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European Commission EU NEWS YOU CAN USE
European Commission in Ireland
In this issue - 20 October

Top News
Commissioner Hogan: We need a debate about how the EU can better communicate with citizens
EU Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Phil Hogan addressed the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food & the Marine in Dublin today. In his speech, the Commissioner outlined the importance to the Commission of direct interaction with national parliaments. He said: "We need a debate about how the EU can better communicate with the citizens, in a way that emphasises the positive contribution that the EU can make to their lives. The Common Agricultural Policy is one of those policies that makes an immense contribution to the lives of millions of farmers and other beneficiaries in every country in Europe. Without it, what kind of a food policy or agricultural production system would we have in Europe. What kind of a rural environment would we have or what kind of vitality would our rural communities enjoy."
Commissioner Hogan with members of the Committee
Ireland is world leader in Development Policy: EU Commissioner Mimica
Ireland has played a leading role in getting UN members to agree on the latest Development Goals and continues to be a world leader in Development Policy, said European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, in Dublin earlier this week. Speaking at Dublin's Institute of International European Affairs, Commissioner Neven Mimica said that eradicating poverty must remain the core objective of development policy. Tackling poverty at source was the only way to avoid conflict and mass migration, and the results of the failure to do so are clearly visible.
Commissioner Mimica speaking at the IIEA on Tuesday
Migration, trade and Russia on the agenda of this week's European Council
EU leaders meet today and tomorrow in Brussels to discuss migration, trade and Russia, including its role in Syria. They will focus on cooperation with African countries of source and transit for migrants. They will also discuss trade, including the future of CETA, the EU-Canada trade agreement. "We have a special responsibility regarding the agreement with Canada. There is still work to be done, but I hope we will find a way forward," said President Tusk in his invitation letter. Leaders will also discuss long-term relations with Russia, not least in the context of recent dramatic developments in Syria.
EU Council President Donald Tusk
Migration cooperation with Africa gets results
The European Commission this week presented its first progress report on the implementation of the Partnership Framework with third countries to manage migration together. The report shows that cooperation with Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Mali and Ethiopia under the new Framework has started to yield tangible results. The Partnership Framework approach changes the way the EU, together with its Member States, manages mobility and migration with third countries of origin and transit. The aim of the so-called "migration compacts" with priority countries is to reduce flows of illegal migration by disrupting the business model of smugglers and opening legal channels of migration, increase return rates, and address root causes of irregular migration.
People being rescued in the Mediterranean
European Investment Bank agrees record €200m support for investment in 71 Irish schools
The Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Richard Bruton TD, and the Vice-President of the European Investment Bank, Mr. Andrew Mc Dowell, this week signed a long-term loan agreement which will allow the Department of Education to draw down €200m in European Investment Bank funding. This €200 million long-term loan will help deliver the Department of Education’s €530m School Building Programme which was announced in September 2015. It will support the construction, enlargement and modernisation of 71 schools over the next 4 years as well delivering improved energy saving measures to these schools.
Commission says trade dumping persists
Despite the fact that the European Commission has been using the available trade defence instruments toolbox to its full extent, it says these have proven insufficient to deal with the huge overcapacities that result in dumped exports on the EU market. The EU accounts for 15% of world imports (second only to the United States), yet the EU's trade defence measures correspond to only 7,8% of those in place worldwide and affect a mere 0,21% of the imports.
Container ship
Other news
Gardaí join Europol's raid on people traffickers
Twenty-eight countries, including Ireland, teamed up with Europol to deliver a major blow to organised crime groups involved in trafficking in human beings across the EU and beyond. During an EU-wide action week (10-16 October), 11,161 locations (red-light district areas, brothels, private flats, massage parlours, airports and reception centres) were visited, 43,405 persons were checked, and 549 victims/potential victims1 identified. In addition, police controls checked 5,126 vehicles and 35,848 ID documents. Data gathered during the operations led to the launch of 102 new investigations in order to identify further suspects and victims linked to human trafficking cases across the EU.
Remembering the Holocaust: Crocus Project 2016/17 launched in Dublin
The Commission Representation hosted this week's launch of the Holocaust Education Trust Ireland's Crocus Project 2016/17. The Project aims to raise awareness among Ireland's school children of the terrible events of the Holocaust. It is part-funded by Europe for Citizens Programme. The yellow Crocus flowers planted by the children are a reminder of the yellow star that Jews were forced to wear under Nazi rule. In his address at the launch, the new Head of the Commission Representation in Ireland, Gerry Kiely (pictured), said: "The Crocus Project is an excellent means of reminding the next generation of the need to reject and confront all forms of intolerance and persecution at every level – from the school yard bully to the political populists promoting themselves at the expense of others – usually the less fortunate." The event was also addressed by Holocaust survivor Suzi Diamond.
Gerry Kiely addressing the launch
EU Court rules operator of a website may store certain personal data relating to visitors
In a judgment issued this week, the European Court of Justice ruled that the operator of a website may have a legitimate interest in storing certain personal data relating to visitors to that website in order to protect itself against cyber attacks. The dynamic internet protocol address of a visitor constitutes personal data, with respect to the operator of the website, if that operator has the legal means allowing it to identify the visitor concerned with additional information about him which is held by the internet access provider.
Microfinance Ireland showcases mentoring service
Events took place across Europe this week to mark European Microfinance Day. In Ireland, Microfinance Ireland organised a special event showcasing the benefits of its mentoring service to businesses both new and established. The Microfinance Ireland mentoring service, delivered through the Local Enterprise Offices, is aimed at both start up and expanding businesses that employ fewer than ten people. Garrett Stokes, CEO of Microfinance Ireland said: “While businesses constantly tell me that getting funding support for their business is very important, I believe our mentoring assistance is more critical to many new businesses. Many business people are experts in their own sector but they are weak in other areas such as finance, marketing and planning."
Celebrating European MacroFinance Day
Human Trafficking: Commission calls for intensified efforts to address new challenges
The European Commission marked the 10th EU Anti-Trafficking Day earlier this week with a call for the reinvigoration of joint efforts across the EU to eradicate trafficking in human beings. Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said: " Trafficking in human beings must be stopped. Today, new trends are calling for intensified efforts from all of us: migrants and refugees, especially vulnerable persons such as women or unaccompanied children, are suffering terrible experiences at the hands of traffickers. The profits from their exploitation go to the very same networks of organised crime that we are fighting daily with our security policies. We will continue to do so, supporting our Member States in this fight, legally, operationally and financially. We owe this to each and every victim."
Trafficking image
New satellite image database maps the dynamics of human presence on Earth
Built-up areas on the Earth have increased by 2.5 times since 1975. And yet, today 7.3 billion people live and work in only 7.6% of the global land mass. Nine out of the ten most populated urban centres are in Asia, while five out of the ten largest urban centres are in the United States. These are some of the numbers calculated by a new global database which tracks human presence on Earth, launched this week by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).
Image of map from database
Opening up passenger train markets
EU Transport Ministers this week adopted new rules aimed at boosting train travel in Europe. The revised rules will make it easier for new operators to enter the market and offer their services. It should bring wider choice, cheaper fares and improved quality for passengers. The European Parliament must now approve the texts at second reading. The package is expected to be published and become law by the end of 2016.
Ireland: Highest number of households with children in the EU
According to new Eurostat figures, Ireland (41.5%) had the highest number of households with children in the EU in 2015. The EU average was 29.8% (down from 32.2% in 2006) with Sweden (21.6 %) and Germany (21.8 %) having the lowest shares. The most common household type in the EU was single adults without children (33.4%), followed by couples without children (24.6%) and couples with children (20%). Single adults without children comprised 22.8% of Irish households in 2015 while couples with children made up 28.9% and couples without children made up 20.8%. Single adults with children accounted for 6.2%, which is well above the EU average of 4.5%. Other types of Irish households accounted for the remaining 6.4%. Average household size in Ireland was also one of the highest in the EU at 2.7 people per household after Croatia and Slovakia (both 2.8). It was lowest in Denmark, Germany (both 2) and Sweden (1.8). The EU average was 2.3.
Only 0.2% of EU vegetables are grown in Ireland
New Eurostat figures show that only 0.2% of the EU's vegetables and 0.1% of its apples are grown in Ireland. And Ireland grows such a low number of tomatoes that it doesn't even register on an EU-wide scale. Only 1% of Irish farms grow vegetables, the lowest in the EU. On average, vegetables are grown on 12.4 % of EU farms. And less than 1% (0.8%) of Irish farms had orchards for fruit growing compared to an EU average of 14.6%. Apples were the most common fruit grown in the EU with Poland producing the largest share (25%) followed by Italy (19.2 %), France (15.5 %) and Germany (7.7 %).
Box of apples
Novi Sad to be European Capital of Culture in 2021
The first ever European Capital of Culture in a candidate country for EU membership has been selected: Novi Sad (Serbia) is to hold the title in 2021 following a recommendation from a panel of independent experts to the European Commission. The European Capitals of Culture is an initiative of the European Union. Its objectives are to safeguard and promote the diversity of cultures in Europe, highlight the common features they share and foster the contribution of culture to the long-term development of cities.
Thursday 20 October: Screening of French movie "Le Dîner de Cons" with subtitles in Irish, Alliance Française, Dublin
To celebrate the European Day of Languages, the European Commission and the Alliance Francaise are organising a screening of the French movie "Le Dîner de Cons", subtitled in Irish, on Thursday 20 October. The movie is based on an adaptation of the play by Francis Veber. Pierre Brochant, a Parisian publisher, attends a weekly "idiots' dinner", where guests, who are prominent Parisian businessmen, must bring along an "idiot" who the other guests can ridicule.
Thursday 20 and Friday 21 October: European Council, Brussels
EU leaders meet on 20 and 21 October to discuss migration, trade and Russia, including its role in Syria. They will focus on cooperation with African countries of source and transit for migrants. They will hear a presentation by the EU High Representative and the Commission President about the state of play of so-called 'migration compacts' between the EU and African states. They will also discuss trade, including the future of CETA, the EU-Canada trade agreement. Leaders will also discuss long-term relations with Russia, not least in the context of recent dramatic developments in Syria.
Friday 21 October: Conference - 'Irish as a full official and working language of the EU', Dublin
On Friday 21 October, a special conference on 'Irish as a full official and working language of the EU' will take place in Dublin. The conference, which is being jointly organised by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and the European Commission will take place in the Aston Suite, O'Callaghan Alexander Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin 2 starting at 9 am. The conference opens with keynote speeches from Mr Seán Kyne T.D., Minister of State for Gaeltacht Affairs, and Mr Rytis Martikonis, Director General, Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission.
Monday 24 to Thursday 27 October: European Parliament plenary session, Strasbourg
The next plenary session of the European Parliament will take place in Strasbourg from Monday 24 to Thursday 27 October.
Friday 21 October: Conference - Brexit: implications for public policy and public administration in Ireland, Dublin
EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan, is to address a conference organised by Public Affairs Ireland on "Brexit: implications for public policy and public administration in Ireland". The conference takes place on Friday morning, 21 October, from 9 am to 1 pm.
Monday 7 October: Eurogroup meeting, Brussels
Eurozone Finance ministers will meet in Brussels on Monday 7 October.
Tuesday 8 November: Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Brussels
European Finance Ministers will meet in Brussels on Tuesday 8 November.
Calls for Tender/Proposals
Call for tender: Provision of Media Consultancy Services
A call for tender has been launched for the provision of media consultancy services: online communication consultancy services to the European Commission Representation in Ireland. The deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate is 24 November 2016.
€2.5 billion Calls for Proposals for Erasmus+
The European Commission has just published its 2017 Call for Proposals for Erasmus+, the European Union's programme for education, training, youth and sport. For 2017, funds available for the programme have increased by almost €300 million compared to 2016, also representing a record annual rise of funds since the first year of the Erasmus+ programme (2014). This will benefit Erasmus students, but also teachers, apprentices, volunteers and young people involved in sport projects, while also supporting cooperation between education institutions, youth organisations and businesses. As in 2016, priority will be given to projects promoting social inclusion.
Public consultations
Public stakeholder consultation – interim evaluation of Horizon 2020
The objective of this consultation is to collect information from a wide audience on different aspects of Horizon 2020 implementation. It is open until 15 January 2016.
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