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2024 Technical Support Instrument projects revealed!

  • 02 July 2024
2024 Technical Support Instrument projects revealed!

Through the Technical Support Instrument (TSI), the European Commission is currently providing support to 18 Member States through two flagship initiatives launched as part of the TSI 2024 cycle: “Overcoming Barriers to Regional Development” and “Fostering Skills Development Systems”.

Through the flagship “Overcoming Barriers to Regional Development”, support is being provided to regions facing “talent development traps”, and/or similar regional development barriers. In Finland, support is being provided to the eastern and south-eastern border regions to design and implement an overarching transition strategy, in addition to support for the development of eight regional economic transformation strategies for sustainable regional development. In Slovenia, technical support is being provided for the preparation of a new regional development strategy and dedicated regional development plans to guide the restructuring of the Savinjsko-Šaleška and Zasavska coal regions.

Through the flagship “Fostering Skills Development Systems”, support is being provided to ensure the adequate adaptation of education and training systems to meet the demands of the green, digital and demographic transitions. Specific support is being provided to two Polish cities (Wroclaw and Katowice) towards the development of a framework for the sustainable integration of migrant and refugee children (and their caregivers) within the education system. In addition, support is being provided to Bulgaria and Portugal in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC). As part of this project targeted recommendations will be provided to raise the quality, accessibility, and inclusiveness of ECEC, by improving the overall governance and efforts related to monitoring and evaluation.

The full work programme for 2024 for the TSI is available here.


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