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European Commission EU NEWS YOU CAN USE
European Commission in Ireland
In this issue - 29 September

Top News
Commission urges Ireland to improve the collection and treatment of waste water: Reasoned Opinion issued
The European Commission is calling on Ireland to ensure that urban waste water is adequately treated in 38 agglomerations around the country. Under EU law (Council Directive 91/271/EEC), towns and cities are required to collect and treat their urban waste water, as untreated waste water can put human health at risk and pollute lakes, rivers, soil and coastal and groundwater. The 38 agglomerations in breach of these requirements are: Arklow, Athlone, Ballybofey/Stranorlar, Ballincollig New, Carringtwohill, Castlecomer, Cavan, Clifden, Clonakilty, Cobh, Cork City, Dundalk, Enfield, Enniscorthy, Fermoy, Gaoth Dobhair, Killarney, Killybegs, Longford, Mallow, Midleton, Monksland, Navan, Nenagh, Oberstown, Passage/Monktown, Portarlington, Rathcormac, Ringaskiddy, Ringsend, Roscommon Town, Roscrea, Shannon Town, Thurles, Tralee, Tubbercurry, Youghal and Waterford City.
Gerard Kiely appointed Head of the Commission Representation in Dublin
Mr Gerard Kiely will take up office as the new Head of the European Commission's Representation in Ireland on 1 October 2016. He brings over thirty years of European and International affairs experience as well as strong communication skills to this post. In recent years, Mr Kiely occupied a series of managerial posts in the Directorate General for Agriculture, including over the last six years as Head of the Unit for Pre-Accession Assistance. Barbara Nolan, who has been Head of Representation in Ireland since 2010, is returning to Commission Headquarters in Brussels to take up a management position dealing with Education Policy.
Gerard Kiely
Sharp fall in migrant numbers crossing to Greece
A Commission report on the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement of 18 March 2016 shows a sharp and continued fall in the numbers of people crossing the Aegean Sea, from a daily average of 1,700 people before implementation of the Statement to a new average of 85. EU countries have also increased their efforts on resettlement – offering legal and safe pathways to 10,695 people so far of the agreed 22,504 under the July 2015 scheme. Ireland has now settled 439 refugees under the Scheme. Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said: "The implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement has continued, and the reduction in attempts to cross the Aegean and in deaths at sea has confirmed its core rationale. I also welcome the efforts of Member States to increase relocation and resettlement. However, those who can do more should do so urgently. We can only effectively manage asylum and migration in Europe, if we all work together in a spirit of solidarity and responsibility."
People being rescued by an EU ship
Galway's Marine Institute gets EU award
European Commissioner Karmenu Vella (Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) presented Galway's Marine Institute with the first Atlantic Project Award for International Cooperation earlier this week. The ceremony took place in Croke Park which hosted the Atlantic Stakeholders Conference. Presenting the award, Commissioner Vella said: "Together, we are focused on using the potential of the sea to offer new economic opportunities. Opportunities not only in emerging sectors, but also by breathing fresh air into traditional ones." The project which won the award was led by Ireland and included a number of international partners. It was funded by Horizon 2020, the EU's research fund and looked at how to implement the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean cooperation.
Commissioner Vella at the conference
Other news
Lowest share of over 80s in Ireland
Ireland and Slovakia (both 3.1%) have the lowest shares of over 80 year olds in their populations while Italy (6.5%) and Greece (6.3%) have the highest, according to new figures released by Eurostat to mark International Day of Older Persons. However this figure is on the rise in almost all EU countries (in Ireland it was up from 2.6% in 2005). For most EU countries, including Ireland, women accounted for at least 60% of over 80 year olds. Life expectancy for the over 80s is also improving all over the EU with people aged over 80 in France now having an average life expectancy of 11 years. In Ireland it is up to 9.1 years (9.8 years for women and 8.2 years for men), which is a little below the EU average of 9.5 years. It was lowest in Bulgaria (7.0 years), Romania (7.6 years), Croatia (7.7 years).
Older people in the gym
Over 4,000 Irish dairy farmers sign up for milk production reduction scheme
Ireland (4,500) had the third highest number of dairy farmers who signed up for the Milk Production Reduction Scheme, announced by the Commission last July to incentivise a reduction in milk production. In total 52,000 dairy farmers in 27 Member States have applied to participate in the scheme with the highest numbers coming from France (13,000) and Germany (10,000). EU Agriculture Commissioner Hogan said the figures showed that "the scheme has proven to be both very attractive and successful. It fully meets our expectations. I am confident that this measure, allied to others included in the July and earlier packages, will contribute further to an already stabilising market situation in the European dairy market. I am particularly pleased at the level of participation among the main dairy producing Member States."
Farmer with milk churns
French still most popular foreign language in Ireland
New Eurostat figures show that French (60%) is still the most popular foreign language studied in Irish secondary schools (2014 figures). German (21.4%) and Spanish (15.6%) were the next most popular foreign languages. Across the EU as a whole, English was by far the most popular foreign language with 97.3% of lower secondary students studying it. Only in Belgium (46.3%), Luxembourg (54.0%), Hungary (69.3%) and Bulgaria (87.2%) was the share of pupils learning English below 90%. French was the second most popular foreign language studied followed by German and Spanish. Russian was the most popular non-EU language studied.
Spain top tourist destination for Irish people
According to figures published by Eurostat to mark World Tourism Day earlier this week, Spain was the top foreign destination for Irish tourists in 2014 (18.2%), followed by the United Kingdom 13.5% and the US (8%). However, over 1 in 4 (26.7%) Irish people took staycations in 2014, although usually for short periods. The top countries of origin of visitors to Ireland in 2014 were the UK (8.3%), the US (8%) and Germany (4.6%). Older tourists (aged 65 and older) accounted for 23% of tourism nights in Ireland in 2014.
Image from Eurostat infographic on tourism
€600 million for Syrian refugees' education and health
The European Commission has signed two direct grants worth €600 million to support Syrian refugees and host communities in Turkey in the areas of education and health. The €600 million grants - €300 million for education and €300 million for health - are funded under the €1.415 billion "Special Measure". The direct grant for education means 500,000 Syrian students can receive education in the Turkish language. The direct grant in the area of health is for comprehensive health care for refugees in Turkey. Since March this year, the EU has mobilised more than €2 billion out of its total budget of €3 billion under the Facility for Refugees in Turkey.
Transparency Register for all EU institutions
The European Commission wants a mandatory Transparency Register covering all three EU institutions – the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. The Commission is proposing that all three institutions – including the Council - be subject to the same minimum standards for the first time. Under these proposals, lobbyists would have to register in the Transparency Register before any meetings with decision-makers. First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said: "Today's proposals for a mandatory transparency register covering the Parliament, Council and Commission are an important step in the right direction. Citizens have the right to know who tries to influence EU law-making. We propose a simple rule: no meeting with decision-makers without prior registration. Through the Register, the public will see who is lobbying, who they represent and how much they spend."
Call for proposals for infrastructure
The European Commission has launched the first-ever call for proposals under the EU funding programme for infrastructure, called the Connecting Europe Facility, to support projects fostering synergies between transport and energy infrastructure. The call makes €40 million available to studies supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, in line with the Europe 2020 strategy, as well as enabling the EU to achieve its sustainable development targets through the creation of synergies between transport and energy. Support will be granted to study projects with or without pilot deployment on a competitive basis in the form of EU co-financing of up to 60% of eligible costs, following a thorough evaluation and selection process. Applicants have until 13 December 2016 to submit their proposals. The outcome of the call will be published by April 2017.
New restrictions on exports of dual-use items
The European Commission wants to strengthen controls on exports of certain goods and technologies that – as well as legitimate civilian applications – may also be misused for severe human rights violations, terrorist acts or the development of weapons of mass destruction. A main element of the proposal is a new "human security" dimension in export controls, to prevent human rights violations associated with certain cyber-surveillance technologies. EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström said: "We are living in turbulent times. Preserving peace and protecting human rights are core objectives of the EU and our trade policy is essential to that aim. That's why we are proposing a set of modern rules to make sure that exports are not misused to threaten international security or undermine human rights".
Eurostat treatment of Public Private Partnerships
The European Commission and European Investment Bank have published a new Guide to the Statistical Treatment of Public Private Partnerships. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are expected to play an important role in getting Europe’s investment in infrastructure back on track. While the Guide does not change the rules used by Eurostat in classifying PPPs, it analyses the most common features of current PPP contracts in the light of these rules and gives a clear overview of their potential impact on government finances. The guide will help Member States and other PPP stakeholders to better understand the impact that the features of PPP contracts have on government balance sheets and will assist public authorities in taking well-informed decisions when preparing and procuring their PPPs.
Friday 30 September: Conference on Investing in Ireland's Infrastructure, Dublin
The European Commission Representation in Ireland and the European Movement Ireland are hosting a half-day conference on Investing in Ireland's Infrastructure. The conference will take place on Friday 30 September in the Chartered Accountants House, 47-49 Pearse Street, Dublin 2, from 9 am to 1 pm. The keynote speaker will be the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, and Ireland's new vice-president at the EIB, Andrew McDowell will also speak. The event is free to attend. Register in advance at: rsvp@europeanmovement.ie.
Friday 30 September: Environment Council, Brussels
EU Environment Ministers will meet in Brussels on Friday 30 September.
Monday 3 to Thursday 6 October: European Parliament Plenary session, Strasbourg
The daily agendas for this plenary session are now available online.
Tuesday 3 October: Info day on Horizon 2020 ‘Smart grids and storage’, Brussels
The event targets potential applicants to the calls for 'Smart Grids and Storage' projects, which will be funded under the 2016-2017 Horizon 2020 work programme ' Secure, clean and efficient energy', and in particular under the 'Competitive low-carbon energy' (LCE) call. Presentations will cover the call content and the application procedure. A networking session will take place in the afternoon. The event can also be followed via live web streaming and on Twitter at #H2020GridsStorage.
Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 October: Brussels Conference on Afghanistan, Brussels
On 5 October, the European Union and the government of Afghanistan will co-host the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan. This conference will gather up to 70 countries and 30 international organizations and agencies. It will provide a platform for the government of Afghanistan to set out its vision and track record on reform. For the international community, it will be the opportunity to signal sustained political and financial support to Afghan peace, state-building and development. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, High Representative Federica Mogherini and Neven Mimica, European Commissioner for Development Cooperation, will represent the European Union.
Thursday 6 October: EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management to address the Institute of International and European Affairs, Dublin
On Thursday 6 October, EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides will address the IIEA on the Role of Education in Displacement Crises. Emergencies and protracted crises, such as the current migration crisis, are disrupting the opportunities for education of an estimated 75 million children and youth across 35 countries. In his keynote address to the IIEA, Commissioner Stylianides will discuss the European Union’s strategies for supporting education in crisis situations, and the challenges the EU faces achieving this priority.
Thursday 6 October: The European Investment Plan and Economic Policies – What’s in it for the South East’s SMEs and entrepreneurs?, Waterford
The Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre, in association with the Waterford Chamber of Commerce and supported by the European Commission Representation, are organising a lunchtime session on the European Investment Plan in Waterford (Central Library, Lady Lane) on Thursday 6 October starting at 12.45 p.m.
Monday 10 October: Eurogroup meeting, Brussels
Eurozone Finance Ministers will meet in Brussels on Monday, 10 October.
Tuesday 11 October: Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Luxembourg
EU Finance Ministers will meet in Luxembourg on Tuesday 11 October.
Monday 10 to Tuesday 11 October: Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Luxembourg
EU Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers will meet in Luxembourg on Monday and Tuesday, 10 and 11 October.
Tuesday 11 October: Time to Move (event promoting mobility opportunities for young people), Dublin Castle
Eurodesk Ireland and Léargas invite youth workers, information workers, guidance counsellors, youth and career officers and everyone working with young people who might benefit from working, volunteering, studying and training in Europe to join us at our special event “Time To Move” on 11 October 2016 in Dublin Castle.
Time to Move logo
Wednesday 12 October: Networking seminar on motivation strategies, Dublin
A one-day networking seminar will bring together various European Globalisation adjustment Fund (EGF) stakeholders who will learn about strategies to motivate redundant workers to proactively participate in their reintegration into employment
Public consultations
Public consultation on the evaluation of the Lifts Directive
The European Commission published a public consultation on the evaluation of the Lifts Directive 95/16/EC. The consultation is open until 16 December 2016.
Public consultation on the evaluation of the Machinery Directive
The European Commission has published a public consultation on the evaluation of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. The consultation is open until 16 December 2016.
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