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European Commission EC London Office weekly round-up
Representation in United Kingdom
In this issue - November 2016

EC London Office weekly round-up

Each week we sum up Commission news of particular interest for the UK while also summarising UK events on EU-related subjects. All comments welcome at COMM-UK-PRESS@ec.europa.eu

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Main news from Brussels this week

President Juncker proposed to tighten the Code of Conduct for Commissioners

In a letter to the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker is seeking views of the Parliament on two important issues: first, a proposal to update the 2010 framework agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission so that Commissioners can stand in European Parliament elections without the need to take leave of absence. Second, the Commission's intention to tighten the Code of Conduct for Commissioners so that the "cooling-off" period – the time during which former Commissioners and Commission Presidents cannot take other paid employment – is extended from currently 18 months to two years for former Commissioners and to three years for the President of the Commission.

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EU banking reform package aims to support growth and restore confidence

On 23 November, the European Commission presented a comprehensive package of reforms to strengthen the resilience of EU banks. The proposal brings in the outstanding elements, which are essential to further reinforce banks' ability to withstand potential shocks – like more risk-sensitive capital requirements, methodologies that are able to reflect more accurately the actual risks to which banks are exposed, a binding leverage ratio and a requirement for big institutions to hold minimum levels of capital and other instruments which bear losses in resolution. These measures are part of the Commission's work to reduce risk in the banking sector. The proposals also contain measures to improve the banks' lending capacity to support the EU economy, especially for SMEs.

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Sustainable development: EU sets out its priorities

On 22 November, the European Commission set out a strategic approach for achieving sustainable development in Europe and around the world. A first report on the next steps for a sustainable European future explains how the Commission's ten political priorities contribute to implementing the UN 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development and how the EU will meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the future. A second report on a new European Consensus on Development proposes a shared vision and framework for development cooperation for the EU and its member states, aligned with the 2030 agenda. A third report on a renewed partnership with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries proposes building blocks for a new, sustainable phase in EU-ACP relations after the Cotonou Partnership Agreement expires in 2020.

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European milk package strengthens dairy producers' position in the supply chain

On 24 November, the European Commission published the second report on the so-called milk package, a series of measures launched in 2012 to strengthen the position of European dairy producers in the supply chain. The report shows that European farmers are increasingly using the tools provided by the milk package, such as collective negotiation of contract terms via producer organisations, or the use of written contracts. The measure allowing collective negotiation is designed to reinforce the bargaining power of milk producers, whilst written contracts offer better transparency and traceability to farmers.

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EU reached landmark agreement on conflict minerals regulation

On 23 November, the EU institutions reached an agreement on the final shape of an EU regulation on conflict minerals, which aims to stop the financing of armed groups in developing countries through the trade of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold. The agreement on the regulation, brokered by the Commission, is set to ensure sustainable sourcing for more than 95% of all EU imports of these minerals, which will be covered by due diligence provisions as of 1 January 2021.  In the meantime, the Commission and member states will work to make sure that the necessary structures are in place to ensure EU-wide implementation.

All this week's key European Commission announcements can be found here

EU and the UK

Commissioner Moscovici in London

Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Union, Pierre Moscovici was in London on 23 and 24 November, where he gave a keynote speech at the "Best of British" conference organised by JP Morgan. He also attended a dinner hosted by the Centre for European Reform and TheCityUK. On 24 November, Commissioner Moscovici took part in a Policy Network lunchtime seminar, in conversation with former European Commissioner, Mr Peter Mandelson. The Commissioner repeated that there can be no negotiation before notification of the triggering of article 50 and that the Commission will have a single negotiator. He spoke about the need to tackle the reasons for the backlash against globalisation: this requires support to those who consider themselves losers from globalisation and engagement with a range of economic, social and political issues. To succeed in this, the Commissioner argued that the EU would need to become more political, with a strong Eurozone at its heart. He added that protecting the EU's citizens is essential and that building the EU's economic and democratic legitimacy is central.

Commissioner Moscovici's interview with Bloomberg

European Commission-OECD report: "Health at a Glance: Europe 2016"

On 23 November, the European Commission and the OECD jointly published their "Health at a Glance: Europe 2016" report showing that life expectancy now exceeds 80 years in most EU countries. However, this record-high life expectancy is not always matched by healthy life years. Around 50 million people in the EU suffer from several chronic diseases, and more than half a million people of working age die from them every year, representing an annual cost of some €115 billion for EU economies.

The report also shows that the UK has one of the lowest rates of avoidable admissions related to diabetes, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. The UK also has one of the lowest suicide rates. The report also states that the UK has made good progress in developing a rich information infrastructure (known as the Quality and Outcomes Framework) to underpin quality monitoring and improvement in primary care. The volume and detail of information collected within this Framework is impressive, and it is one of the most advanced quality monitoring systems developed across the European Union. In 2013, the UK had the highest death rates from respiratory diseases among EU countries.

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Violence against Women: No, thanks – say two-thirds of Europeans

Two-thirds of people in all but one EU member state (Lithuania) think forcing a partner to have sex should be illegal. A stunning 98% of people in the UK say forced sex is unacceptable. The data comes from an EU-wide Eurobarometer survey published to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November.

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West Highlands project wins a 2016 European Broadband Award

A UK project to bring high speed internet to the rural areas on the West Coast of Scotland won one of the 2016 European Broadband Awards. The RemIX project which gives people of the West Highlands quality access to the global network took the prize in the 'Future-proof and quality of service' category. Together with 4 other projects from Italy, the Netherlands, Austria and Poland it will serve as an exemplary best practice for anyone planning broadband development in Europe.

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Michel Barnier meeting with David Davis

On 21 November, Michel Barnier, European Commission Chief Negotiator in charge of the preparation and conduct of the negotiations with the United Kingdom met with Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, David Davis. Mr Barnier tweeted this was a "courtesy visit from @daviddavismp at his request. No negotiation without notification. My work is now focused on EU27. #Brexit."

For upcoming events, please have a look at our newsletter

EU in the media this week

Every week, we pick out one of the week's most interesting stories or comment pieces….which does not mean we agree with everything it says:

Support for EU rises since Brexit vote, survey shows by Stefan Wagstyl in the Financial Times. The survey covers the entire EU.

EU fact of the week

20 November: World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: UK roads among safest in the EU

In 2015, the United Kingdom had one of the lowest numbers of road fatalities relative to the population compared to other EU member states (2.8 road traffic victims per 100 000 inhabitants). The data was published by Eurostat ahead of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims which took place on 20 November.

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Tweet of the week
Quote of the week

"Today's local start-ups could become tomorrow's global success stories. We want to help start-ups stay and grow in Europe. By helping them navigate the – often perceived – regulatory barriers to fully benefiting from the Single Market. By making it easier for them to have a second chance, without being stigmatised if their idea doesn't succeed the first time around. And by improving access to funding by boosting private venture capital investment," European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness presenting the Commission's Start-up and Scale-up Initiative which aims to give Europe's many innovative entrepreneurs every opportunity to become world leading companies. It pulls together all the possibilities that the EU already offers and adds a new focus on venture capital investment, insolvency law and taxation.

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Picture of the week

UK SME Slumbersac – a toddler's sleeping bag manufacturer – received an EU-guaranteed loan under the European Fund for Strategic Investments. This has allowed the company to relocate quickly into a bigger warehouse, in order to accommodate the company’s growth, tripling the space that Slumbersac is currently occupying.


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