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A modern cultural hub in Molenbeek supported by the EU is reopening

  • 17 November 2023
A modern cultural hub in Molenbeek supported by the EU is reopening

On Friday, November 17, Gemeenschapscentrum Vaartkapoen is opening its renovated doors, marking an important moment not only for Molenbeek but also as a proof of the collaborative efforts of the EU in fostering cultural spaces. The grand reopening promises a dynamic blend of culture, inclusivity, and innovation.

The four-year metamorphosis of Gemeenschapscentrum Vaartkapoen (VK) received a substantial boost from EU funding, specifically from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). With a project cost exceeding 11 million euros, the EU's contribution of 2.25 million euros, divided equally between Europe and the Brussels-Capital Region, underscores the commitment to revitalizing cultural spaces and fostering community engagement.

As expressed by Mr. Slawomir Tokarski, a representative from the European Commission, "Cohesion policy has brought much more than financial resources; it has placed at the center of its support an approach based on partnership with local actors and citizens. This is what is called shared management, ensuring that decisions on public investments are made as close as possible to the citizens and best meet their needs."

The renovation project aligns with the EU's objectives for sustainable urban development and cultural enrichment. EU support enabled the implementation of high-impact, eco-friendly features, such as rainwater harvesting, energy-efficient glass, and additional insulation, making the building a beacon of environmental sustainability.

The reopening of Gemeenschapscentrum Vaartkapoen stands as evidence of the transformative power of EU funding in revitalizing cultural spaces. By marrying innovation, sustainability, and community engagement, the VK becomes a symbol of the EU's dedication to fostering vibrant, inclusive communities through cultural initiatives. As the doors swing open, Molenbeek welcomes not only a renovated cultural hub but also a tangible example of the EU's impact on shaping the cultural landscape of Brussels.