing; knowledge security; the fair and sustainable use of space; and EU space policy in a new geopolitical landscape.
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Monday 22 May: EU-Republic of Korea summit, Seoul
The 10th EU-Republic of Korea summit will mark the 60th anniversary of EU-South Korea diplomatic relations. Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, will represent the EU. President Yoon Suk-Yeol will represent the Republic of Korea (hereafter South Korea). The leaders will take stock of the progress made to advance their wide-ranging strategic partnership and will discuss the following issues: peace and stability; economy and trade; and sustainable development.
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Tuesday 23 May: Foreign Affairs Council (Defence)
EU Defence Ministers will be informed about current affairs and hold a discussion on EU support to Ukraine.
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Tuesday 23 May: The Ukraine War and Critical Energy Infrastructure: The Growing Hybrid Threats to Europe?

On Tuesday afternoon 23 May, Dr. Sarah Lohmann, Acting Assistant Professor in the Henry M. Jackson School for International Studies, will address an IIEA webinar on "The Ukraine War and Critical Energy Infrastructure: The Growing Hybrid Threats to Europe?". In her remarks, Dr Lohmann will discuss the emerging methods and media being used against Ukraine and its European allies, and what remains to be done to keep critical infrastructure and publics safe in this hybrid warfare environment.

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Thursday 25 May: Foreign Affairs Council (Trade)
The Foreign Affairs Council, in its Trade configuration, will discuss the state of play of the trade relations with the United States. Ministers will also discuss recent developments in EU-China trade relations. The Commission will inform about the preparation for the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13). During a working lunch ministers will focus on the ongoing bilateral trade negotiations.
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Friday 26 May: Public Service AI / Trust - Values – Accuracy, Launch of Horizon 2020 funded HECAT project, South East Technological University Waterford

Contemporary Public Services are rapidly expanding their use of technology and IT solutions as digitalisation continues to take hold globally. With this, comes the increased need to consider ethical AI adoption and utilisation from a range of angles. HECAT, led from the South East Technological University Waterford in association with two fellow EU Horizon 2020 research projects ETAPAS and TechEthos, will launch their latest policy event exploring key ethical dimensions of Public Service AI based on research findings to date. This event will take place via Zoom on Friday 26 May at 10am GMT and is open to anyone with an interest in Public Service AI and EU Research. To register for this even, please click on the link below.

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Tuesday 30 May: General Affairs Council
Ministers will start preparations for the European Council meeting on 29-30 June 2023 by discussing an annotated draft agenda. As part of the Article 7(1) TEU procedure, the Council will also hold hearings on rule of law in Poland and respect for the EU values in Hungary.
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Wednesday 31 May to Thursday 1 June: European Parliament plenary session
The next plenary sitting of the European Parliament will take place on Wednesday 31 May and Thursday 1 June in Brussels. Click on the link below for the session agendas.
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Thursday 8 June: Hybrid panel discussion on "From farm to fork: towards a sustainable food system", Galway
On Thursday evening, 8 June, the European Commission Representation in Ireland will host a panel discussion in Galway City Library with leading experts on the theme: "From farm to fork: towards a sustainable food system". Further information on this event will be available shortly on our homepage.
Public consultations
Open Public Consultation on the Polluter Pays Principle

The European Commission has launched an open public consultation to gather views and evidence from citizens and interested parties on the implementation of the "polluter pays" principle in the EU. The Commission will use the opinions and evidence gathered to evaluate whether EU and national policies are sufficient to ensure that polluters bear the cost of measures to prevent, control, and remedy pollution. This consultation will be open for feedback until 4 August 2023.

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Industry 5.0 Award contest opens: apply by 1 September 2023
The European Commission this week launched the Industry 5.0 Award dedicated to EU-funded projects whose results make European industry more human-centric, resilient and sustainable. Projects competing for the Award should present inspiring and applicable solutions, addressing the 3 main pillars of Industry 5.0: sustainability, human-centricity and resilience. Eligible projects must have obtained funding from Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe or the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. Projects involving deep-tech start-ups are particularly encouraged to participate.
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