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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue
Top News
Statement by Vice-President Šefčovič on the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland

In a statement following a phone call with UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss on the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland, Commission Vice President Maroš Šefčovič said: "It continues to be of serious concern that the UK government intends to embark on the path of unilateral action. This is despite a series of wide-ranging and impactful solutions proposed by the EU, based on our intensive engagement with all representatives in Northern Ireland. These proposals would substantially improve the way the Protocol is implemented."

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Fighting child sexual abuse: European Commission proposes new rules to protect children

The European Commission has proposed new EU rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse online. The proposal sets obligations for companies to detect and report the abuse of children, with strong safeguards guaranteeing the privacy of all. A new independent EU Centre on Child Sexual Abuse will be set up to help EU countries, companies and local authorities establish robust prevention measures, ensure that offenders are brought to justice and support victims. Worldwide, around 85 million pictures and videos depicting child sexual abuse were reported in 2021 alone.

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President von der Leyen addresses closing event of the Conference on the Future of Europe

Addressing the closing event of the Conference on the Future of Europe on 9 May, President von der Leyen said: "You have proven that this form of democracy works. And I believe, we should give it more room, it should become part of the way we make policy. This is why I will propose that, in the future, we give Citizens' Panels the time and resources to make recommendations before we present key legislative proposals."

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Commission to establish Solidarity Lanes to help Ukraine export agricultural goods

As part of the EU's solidarity response with Ukraine, the Commission this week presented a set of actions to help Ukraine export its agricultural produce. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its blockade of Ukrainian ports, Ukrainian grain and other agricultural goods can no longer reach their destinations. With today's Communication, the Commission sets out an action plan to establish ‘Solidarity Lanes' to ensure Ukraine can export grain, but also import the goods it needs, from humanitarian aid to animal feed and fertilisers.

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Other news
State aid: Commission will phase out State aid COVID Temporary Framework

The European Commission will phase out the State aid COVID Temporary Framework, adopted on 19 March 2020 and last amended on 18 November 2021, enabling Member States to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Executive President Margrethe Vestager said the Framework had "allowed Member States to act quickly and effectively to help companies hit by the crisis, while ensuring that support remained limited to those in actual need."

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State aid: Commission approves €45 million Irish support measure for fishery-processing sector in the context of Brexit

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €45 million Irish scheme to support the fish-processing sector affected by the effects of the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. The scheme will run until 31 December 2023. The beneficiaries are small and medium-sized enterprises active in the processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs.

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State aid: European Commission approves €5 million Irish scheme to support Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

The European Commission has approved a €5 million Irish scheme to support Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) charity operators in Ireland affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework. Under the scheme, the aid will take the form of direct grants. The measure is aimed at mitigating the liquidity shortages that the beneficiaries are facing and at ensuring the operation of a vital emergency medical service.

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European Commission launches visionary 3D “Voice your Vision” platform in Ireland

The European Commission wants young Irish people to have a say on the future direction of the EU and is inviting them to upload voice recordings with their thoughts on a range of issues from the future of Europe to mental health, inclusion, and climate change on its new "Voice your Vision" platform. The platform was launched as part of the European Year of Youth 2022 with the objective of empowering young Irish people and young Europeans in general to voice their own vision of the future.

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Syria and the region: close to €6.4 billion mobilised during the 6th Brussels Conference
The international community pledged close to €6.4 billion for 2022 and beyond during the sixth Conference on 'Supporting the future of Syria and the Region', organised by the European Union in Brussels this week. Out of this amount, over €4.8 billion was pledged by the EU, with over €3.1 billion coming from the European Commission and €1.7 billion from the EU Member States. The EU and its Member States have remained the largest donors supporting people in Syria and the region since the beginning of the crisis in 2011, mobilising €27.4 billion overall.
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New recommendations on the wearing of face masks on planes to come into effect from 16 May

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) have issued an update to the health safety measures for air travel, paving the way for a relaxation of the need to wear medical masks on board a flight from 16 May, but noting that a face mask is still one of the best protections against the transmission of COVID-19. Vulnerable passengers will still be advised to wear a face mask as will people taking flights to or from a destination where mask-wearing is still required on public transport.

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EU-Japan Digital Partnership launched

At their summit in Tokyo this week, EU and Japan leaders launched the EU-Japan Digital Partnership. The Partnership will help the EU and Japan achieve their shared goals in key areas such as: a secure 5G, "beyond 5G" and 6G technologies; safe and ethical artificial intelligence applications; the resilience of global supply chains in the semiconductor industry; green data infrastructures; and the development of digital skills for workers. President von der Leyen said: "It is the first partnership of this kind that we conclude with any partner."

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Consumer protection: Commission adopts stronger consumer rules for online financial services

The European Commission has proposed to reform the current EU rules on Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services, which govern financial services sold at a distance. The Commission wants to give stronger consumer protection to those concluding contracts (for mortgages, consumer credit, insurance etc.) over the internet. This includes clearer rules on what, how & when sellers must provide pre-contractual information as well as making it easier to cancel a contract online, thanks to a withdrawal button.

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Implementation of sanctions: Commission publishes consolidated list of travel bans

The European Commission has published a consolidated list of travel bans in its EU Sanctions Map tool. Member State authorities as well as EU citizens can use the tool to see who is subject to a travel ban under EU sanctions measures, and therefore are prevented from travelling to the EU. Commissioner Mairead McGuinness said: “It is important that there is full transparency on this issue and for our citizens to know which individuals are subject to travel bans. This includes those who are implicated, in one way or another, in Russia's unjustified aggression against the people of Ukraine."

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MSCA: €857 million for researchers and organisations in 2022
A new round of funding is now available under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) to support researchers’ training, skills and career development and organisations involved in research activities. With a budget totalling €6.6 billion over 2021-2027, the MSCA support researchers from all over the world, at all stages of their careers and in all disciplines. The action also funds organisations with support for excellent doctoral, postdoctoral programmes and collaborative research and innovation projects.
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Commission steps up support to displaced researchers from Ukraine
The Commission has officially announced the launch of the MSCA4Ukraine scheme, part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. It will support displaced researchers from Ukraine for them to continue their work in academic or non-academic organisations in Europe. The scheme will also allow them to re-establish themselves in Ukraine to rebuild the country's research and innovation capacity.
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Commission boosts Horizon Europe budget to support green, health and digital innovations and displaced researchers of Ukraine
The European Commission this week adopted an amendment to the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022, increasing the budget by nearly €562 million to further support EU Missions. Of this additional amount, €507.1 million is dedicated to the five EU Missions. Launched in September 2021, the Missions aim to achieve ambitious goals in health, climate and the environment by 2030.
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New EU Plan to address trafficking risks for people fleeing the war in Ukraine

Over 5.4 million people have arrived in the EU since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The vast majority of them are women and children - particularly vulnerable to trafficking in human beings. A new anti-trafficking plan, developed under the lead of the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, aims at raising awareness, reinforcing the prevention against trafficking in human beings, enhancing the law enforcement and judicial response, as well as improving identification and support to victims.

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Corporate taxation: Commission proposes tax incentive for equity to help companies grow, become stronger and more resilient

The European Commission has proposed a debt-equity bias reduction allowance, or DEBRA, to help businesses access the financing they need and to become more resilient. This measure will support businesses by introducing an allowance that will grant to equity the same tax treatment as debt. The proposal stipulates that increases in a taxpayer's equity from one tax year to the next will be deductible from its taxable base, similarly to what happens to debt.

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Eurobarometer on Youth: Young Irish people
A new Eurobarometer on the European Year of Youth shows that young Irish people (aged 15 to 30 years) tend to be less aware than their EU counterparts of certain EU-funded opportunities to stay in another EU country such as Erasmus+ youth exchanges, Erasmus+ for pupils aged 11-18, and Erasmus+ for apprentices and entrepreneurs. Awareness of Erasmus+ programme for students aged 18+, and of DiscoverEU was, however, above the EU average. The survey also showed that young Irish people (15-30 years) were the most likely at 67% to have participated in activities such as sports clubs, volunteering or youth clubs over the last 12 months.
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Antitrust: Commission adopts new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and Vertical Guidelines
The European Commission this week adopted the new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (‘VBER') accompanied by the new Vertical Guidelines. The revised rules provide businesses with simpler, clearer and up-to-date rules and guidance. The new rules will help them to assess the compatibility of their supply and distribution agreements with EU competition rules in a business environment reshaped by the growth of e-commerce and online sales. The revised VBER and Vertical Guidelines will enter into force on 1 June 2022.
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Statistic of the week
Irish SMEs most likely to report incidences of cybercrime

A new Eurobarometer survey on SMEs and Cybercrime reveals that one in three (32%) Irish SMEs had experienced at least one type of cybercrime over the 12 months prior to the survey, a little above the EU average of 28%. The most common types of cyber crime experienced by them were phishing, account take over or impersonation attacks (11%) and viruses, spyware or malware (9%). The survey also shows that Irish SMEs (87%) were the most likely to report incidences of cybercrime with 38% reporting to the police and 34% to their internet service provider. On average, only 54% of EU SMEs reported such incidences.

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Thursday 16 May: Insights from the IPCC’s sixth assessment report

This IIEA webinar will be addressed by Professor Debra Roberts is Co-Chair of Working Group II, which assessed the vulnerability of socio-economic and natural systems to climate change, negative and positive consequences of climate change and options for adapting to it, and by Professor Jim Skea, CBE, is Co-Chair of Working Group III, which focused on climate change mitigation, assessing methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. In this panel discussion, the two Co-Chairs will present key conclusions from the Sixth Assessment Report and reflect on the broader implications of the IPCC’s findings during this decisive decade for climate action.

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Monday 16 May: EU-Canada Joint Ministerial Committee meeting
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Monday 16 May: Foreign Affairs Council
Foreign affairs ministers will discuss current affairs, including High Representative, Josep Borrell's recent visit to Chile. The Council will then hold an exchange of views on the Western Balkans. Ministers will also review the latest developments in the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Finally, they will informally exchange views with the Western Balkans foreign affairs ministers.
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Tuesday 17 May: Brussels Economic Forum
The Brussels Economic Forum (BEF) is the flagship annual economic event of the European Commission. For over 20 years, it has gathered high-level European and international policymakers, academics, civil society and business leaders to identify key challenges and debate policy priorities for the European economy. To mark the European Year of Youth 2022, the Brussels Economic Forum will look at the economy of the next generation and shine a spotlight on youth. This year's event is taking place in a hybrid format. However, there are a limited number of places for people wishing to attend in person.
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Tuesday 17 May: Foreign Affairs Council (Defence)
The Foreign Affairs Council in its defence configuration will be briefed by High Representative Josep Borrell about current affairs, reviewing a number of recent developments and upcoming events. The Council will then exchange views on the implementation of the Strategic Compass, with a focus on the future of CSDP (Common Security and Defence Policy) missions and operations. EU ministers of defence will then have a discussion on the Russian aggression against Ukraine. They will exchange views with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (tbc) and the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Oleksiy Reznikov, via videoconference.
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Wednesday 18 May: European Union Military Committee (EUMC), EU chiefs of defence
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Wednesday 18 May: EU Finance Days (online event)
EU FINANCE DAYS 2022 in Ireland takes place online on Wednesday 18 May. The event is organised by the European Commission services & Representations in cooperation with the European Investment Bank Group and the Enterprise Europe Network. During the event, the new financial and support programmes will be presented by experts. The event will take place online and is composed of several sessions covering the different aspects of the funding programmes. Participants will be able to interact with expert speakers and ask questions on the topics covered.
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Thursday 19 May: Belarus in the New European Disorder: Challenges for the EU

On Thursday lunchtime, 19 May, French political scientist Dr Anaïs Marin will address an IIEA webinar on "Belarus in the New European Disorder: Challenges for the EU". In her address, Dr Marin will contend that the war provides the EU with a rare opportunity to review its neighbourhood relationship with Belarus, and to design tailored policies aimed at better supporting the democratic forces and civil society of that country which could ultimately excise it from Russia’s influences.

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Thursday 19 May: EU Values Across Sectors
EU Values Across Sectors is a Europe-wide conference where representatives from various sectors will have the opportunity to learn, reflect on and discuss their role in promoting EU values in their work with young people and communities. With lots of interesting speakers and digital interaction, this event will showcase how Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps can fund projects that support these values of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and human rights. This event is a joint collaboration between The Wheel’s Access Europe programme and Léargas, the National Agency for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps in Ireland.
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Friday 20 May: Foreign Affairs Council (Development)
The Foreign Affairs Council in its development configuration will be chaired by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. It will exchange views on the global implications of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, with a focus on food security and the multilateral response.
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Friday 20 May: Discussion: Mental Health and LGBTQ+ Youth
To mark International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia 2022 the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland is organising a discussion on mental health issues and LGBTQ+ young people. Speakers include: Maria Walsh, MEP; Moninne Griffith, CEO BeLonG To Youth Services; Rory O’Neill, AKA Panti Bliss, “Gender Discombobulist” and “Accidental activist”. The event will be moderated by Aifric Ní Chríodáin, Executive Director, ShoutOut. This event will take place in Europe House, Dublin on 20 May 2022 from 3:00pm-4:00 pm. Prior registration required - please email events-epdublin@europarl.europa.eu.
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Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 May: Special meeting of the European Council
The special meeting of the European Council will take place on Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 May 2022 in the Europa building in Brussels. Further details will be available in due course.
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Job opportunities


Traineeships in the European Parliament
Applications are currently open for Schuman traineeships in the European Parliament. The Schuman traineeships are paid and can be undertaken at one of the European Parliament’s official places of work – Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg – or in its Liaison Offices in the Member States. Applicants must: be aged 18 or over; be nationals of a Member State of the European Union or an accession/candidate country (a very limited number of traineeships to nationals of other countries can also be offered); hold a university level diploma; and have a thorough knowledge of one of the official EU languages and a very good knowledge of a second.
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Public consultations
Evaluation of the Environmental Liability Directive
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the evaluation of the Environmental Liability Directive (Directive 2004/35/CE), the Community framework aimed at preventing and remedying damage to soil, water and biodiversity, under the "polluter pays" principle. The Commission is inviting citizens and stakeholders for their views on the implementation of the existing rules. The consultation is open until 4 August 2022.
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Payment services – review of EU rules
The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather evidence for the revised Payment Services Directive review and to inform its work on open finance. The revised Payment Services Directive (“PSD2”) is the basis for payment rules in the EU. It includes rules to make online payments services easier and safer, promote innovative payment services, strengthen the rights of users and protect them against fraud and abuse. The consultation is open until 2 August 2022.
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