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JTPeers Exchange announces the next edition of peer-to-peer exchanges

  • 25 April 2024
JTPeers Exchange announces the next edition of peer-to-peer exchanges

The Just Transition Platform (JTP) announces the second edition peer-to-peer exchanges under the JTPeers Exchange programme.

JTPeers Exchange – eight new exchanges supporting 14 JTF territories

After successfully implementing seven exchanges in 2023, JTPeers Exchange will facilitate eight new exchanges in the first half of 2024. The JTPeers Exchanges will take place in different formats, facilitating a mix of region-to-region and region-to-expert exchanges. Experts for exchanges were selected from the JTPeers Expert Database based on their topical and regional expertise. 

The JTPeers Exchange programme follows a needs-based approach, focusing on enhancing skills and expertise on how to implement just transition processes, based on mutual learning and the experiences of practitioners and experts.

Through developing robust relationships, regional actors and individual experts can offer opinions and expertise to support the implementation of Territorial Just Transition Plans, explore common challenges and co-create possible solutions.

The exchanges serve as a forum for local, regional, national, and EU-wide actors to share knowledge and good practices in just transition implementation and strengthen cooperation between practitioners in affected regions.

The following visual illustrates the territories that have been selected to participate in the second edition of JTPeers Exchange:


New cohort of beneficiaries of technical assistance under the Just Transition Platform

The next call for JTPeers Exchange is foreseen to launch in September 2024.

DG REGIO is currently organising a series of training events targeting national and regional authorities responsible for the management of Cohesion policy programmes, including a module on state aid that is relevant for Just Transition Fund funds. More information is available here.

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