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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue
Top News
Russian invasion of Ukraine reverberates around the world: President von der Leyen at the European Parliament

In a speech to the European Parliament this week, President von der Leyen addressed the issues of energy, defence and the relief and reconstruction of Ukraine. She said: "The Russian invasion of Ukraine reverberates around the world. This is not just about what its impact is on economics, geopolitics and security architecture. It is about the lives and livelihoods of millions of people around the world. Millions of people who fear that they will not be able to afford to heat their homes and to feed their children tomorrow. The numbers are stark. This year alone, some 275 million people are likely to be at least at the risk of food insecurity across the world."

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EU budget 2023: Empowering Europe to continue shaping a changing world

The European Commission proposed an annual EU budget of €185.6 billion for 2023, to be complemented by an estimated €113.9 billion in grants under NextGenerationEU. The EU budget will continue to mobilise significant investments to boost Europe's strategic autonomy, the ongoing economic recovery, safeguard sustainability and create jobs. The Commission will continue to prioritise green and digital investments while addressing pressing needs arising from recent and current crises.

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Commission welcomes political agreement on adequate minimum wages for workers in the EU

The European Commission welcomed the political agreement reached this week between the European Parliament and EU Member States on the Directive on adequate minimum wages proposed by the Commission in October 2020. The Directive establishes a framework for the adequacy of statutory minimum wages, promoting collective bargaining on wage setting, and enhancing the effective access of workers to minimum wage protection in the EU. It does not require Member States to introduce statutory minimum wages, nor does it set a common minimum wage level across the EU.

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Agreement reached on proposal for gender balance on corporate boards

The Council of the EU and the European Parliament this week reached a political agreement on a European Commission proposal for a new EU law promoting a more balanced gender representation on the boards of listed companies. By 2026, listed companies should aim to have at least 40% of their non-executive director positions or 33% of their non-executive and executive director positions held by members of the under-represented sex.

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European Commission welcomes political agreement on a common charger in the EU

The European Commission welcomed the swift provisional political agreement reached this week between the European Parliament and EU Member States on the Commission' proposal on a common charging solution. As of 2024, all new handheld mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, handheld videogame consoles, headphones, headsets, portable speakers, e-readers, keyboards, mice, portable navigation systems, and earbuds will have to be equipped with a USB-C charging port. The deadline for laptops is 2026.

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Other news
Four Irish medtech companies to receive European Innovation Council funding

Four Irish medtech companies were among 74 innovative companies this week selected for European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator funding. They are Galway-based Venari Medical Limited and Loci Orthopaedics, Mayo-based Ovagen Ltd and Dublin-based Selio Medical Ltd. The EIC Accelerator offers start-ups and SMEs grants of up to €2.5 million combined with equity investments ranging from €0.5 to €15 million. In addition to financial support, all projects benefit from a range of Business Acceleration Services.

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European Commission and United States sign cooperation arrangement on preparedness and response to public health threats

The European Commission and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services this week signed an arrangement to strengthen cooperation on preparedness and response to public health threats. EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said: "We share broad mutual interests in the control and prevention of infectious diseases globally. Today we put this cooperation on new footing, to jointly identify health threats, work together on procuring medical countermeasures and prepare for health threats together."

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European Anti-Fraud Office publishes its report for 2021

The results of European Anti-Fraud Office’s activities for 2021 were published this week. The report unveils emerging fraud trends on a wide range of issues and also investigations and operations with a special focus on fraud schemes damaging the environment – from an afforestation project that never happened to a collapsed pipeline for drinking water – as well as important frauds in the field of customs and waste smuggling.

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EU sets up €20 million support for Ukrainian start-ups
The European Commission has launched an ambitious €20 million action to support the Ukrainian innovation community. Through a targeted amendment of the 2022 European Innovation Council (EIC) work programme, the new initiative will support at least 200 Ukrainian deep tech start-ups with up to €60,000 each. In addition, the EIC will offer non-financial support, such as business advisory services and matchmaking.
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Ukraine: EU boosts operational support to humanitarian organisations

As humanitarian needs continue to rise in Ukraine due to the illegal Russian invasion, the EU is providing direct operational support to aid organisations working inside the country. In this regard, the EU has set-up and fully funded two warehouses in Ukraine, respectively in Vinnytsia and Dnipro, as well as contracting trucking services to get humanitarian aid to those in need. The use of these EU funded humanitarian services is offered free of charge to aid organisations operating in Ukraine, as part of the new European Humanitarian Response Capacity system.

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Support for Ukraine is strong and widespread throughout Europe: Eurofound

According to a new Eurofound survey, over 70% of people in the EU agree with the imposition of economic sanctions on Russia, with two-thirds feeling that more stringent sanctions should be imposed. Support for economic sanctions is particularly high in Scandinavian countries, the Baltic states, Romania, Poland and Ireland. The survey also revealed high or very high concerns about the war, with higher rates recorded in some of the countries sharing borders with Russia, as well as southern Mediterranean countries and Ireland.

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Ukraine: 500 patients transferred to European hospitals thanks to the Civil Protection Mechanism
More than 500 Ukrainian patients in need of urgent medical assistance have to date been transferred from Ukraine, Moldova and other neighbouring EU Member States to European hospitals thanks to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and the support of 13 Member States, including Ireland and EEA partners. EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said: "As the humanitarian tragedy worsens, more people will need our help. The EU’s support to Ukraine and its people is unwavering."
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Call for Nominations for endangered heritage sites
All over Europe our shared cultural heritage is faced with increasing threats. Europa Nostra's 7 Most Endangered Programme is a civil society campaign to save this endangered heritage. The Call for Nominations for this year's Programme is now open. If you know of important heritage in Europe that is endangered – such as an historic monument or an ensemble of historic monuments, an archaeological site, a place of worship, an industrial complex, a historic garden, a museum, a movable or an intangible heritage asset – then nominate it by 15 September.
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2021 EU Budget: Performance report highlights key role in supporting EU recovery and advancing key EU priorities

The European Commission presented the Annual Management and Performance Report for the EU budget for the 2021 financial year, through which the Commission takes overall political responsibility for the management of the previous year's EU budget. In challenging times, the EU budget, supplemented by the NextGenerationEU recovery instrument, continued to deliver for EU citizens, in full respect of the highest standards of financial management.

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New EU rules addressing terrorist content online apply from this week
New EU rules on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online apply from this week. Competent authorities in the member states have the power to issue removal orders to hosting service providers requiring them to remove terrorist content or disable access to it in all member states. Internet platforms will have to remove or disable access to flagged terrorist content within 1 hour of receiving a removal order from the competent authority.
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Statistic of the week
EU Bathing Water report: share of Irish waters qualifying as "excellent" below EU average

According to the latest annual EU Bathing Water report, just under 78% of Irish beaches met the European Union's most stringent ‘excellent' water quality standards in 2021, below the EU average of 85%. In Austria, Malta, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Denmark and Germany, 90% or more of bathing waters qualified as ‘excellent'. The report also shows that minimum water quality standards were met at 95% of sites in Europe in 2021 and 97% of sites in Ireland. Only 1.4% of sites in Ireland and 1.5% across the EU were classed as "poor".

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Ireland records highest rise in GDP in the first quarter of 2022
According to Eurostat, Ireland recorded a GDP rise of 10.8% in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the fourth quarter of 2021, the highest rise in the EU where the average rise was 0.7%. When compared to the first quarter of 2021, GDP was up by 11.3% in Ireland, the second highest rise in the EU after Portugal at 11.9% and double the EU average of 5.6%. The figures also show that Ireland recorded the highest growth in employment in the EU in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the first quarter of 2021 at 12.3%.
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Sunday 12 to Wednesday 15 June: Foreign Affairs Council (Trade)
The Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) will meet on 12 June in Geneva, in the margins of the WTO ministerial conference. Five years after the last ministerial meeting in Buenos Aires, the 12th WTO ministerial conference will take place in Geneva from 12 to 15 June. MC12 will focus in particular on the reform of the WTO and on the response to the unprecedented disruption to the world economy and global trade caused by the pandemic and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
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Monday 13 June: Agriculture and Fisheries Council
EU agriculture ministers will meet in Luxembourg to discuss the state of implementation of the EU common fisheries policy and consultations for fishing opportunities for 2023. They will further exchange views on the application of EU standards on imported agricultural and agri-food products, and discuss the situation of agricultural markets in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
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Tuesday 14 June: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (Health)
On the agenda: the European health data space (EHDS). The EHDS is a proposal for a directive (from May 2022) to make it easier for patients to have access to their health data in electronic form and to share this data with health professionals within the EU. Ministers will hold a policy debate on this topic. Also on the agenda: the revision of the EU’s global health strategy and the state of play of the draft cross border threats to health regulation.
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Wednesday 15 June: Ireland, Europe, and the World in James Joyces’ Ulysses

Ahead of Bloomsday on the 100th anniversary of Ulysses, and of Irish independence, the IIEA is hosting a lunchtime event on 15 June exploring the European and international dimensions of James Joyces’ novel and the myriad visions of Ireland’s place in the world, which then as now occurred during great turbulence and uncertainty in the world.This anniversary also marks 100 years of Irish independence, as well as 50 years since Irish accession to the European Union. Speakers include Anne Fogarty, Full Professor and Director of the Centre for James Joyce Studies at UCD, and Daniel Mulhall, Ambassador of Ireland to the United States.

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Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 June: Rural Pact Conference, Brussels

The Rural Pact conference will bring together EU, national, and regional politicians along with local authorities, social and economic stakeholders in a participatory event that reflects the rural vision’s ambition and bottom-up character. The conference is organised by the European Commission in partnership with the European Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Parliament, the Presidency of the European Council and the European Rural Parliament. Live streaming will be available for the plenary sessions.

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Thursday 16 June: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (Social)
On the agenda: the state of play as regards the draft law on improving working conditions in platform work; the European Semester; the Porto Social Summit: one year later; a recommendation on individual learning accounts; the fair transition towards climate neutrality; and the employment of people with disabilities.
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Thursday 16 June: Eurogroup
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Thursday 16 June: Local Dialogue on Youth and Democracy, Dublin

On Thursday morning 16 June, the European Committee of the Regions, in co-operation with European Movement Ireland and the Irish Regions European Office, are hosting an event focusing on the role of youth and democracy in Europe. The keynote address will be given by Thomas Byrne TD, Minister of State for European Affairs. Other speakers include: Apostolos Tzitzikostas, President of the European Committee of the Regions; Thomas Matthew, Board Member, European Youth Forum; and Diandra Ní Bhuachalla, United Nations Youth Delegate Ireland. The event will be moderated by Noelle O Connell, CEO of European Movement Ireland and will take place in person at the Council Chamber, Dublin City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2 from 11:00 – 12:30.

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Friday 17 June: Economic and Financial Affairs Council
On the agenda: Croatia and the euro; the European Semester 2022 and approve the country specific recommendations; the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF); the economic and financial aspects of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine; corporate taxation; and the Solvency II amending directive and the review of the alternative investment fund managers directive (AIFM). Economy and finance ministers are also expected to discuss new own resources of the EU.
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Monday 20 June: Hybrid conference "Health (One Health)"

The Consumers and Environment Category of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is hosting a hybrid conference entitled "Health (One Health)" on 20 June from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The aim of the conference is to look at how the European Union can be more active in this area, especially through better cooperation among the key stakeholders. The conference will feature contributions by representatives of civil society organisations active in various Member States as well as a number of high-level speakers.

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Friday 1 July: Discussion: "Is it Possible to Lead an Honest Life Under a Dishonest Political System?"

The European Parliament Liaison Offices in Ireland and the United Kingdom are hosting an in-person discussion to mark the award of the 2021 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to the Russian activist and political prisoner Alexei Navalny. The subject of the discussion will be: "Is it Possible to Lead an Honest Life Under a Dishonest Political System?". This event takes place from 3 to 4.30 pm on Friday 1 July at Europe House, 12-14 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2. Speakers include: Barry Andrews MEP; Maria Logan, Open Russia Foundation, Trustee to the Future of Russia Foundation and the Khodorkovsky Foundation; Sinéad Gibney, Chief Commissioner, Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission; and Caoilfhionn Gallagher QC, Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, specialising in human rights and civil liberties. The event will be moderated by Pat Leahy, Political Editor, The Irish Times. To register, please email: events-epdublin@europarl.europa.eu.

Thursday 21 to Sunday 24 July: MacGill Summer School
The 42nd MacGill Summer School will take place from July 21st-24th, at The Highlands Hotel in Glenties, Co Donegal.
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Calls for Tender/Proposals
€4.1 million call to monitor and defend media freedom and pluralism
The European Commission has published a €4.1 million call to monitor and defend media freedom and pluralism, financed through Creative Europe. €1 million will be allocated to further strengthen the position of media councils and to develop journalistic standards. The remaining €3.1 million will make sure the EU continues to provide a rapid response mechanism to protect journalists under threat after 2023. Non-profit organisations, international organisations, universities, educational institutions and research centres within the EU and in associated countries including Ukraine may submit their proposal until 20 September 2022.
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Job opportunities


Job opportunities in the EU agencies
The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) has advertised a number of interesting job opportunities, both for permanent and temporary positions, on its database. The positions include contract agent posts, traineeships and secondments and are located all over Europe.
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Video contest: Youth dialogue on the future of finance with Commissioner McGuinness

As part of the European Year of Youth, Commissioner Mairead McGuinness is to hold a dialogue with young people from all over Europe about their vision for the future of finance. Young people aged between 18 and 25 who are interested in participating and in meeting the Commissioner are invited to take part in a video contest on the theme of “the future of finance” - full details at the link below. The 10 winning entrants will meet the Commissioner in Brussels on 25 October 2022. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the European Commission. The deadline to participate is 8 July 2022.

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Rural Inspiration Awards (RIA) 2022: The Future is Youth
Submissions are now open for the Rural Inspiration Awards 2022. The awards are open to all rural development projects supported by EU funding (EAFRD/EAGF). The theme of this year's awards is 'The Future is Youth' inspired jointly by 2022 being the European Year of Youth, the long-term vision for rural areas, and the Rural Pact, developed by the European Commission. Applications may be submitted under four categories: Green Futures, Digital Futures, Resilient Futures, and Socially Inclusive & Innovative Futures. The deadline to apply is:
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Student competition to name the next EU satellite constellation.

As part of the European Year of Youth, the European Commission has launched the “Name the New EU Space Constellation”, a student competition to award the name of the next satellite constellation. This is a call for creative ideas to give a name to a new EU space-based secure connectivity system. Alongside Copernicus and Galileo, this will be the third pillar of the EU Space programme; a state-of-the-art satellite constellation providing high-speed and secure communication services across Europe, Africa, and beyond.

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Public consultations
Public consultation on an Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the development of an Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan. The Action Plan, announced in the EU Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies, will help achieve the European Green Deal’s 2030 target of reducing nutrient losses by 50%, while ensuring no deterioration in soil fertility. The objective is to reduce fertiliser use by at least 20%. Farmers, industries, NGOs, citizens and other interested parties are invited to share their views on this action plan via an online consultation that runs until 26 August 2022.
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