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European Commission in Ireland

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Message from Barbara Nolan, Head of Representation
Our top news story this week is the visit to Kyiv today and tomorrow of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen accompanied by 15 other Commissioners, including Ireland's Mairead McGuinness. This is the fourth time that President von der Leyen has visited Kyiv since the launch of the invasion almost one year ago. To quote the President, the visit is intended to give "a very clear signal: The whole of the European Union is in this with Ukraine, for the long haul. We will stand up for Ukraine, as we stand up for fundamental rights and the respect of the international law".
Top News
Ukraine: College of Commissioners travels to Kyiv

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen travelled to Kyiv today (2 February) for a College-to-Government meeting with the Government of Ukraine, along with a number of other members of the College of Commissioners including Ireland's Commissioner Mairead McGuinness. Speaking at a joint press conference with President Zelenskyy, President von der Leyen said: "It has been almost one year since Putin launched his brutal invasion. One year of suffering but also of legendary bravery by the Ukrainian people. And one year of impressive unity by the global community. Europe has been by Ukraine's side since day one. Because we know that the future of our continent is being written here. We know that you are fighting for more than yourselves. What is at stake is freedom. This is a fight of democracies against authoritarian regimes. Putin tries to deny the existence of Ukraine, but what he risks instead is the future of Russia. Our presence in Kyiv today gives a very clear signal: The whole of the European Union is in this with Ukraine, for the long haul. We will stand up for Ukraine, as we stand up for the fundamental rights and the respect of the international law."

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See also Video: Press statements by President Zel...
European Commission proposes Green Deal Industrial Plan

The European Commission this week put forward a plan to enhance the competitiveness of Europe's net-zero industry and support the fast transition to climate neutrality. The Green Deal Industrial Plan aims to provide a more supportive environment for the scaling up of the EU's manufacturing capacity for the net-zero technologies and products required to meet Europe's ambitious climate targets. It is based on four pillars: a predictable and simplified regulatory environment, speeding up access to finance, enhancing skills, and open trade for resilient supply chains. President von der Leyen said: "Europe is determined to lead the clean tech revolution. For our companies and people, it means turning skills into quality jobs and innovation into mass production, thanks to a simpler and faster framework."

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Migration is a European challenge which must be met with a European response: President von der Leyen

Ahead of next week's Special European Council, President von der Leyen addressed the European Parliament Plenary on the need to develop sustainable solutions in the area of asylum and migration. In her speech, she drew attention to the large rise in irregular border crossings in 2022 and outlined progress on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. President von der Leyen said: "It is our duty to make sure that Europe continues to be a space for protection for those who need it. However, the asylum and reception systems across Member States are under considerable strain. And fact is that the majority of those who apply for asylum are not in need of protection. But return rates are at a low of 22%."

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Europe's Beating Cancer Plan: Commission presents first Country Cancer Profiles under the European Cancer Inequalities Registry

Ahead of World Cancer Day on 4 February, the Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published the first Country Cancer Profiles for all EU Member States, Norway and Iceland. The Profiles show that EU countries spent a substantial amount, nearly €170 billion, on cancer care (in 2018). Another important finding is that lung cancer remains by far the most common cause of death from cancer. To see the Ireland country profile, click on the link below.

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Other news
Ukraine: Council agrees on further military support under the European Peace Facility

Ahead of the summit between the European Union and Ukraine, the Council of the EU today (Thursday) adopted assistance measures under the European Peace Facility (EPF) that provide further military assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These consist of a seventh package worth €500 million, and a new €45 million assistance measure supporting the training efforts of the European Union Military Assistance Mission. Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said: "Ukraine should get all the necessary military equipment and training they need to defend their territory and their people from Russia’s war of aggression. They are not just defending their country; they are also defending our common values and the basic principles of international law."

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Eight Irish researchers awarded ERC consolidator grants

Eight Irish researchers are among a total of 321 researchers who were this week awarded European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grants to a total value of €657 million: two of the Irish researchers are based in University College Cork, two in Trinity College and two in University College Dublin and one each in Maynooth University and the University of Galway. Six of the grants are in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities, one is in the area of Physical Sciences and Engineering and one is in the area of Life Sciences. ERC consolidator grants are open to researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal.

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Strong Irish support for Next Generation EU: Eurobarometer

A new Eurobarometer survey shows strong Irish and EU support for the principle of solidarity underpinning NextGenerationEU, the EU's €800 billion temporary recovery instrument. 74% of Irish and EU respondents think that it is a good approach for EU Member States to provide financial support to each other through NextGenerationEU to emerge stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic. When asked which areas should receive the most EU support, the top 3 areas for Irish respondents were: health (74%) well above the EU average of 57%; energy, environmental issues and climate change (43%); and employment and better working conditions (41%).

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Commission adopts stringent residue limits for pesticides to protect pollinators

The European Commission this week adopted new rules which will, once applicable, lower the Maximum Residues Levels (MRLs) of two pesticides in food. Assessments by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have shown that the two chemicals, belonging to the group of neonicotinoid pesticides, clothianidin and thiamethoxam, pose a high risk to bees and contribute to the global decline of pollinators. Their outdoor use was banned in the EU in 2018. The new rules will lower existing MRLs for these substances to the lowest level that can be measured with the latest technologies and will apply to all products produced in the EU as well as to imported food and feed products.

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Joint European Degree label and a legal status for European universities alliances: 10 Erasmus+ projects to put them in place

Ten new Erasmus+ projects to test new forms of transnational cooperation between higher education institutions, as outlined in the European strategy for universities, were launched this week by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel. Six of the selected projects will examine, test and facilitate the delivery of a joint European Degree label. The other four will allow alliances of higher education institutions to test new forms of cooperation. Four Irish institutions are involved in the projects: Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology, the Qualifications and Quality Assurance Authority of Ireland, Technological University Dublin and Dublin City University.

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Council adopts recommendation on adequate minimum income
The Council of the European Union has this week recommended that EU countries provide and strengthen robust social safety nets. To support adequate minimum income, EU countries should combine monetary benefits, effective access to enabling and essential services for people lacking sufficient resources and foster labour market integration of those who can work. Recommendations are non-binding acts by which the European Union means to achieve certain ends without imposing a mandatory legal framework.
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Consumer protection: manipulative online practices found on 148 out of 399 online shops screened

Nearly 40% of online shopping websites use manipulative practices to exploit consumers' vulnerabilities according to a new “sweep” of 399 retail websites selling products ranging from textiles to electronic goods. The results of the sweep, which was carried out by the European Commission and the national consumer protection authorities of 23 Member States, Norway and Iceland, show that 42 of the websites used fake countdown timers, 54 directed consumers towards certain choices and 70 were hiding important information or making it less visible (e.g. about delivery costs, composition of products, or availability of a cheaper option).

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EU welcomes Japan's decision to strengthen sanctions against Russia
The EU has welcomed Japan's decision taken last week to further align its export controls with those taken by the EU, its allies and partners. Japan is strengthening its export controls on sensitive technologies as part of an unprecedented, coordinated global effort to ensure the effectiveness of sanctions against Russia. The EU works closely with international partners, including Japan, to starve Russia of sensitive technologies that risk being used to fuel Russia’s unjustified aggression against Ukraine or to support Russia’s military-industrial complex.
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Humanitarian aid: EU releases over €43 million for Myanmar and Bangladesh
The EU has released over €43 million to address the humanitarian needs of people in Myanmar, as well as those of Rohingya refugees and their host communities in Bangladesh. Over €18 million will go to Myanmar to respond to the dramatic escalation in humanitarian needs following the military takeover of 2021. Over €23 million will support the efforts of Bangladesh in responding to the Rohingya refugee crisis and contribute to implementing disaster preparedness programmes in the country. The remaining €2 million will help address the needs of Rohingya and other refugees in neighbouring countries, such as Indonesia and Malaysia.
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Single Market turns 30: Commission's reports confirm the Single Market underpins Europe's ability to tackle key challenges
The European Commission has published the 2023 Annual Single Market Report and the 2022 Single Market Scoreboard, as part of activities to mark the 30th anniversary of the Single Market. The reports confirm that the Single Market remains a key tool to address Europe's current challenges and highlight the importance of continuously improving its functioning, as well as highlighting the Single Market's impact in terms of increased added value for the EU's economy.
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Statistic of the week
Irish households spent the lowest share of their expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages

New Eurostat figures show that Irish households spent the lowest share of their expenditure on food and non-alcohol beverages in the EU in 2021 at 8.3% compared to an EU average of 14.3%. By contrast, countries like Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria spent over 20% of their household expenditure on food and non alcoholic drinks. The Eurostat figures also show that Irish households spent about 2.5% of their household expenditure on alcohol in 2021, above the EU average of 1.8%. Household expenditure on alcohol in 2021 was highest in Latvia at 5% and lowest in Italy at 1%.

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Ireland slightly below EU average for share of renewables in electricity in 2021

Over a third (36.4%) of Ireland's electricity came from renewable sources in 2021, just below the EU average of 37.5%, and down from 39% in 2020 according to Eurostat. The highest shares of electricity generated from renewable sources in 2021 were in Austria (76.2%) and Sweden (75.7%) while Malta (9.7%) had the lowest share. Wind and hydropower accounted for over two-thirds of the total electricity generated from renewable sources (37% and 32%, respectively) in the EU in 2021. The remaining one-third of electricity came from solar power (15%), solid biofuels (7%) and other renewable sources (8%).

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Ireland fifth highest in the EU for share of fossil fuels in its overall energy supply: Eurostat

Fossil fuels made up 87.7% of gross available energy in Ireland in 2021, well above the EU average of 70% and fifth highest in the EU after Malta (96%), Cyprus and the Netherlands (89%) and Poland (88%). Sweden (31.7%) and Finland (38.3%) meanwhile had the lowest shares. The Eurostat figures also show that the share of fossil fuels in the overall energy supply was down by an average of 13 percentage points (pp) in the EU since 1990, mostly due to the increase in renewable energy. In Ireland, it was down by 10.6% since 1990.

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Friday 3 February: EU-Ukraine summit, Kyiv
Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, will meet with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukrainian President, for the 24th summit between the European Union and Ukraine. This is the first EU-Ukraine summit since the start of the Russian aggression, and also since the European Council granted Ukraine the status of candidate country. The leaders will discuss: Ukraine’s European path and the accession process; the EU’s response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine; Ukraine’s initiatives for just peace and accountability; cooperation on issues of reconstruction and relief and in the areas of energy and connectivity; global food security. The leaders are expected to issue a joint statement at the end of the summit.
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Monday 6 February: General Affairs Council
The Council will prepare for the special European Council on 9-10 February 2023 by discussing draft conclusions. EU-UK relations. In public session, the Swedish Presidency will present its priorities for the duration of its term of office (end June 2023).
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Tuesday 7 February: Translating for the EU – a virtual visit to the European Commission’s translation service

A virtual visit to the European Commission’s translation service for Irish university students will take place on Tuesday evening, 7 February. Organised especially for Irish university students, this virtual visit to the European Commission’s translation services will give you the opportunity to hear from staff translators at the European Commission about their career paths and what their jobs entail (see programme below). The event will be opened by Stella Clarke, Head of the English language department at the European Commission.

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Tuesday 7 February: Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day (SID) is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people. It is promoted in Ireland by the PDST Technology in Education and Webwise. This year, it takes place on Tuesday 7 February. Click on the link below for information on what's happening in Ireland.

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Wednesday 8 February: IACES annual lecture 2023 - Reflections on 50 years of EU membership

The IACES (Irish Association for Contemporary European Studies) annual lecture 2023 will be delivered by Professor Brigid Laffan, Emeritus Professor at the European University Institute. In her lecture, Professor Laffan will reflect on what 50 years of EU membership has meant for Ireland and the challenges which lie ahead. This hybrid event will take place at 5.30 pm in the Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson St, Dublin 2.

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Thursday 9 February: Translation workshop for secondary school students

On Thursday, 9 February, the European Commission, together with Dublin City University (DCU) and the University of Limerick (UL), will hold an online workshop for fifth-year students entitled ‘Translation as a career’. European Commission translators will participate in the event – to explain what they do and to speak about the skills necessary to work as a translator. They will also provide an opportunity for students to try it for themselves by working on a short text. In addition, lecturers from DCU and UL will provide an overview of the relevant courses they have on offer. This event is now full but a waiting list has been established.

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Thursday 9 February: Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe
The European Commission is hosting a webinar which on Thursday 9 February from 9am-11am Irish time on Lump Sum funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a lump sum proposal?.
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Thursday 9 and Friday 10 February: Special European Council, Brussels
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Friday 10 February: Europe and East Asia in the Wake of the War in Ukraine

On Friday lunchtime 10 February, Dr Michito Tsuruoka, Associate Professor at Keio University (Japan) will address a hybrid IIEA event on Europe and East Asia in the Wake of the War in Ukraine. According to Dr Tsuruoka, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has effectively ended the post-Cold War order in Europe. However, the war’s impact is not only limited to Europe. Japan has also imposed severe sanctions on Russia, aligning itself with the EU, the US and other G7 partners.

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Monday 13 February: Eurogroup meeting
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Tuesday 14 February: Europe's Electricity Market: Structural reform for a secure future, TU Dublin

The European Commission Representation in Ireland is hosting a panel discussion with leading experts in electricity market regulation, supply and structure. This discussion will focus on the challenges and opportunities posed by the first major reforms of this type in decades. This will be a hybrid event, hosted at TU Dublin’s Grangegorman campus, on Tuesday 14 February from 12.30pm - 1.30pm. The event is free and anyone wishing to attend in person or virtually must register via the link, which will be available soon on the Representation's event page. Light refreshments will be offered for those attending on-site and all attendees both online and in person will have the opportunity to take part in a Q&A session with the panellists after the discussion.

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Tuesday 14 February: Economic and Financial Affairs Council
On the agenda: the economic and financial impact of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the economic governance review, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the state of play of current legislative proposals in the field of financial services, the G20 meeting meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors on 23-24 February 2023, and the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes.
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Public consultations
Commission consults Member States on proposal for a Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework
The European Commission is consulting EU Member States on a draft proposal to transform the State aid Temporary Crisis Framework into a Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework to facilitate and accelerate Europe's green transition. This proposal is part of the Green Deal Industrial Plan, also presented this week (see above) – in particular, it contributes to its second pillar aiming at ensuring faster access to funding for companies operating in the EU. Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager said: "Competitiveness in Europe cannot be built on State aid. But support may be needed to fulfil our objective to get rid of fossil fuels as quickly as possible. The decarbonisation of the EU industry could, temporarily, require an additional boost and incentives to stimulate and retain investments in strategic clean tech sectors in Europe."
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New product priorities for Ecodesign for Sustainable Products

The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on what the new product priorities under the proposed Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) should be. The aim is to make products on the EU market increasingly sustainable, by enabling far-reaching performance and information requirements – known as ‘ecodesign requirements’ – to be set on a wide range of them to improve their circularity, energy performance and other environmental sustainability aspects. The consultation is open until 25 April 2023.

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Job opportunities


Chief Operations Officer and Education Manager, European Movement Ireland
European Movement Ireland (EMI) is looking to engage a Chief Operations Officer, who will join their Senior Leadership Team to drive operational efficiencies and develop strategic business relationships for the organisation at a time of growth and expansion. The EMI is also looking to recruit an Education Manager who will work alongside the Senior Leadership Team, to manage education work streams and develop relationships with a variety of stakeholders. The closing date for both posts is COB on Tuesday, 7 February 2023. Full information is on the link below.
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Calls for Tender/Proposals
Eurofound survey: Running the e-Survey in Parallel on a Probability Panel
The Dublin-based European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) has recently launched an OPEN tender no. 2023/S 020-051798 entitled: Running the e-Survey in Parallel on a Probability Panel. All relevant information on the tender and the related documents can be found on the eTendering platform (see link below). The deadline for the e-submission of tenders is Friday 24 February 2023 at 14:30 UTC Time. Requests for additional information and Eurofound replies also will be provided through the e-Tendering platform (Questions & Answers Tab).
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